Pleasing the Lord

“When a man’s ways please the Lord, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.” (Proverbs 16:7)

As I was reading in Precious Pearls from the Proverbs this morning, the chapter was based on the above verse. I memorized that verse a long time ago but I never thought about its meaning. Is it true that all we have to do is please the Lord and we won’t have an enemy in the world? That’s what it sounds like until you think about the verses which talk about a man’s enemies being those of his own household or what about “All that will live Godly in Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12)?

There is obviously truth to both verses. If we are serving God wholeheartedly, we will be persecuted. We’ll be accused of being legalistic or “too Heavenly minded to be any earthly good.” We may even be slandered by those who think we’re “too good to be true” and who, therefore, are determined to undermine us. However, no matter what others throw at us, if we are truly pleasing God, people will notice and they will be drawn to Him. If we can counter their attacks with kindness and love, we may win them back as opposed to driving a deeper wedge between us.

I’ve learned not to take the bad things that come as an automatic sign of God’s displeasure but I do believe that, if I’m walking in His ways and striving to please Him, nothing will be able to touch me for I will have His Spirit giving me the strength to move on to live peaceably with all men, and those who refuse to live peaceably will eventually move on. All I need to do is stay close to Christ.

Yes, Lord, Yes

Trust and surrender: two attributes required of Christians but ones which can be hard to put into practice. For a year or two, these have been the traits which God has reminded me over and over again I need to possess. He’s helping me in so many ways but I still marvel at the fact that it is not habit to trust the Lord yet or to surrender my will to His. I’m closer than I used to be but many times, I still find my first reaction to be one of disbelief or fear. Thankfully, I serve a patient God who has to feel sadness as I doubt His wisdom. I may not consciously do so but, when my eyes aren’t on Him, I’m sure that’s what I’m communicating.

This week, I’m striving to draw closer to Him so I become more aware of Him every moment. If my eyes are on Him and I’m asking Him to truly order my day, I know He’ll be faithful to do so and I know He’ll give me strength for whatever comes. He is always trustworthy. I can always depend on Him and, because of that, my posture is “Yes, Lord, Yes to Your will and to Your way. Yes, Lord, Yes. I will trust you and obey. When Your Spirit speaks to me, with my whole heart I’ll agree and my answer will be Yes, Lord, Yes!”

CD Review: Sunday Morning Feeling (The Copenhavers)

I met the Copenhavers about three years ago and I love seeing their smiling faces each time our paths cross. Their new CD is a collection of both old and new songs.

The CD starts with the title song which was written by Karen Copenhaver and sung by Jim Copenhaver. Next is “He Set Me Free,” followed by Josh Copenhaver singing, “If I Can Help Somebody.”

Karen Copenhaver sang a song she wrote titled “Everlasting Love” which was based around Jeremiah 31:3. Then they sing “Love is Like a River.” I have a hurt foot but I find myself tapping my other foot when this song comes on. 🙂

Next is “What a Meeting” and “Glad Reunion Day,” followed by Karen’s uptempo song “Restore Unto Me” and ending with “Give Them All to Jesus” featuring Angela Copenhaver. I haven’t heard anyone record that in about 20 years but it’s a needed reminder today as it was then.

The Good Fight

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)

What a testimony! How I long to be able to say that when my race is over. It is not always easy to fight the good fight but I remind myself that it is so worth it. To be able to reach the end of life and have my Father look at me with love in His eyes and say, “Well done, my faithful daughter, enter into your rest” will be a blessing beyond words. No amount of worldly pleasure can compare with that, and that is what my eyes are on.

If you have been tempted to give in lately, let me remind you that sin may seem pleasurable for a season but the punishment for sin is death. Even if you later repent, there may be consequences you will have to live with the rest of your life. It’s really not worth it.

We sing “I Surrender All” but I wonder how many people can honestly say they have totally surrendered to Christ to the point that they would do whatever He asks of them. I hope you can say that. He would not tell us that He would provide a way of escape if it weren’t true. Repent of your sins, and He will deliver you from whatever sins are a part of you today. It’s so important.


It seems to me like the greatest wall in relationships is misunderstandings. Often, people think they know the motive for a person’s words or actions (or lack of them) when the real motive was something entirely different. I’ve been trying to figure out why that is. Why do people always believe the worst? What about preferring others above ourselves or love believing the best? I believe it’s because we’re a self-centered society. If we’re unhappy or hurting, it’s got to be someone’s fault … but it’s not mine!

In close relationships, there has to be giving and taking. If one person is doing all the giving and another is doing all the taking, it’s not much of a relationship. Sure, the one taking may think they’re getting along fine but the one giving is bound to wear out. When that happens, the taker will be hard pressed to figure out what happened but both will wish there had been a different outcome.

