SGW’s One-Year Anniversary!
I can’t believe it was one year ago today that I put up my first blog post on my very own blog. I remember at the time asking God to give me the words to write and to use this blog for His glory. I trust He’s done that in some way. I call it my blog but, in reality, I want it to be His blog. He is the reason it exists anyway.
When I started the blog, the purpose as I saw it was: 1) to keep y’all informed of various Southern Gospel projects by both well known and lesser known groups and 2) to encourage the Body of Christ to keep drawing nearer to the Savior who loves us more than we can imagine. I wondered, in combining the two purposes into one blog, if that would hinder people from reading but God knows what each person needs and I trust that He is directing you to the right posts at the right time.
Since it’s been a year, I would really appreciate your feedback. What have you appreciated about the blog this past year? Is there anything you would like to see more of? Less of? I’d also love to know how long you’ve been reading the blog. I’d love to hear from every reader but I know that most of you read blogs to read, not to post. I do want to say that I appreciate each one of you. If I can pray for you in any way, please let me know. We serve a faithful God whose hand is not too short and whose love for you is vast!
Thank You, Lord, for Your blessings on me and on all those who are reading this. May You be glorified in all we say and do. You are worthy of our praise and I pray we never cease to give You the praise that You deserve.
Tribute Quartet’s Bus Catches Fire
Friday afternoon around 5:00 p.m. the Tribute Quartet lost their bus when the rear passenger tire blew and caught fire. I am so thankful that no one was hurt but, in a way, for people who live half their lives on a bus, it’s got to be similar to losing a home. Buses are very expensive to replace. Plus most of the clothing on the bus was burned as well, another expense they weren’t counting on. Everything happens for a reason and God’s hand of protection was definitely on them even though satan would love to see them discouraged and defeated.
Please pray that God will encourage their hearts, that He’ll give them the strength to go back on the road next weekend and that He will restore ten-fold what the devil’s stolen. I noticed on their website that they encourage people to write in with their prayer requests. Now is the perfect opportunity to return the favor by lifting them up to the Throne. We serve a faithful God.
If God lays it on your heart, I’m sure they would also appreciate your support however you feel led to support them, whether monetarily or just with a note of encouragement. You will find their address on their website and, while you’re at it, you may want to purchase a CD. 🙂
CD Review: Jesus Use Me (Stewart Varnado)
I never used to like instrumental CDs. I don’t know if I’m getting old or if CDs are getting better but I’ve come across a couple lately that I actually enjoy. This CD from Stewart Varnado is one of those. It’s not a background CD but one you can actually get into. It covers the gamut of toe-tapping to worshipful to just melodic such as “Tell My Friends.” I love that song anyway and, as I listen, I can sway back and forth pretending I’m Lily Weatherford singing, “For I will be there too.” 🙂
Maybe that’s the reason I love this CD. I know most of the songs and, although the arrangements are creative, they are recognizable so I can sing along. The songs included are:
“Count Your Blessings,” “Come and Dine,” “I’ve Come Too Far,” “There’s a Light Guiding Me,” “Jesus Use Me,” “Jesus Hold My Hand,” “Tell My Friends,” “God on the Mountain,” “Unworthy,” and “I’ve Got That Old Time Religion.”
True Freedom
I’m free from the fear of tomorrow
I’m free from the guilt of my past
For I’ve traded my shackles for a glorious song
Now I’m free, praise the Lord, free at last
Freedom. So often, we think of external freedom: a prisoner who’s been released from prison, a captive who’s escaped from his captor, a slave who’s been set free. However, true freedom begins in the heart. Slavery to sin can be harder to live with than the previously mentioned situations as it’s a bondage which we’ve placed upon ourselves. It’s a prison that’s self-induced but there is Someone who has the key to release us from our man-made prison if we would but ask Him, and His name is Jesus.
When we escape the devil’s clutches, we understand what it’s like to be free for the first time in our lives. It’s like being blind and finally able to see. The grass looks greener, the sky looks bluer, other people even look different because we are now seeing through eyes of the Spirit, the way we were meant to see.
I’m thankful to live in a country where I have freedom to worship God but, even if the leaders of my country told me I couldn’t, I would still have that freedom because my God has given it to me. My allegiance really belongs to Him, and that is why I’m free.
I pray that you are walking in the Freedom that God’s called you to walk in. You don’t have to keep your empty life. You can surrender it to Him and let Him fill it. Life with God is not an automatic pain-free life but it is one where you learn to rejoice through the pain and, Friend, I wouldn’t trade this freedom for anything!
(Song at beginning written by Bill & Gloria Gaither)
CD Review: Encore (The LeFevre Quartet)
The LeFevre Quartet recently put together a recording of songs that you will remember from years gone by but which continue to be favorites of young and old alike. I love the arrangements which are personal to the quartet and yet is reminiscent of eras gone by.
When writing a review, I generally try to pick out at least a few songs to specifically mention and say something about but it’s hard with this recording as I love them all. The songs they chose are:
“I Wouldn’t Take Nothing for my Journey Now,” “New Shoes,” “When the Gates Swing Open,” “Hold On,” “Then I Met the Master,” “Living in the Light of God,” “The Coming of the Lord,” “I Don’t Know Why,” “I Wanna Be Just Like My Lord,” and “Robe of White.” As a Brian Free fan, I’m not sure I would like another group’s rendition of this last song but I’m very glad the LeFevre Quartet included it on this recording. A great job from a first-class quartet.
What a Day That Will Be
“Jasper walls, gates of pearl, rejoicing around the throne. We call it special; the special call it Home.” ~ Carroll McGruder
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)
“And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him. They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads. There shall be no night there: They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever.” (Revelation 22:1-5)
Heaven. Do you ever stop to think about what it’s like? The most beautiful scene on earth can’t hold a candle to the glory that God has prepared for those who love Him and serve Him. And with each saint who goes ahead of us, the longing for it becomes that much greater.
Think of it! A place where there is no more dying, no suffering, no trials of any kind. Simply a lifetime of praising and glorifying God, worshiping night and day. No matter how much I miss my loved ones who have gone before, I wouldn’t wish them back for even one second. They’ve attained the prize I long to attain. They’ve heard the words I long to hear: “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Lord.”
As long as this life seems at times, the days are flying by. It will be no time at all until I join them there and we will be reunited once again. Maybe we’ll embrace for a million years. I don’t know. But I do know that all the cares of life will be left behind and I’ll finally be with the One who loved me enough to die for me. What a day, glorious day that will be!
CD Review: I Can Call Jesus (The Telestials)
I remember years ago reading an article about The Telestials in the Singing News magazine. This is the first time I’ve actually heard them but I’m really enjoying their latest CD. They are definitely a top-notch group. From the uptempo “I Wanna Go There” to the final note of “Redeemed,” this is a CD any mixed group fan would love.
Songs included on this CD are the two mentioned above, as well as “Everything,” “One Way Flight,” “No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus,” “Free,” “My Redeemer is Faithful and True,” “Oh What a Savior, What a Friend,” “I Can Call Jesus,” and “Through It All.”
My 2011 Prayer
I hope your year’s getting off to a great start. Mine started well and then this week’s been full of tests. It should be encouraging since I know satan wouldn’t be fighting this hard if God weren’t about to do something great. It’s hard to stay focused on that fact, though, when going through it. I believe God’s calling me to grow this year and, honestly, I’m not passing every test at present. I do well if I look to Him but, if I portray a horizontal focus at any point, I quickly revert.
God, I long to be what You desire me to be. I want to be selfless, humble, and constantly considering others above myself. I’m not there yet but, with Your help, I know I can be a daughter that You can be proud of.
A New Week
Sunday is definitely my favorite day of the week. I would quickly get burnt out if I didn’t have a day to rest, read, worship, pray and just focus on Christ. God was so good to think of us when He set the example of taking a day to rest. The downside can be getting back into the daily grind Monday morning but the fact is that every day is a day to present our bodies a living sacrifice. The extra time spent with Him on Sunday should prepare us for the work He has for us to do during the week.
Let’s not dishonor Him by complaining about our work but let’s approach the week with thanksgiving. We are truly blessed that we have a work to do. God could bypass us and choose to use someone else but He called us, and He deserves the best we have to give. I’m committed to do just that. What about you?
A Soft Answer
If there’s one thing God is trying to teach me this year, it’s the value of the “soft answer” which turns away (and prevents) wrath. It’s not always easy. Sometimes my ideas can get ahead of God and I may want to strongly make my view known to someone who disagrees with me but I’m learning to look to God for peace and direction. Sometimes timing in when a word is said is key. When something’s on my mind, I’m often eager to get it off my chest but sometimes the conversation goes better if brought up at another time. Maybe the key is once again being led by the Spirit. It may seem like a small thing but I wonder if friction is ever necessary. A soft answer really does turn away wrath.
I pray God helps me conquer this this year. I love it when He takes the time to show me what He desires to teach me. He is so patient and I’m happiest when I surrender. Lord, help me do so consistently.