When you interact with people, are you looking for ways to serve them, or are you focused on what they can do for you? “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friend.” (John 15:13) Let’s strive to believe the best about others and give them the benefit of the doubt, especially when interacting with our Brothers and Sisters. If you’re starting to be offended by something they’re doing or not doing, talk to them. You may find out it was purely accidental, and your relationship will be stronger because you cared enough to ask about it as opposed to taking offense and allowing it to drive a wedge between you.

The Way That He Loves

Back in the 1970s, there was a popular song titled “The Way That He Loves.” I wish I could find it on YouTube so I could share it with you but I’ve been thinking about Christ’s love lately. His love truly is refreshing. It brightens our way. It gives us hope when we have no hope. If we’re honest, we know we don’t deserve the love of our King but, if you’re like me, you’ve come to depend on it. Maybe you haven’t thought about it but I would not want to live without Christ’s love.

As unfathomable as His love is, He desires that we love others with that same love. He is setting the example. We know what it means to be loved by Him. Are we willing to give of ourselves for others the way Christ gives Himself for us? I love the old Don Francisco song which says, “Love is not a feeling; it’s an act of your will.” I’m sure it’s not always easy for Christ to love us. There must be times He rolls His eyes or gets frustrated but He also realizes we’re weak humans and, as long as our heart is toward Him, He’s willing to pick us up and help us get back on the straight and narrow way. That’s what we need to do for our Brothers and Sisters. Let’s strive to truly bear with each other and encourage each other to keep growing in our walk with Christ. As we do so, we’ll begin to love the way that He loves.

CD Review: The Ultimate Collection (The Paynes)

Back in the 1980s and early 1990s, there was a rash of my favorite groups that disbanded. First, the Happy Goodmans. Then the Hinsons, the Hemphills and, finally, the Paynes. I used to love listening to them on the radio and I wished I had more of their music.

About a year or so ago, I discovered that the Paynes put together what they call “The Ultimate Collection,” and it is exactly that. Three CDs containing over 60 of your favorite Payne family songs. It’s been so fun to go down memory lane as I play each CD with over an hour of music on it. Some songs I didn’t remember but a lot I did. There are live versions to some of their songs such as “Angels Step Back,” “Rise and Walk,” “The King of Glory,” “If God Be For Us,” and “Holy of Holies.”

For a complete listing of their songs, visit their store on the web. These CDs are definitely worth the investment.

Some More Random Thoughts

You may remember John Denver’s song, “Back Home Again.” I love to travel but there is something special about having a place to call home.

We had a great weekend in North Dakota. It’s been a long time since I’ve encountered temperatures so cold but I suspect I won’t complain about the coldness the rest of the winter. Right now, 20 degrees doesn’t feel so bad. 🙂

I hope you are doing well and feeling encouraged. It can be easy to lose sight of the fact that you are loved but I can tell you unequivocally that you are. I hope you feel that love today. If you don’t, draw near to Christ. He has promised in return to draw near to you, and He will love you like no one else will.

I know this is short and sweet (well, at least it’s short) but I’ll try to write more later this week. For now, let me just thank you again for taking the time to read my blog. May you have a blessed week keeping your eyes on Christ.

A Quick Note

I’m just putting up a quick post before I head to bed on the eve of what promises to be a very long day. My brother and I leave early in the morning to head to the cold state of North Dakota where he will be speaking this weekend. Please pray for us as God bring us to mind. I will be back late Sunday night so will more than likely not be able to put up any more posts until Monday. However, I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Keep looking up and asking God to show you the many blessings He’s given you. If you’re new to my blog, you may enjoy reading former posts. Just pray God will lead you to the ones that He would like to speak to you through. “Faithful is He that calls you, who also will do it.” (1 Thessalonians 5:24)

Spiritual Battle

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

I don’t know if everyone feels the spiritual battle like I do but I feel it almost constantly. It seems like life is a struggle, whether it’s making the right choices, fighting to stay healthy, trying to attempt a simple task. It’s just plain hard. But I always know that, although I may feel the battle intensely at times, I’m not fighting it alone. Every time I win a battle, it’s only because my God is fighting it for me. He’s strong when I’m weak. When I’m ready to crumble, He comes along and picks me up and reminds me that “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)

I’m thankful God loves me that much. No matter what today or tomorrow or next week brings, my God will still be here holding my hand and wielding His sword which the enemy has no power against. And with that thought, I can rest peacefully for nothing can harm me that He doesn’t allow. Thank You, Lord, for that reminder.
