A Peek at my Hectic Week
Dear Friends, I’m sorry I have not been able to post much lately but I truly appreciate those of you who continue to check my blog each day to see what I’ve written. Between work, babysitting and having a guest the past week, life continues to accelerate. It reminds me of the importance of being still and knowing He is God. If we don’t make the time to sit at His feet, life will run away and take us with it and we’ll wake up one day wondering how in the world we ended up where we are. I’m thankful to say that, regardless of how much I’ve had going on, God continues to lead and guide and give strength where it’s needed.
Probably the greatest adventure lately was being woke up by one of the children I was babysitting to let me know that there was a mouse in the toilet. I live in the country but I still feel somewhat citified and I don’t think very quickly when I’m not awake. Yet I roused myself enough to dig the mouse out before anyone else got up and refused to use that bathroom. The ironic thing was that I’d just set a trap the evening before. Did he see the trap and decided he’d rather drown himself? I don’t know but I’m sure there’s a spiritual lesson in there somewhere if I can get clear headed enough to see what it is.
Tomorrow, my brother and I will travel to the funeral of a young man who just went to be with Jesus. He’s battled sickness for years so, although we miss him and my heart goes out to his family, I’m thankful that he is no longer suffering. I’d have preferred a healing that left him here with us and allowed him to marry the young lady he loved but that wasn’t God’s plan. I may not understand God’s ways but I know His ways are always perfect.
I need to get back to work but I don’t want you to think I’ve forgotten you. Keep me in prayer as you think of it. Only God knows what each day will bring but I pray that, no matter what happens in my life, I will never cease to be faithful and to give Him the praise that He deserves. Have a blessed weekend!
I’m convinced humility is one of the hardest (if not THE hardest) character trait to attain, yet it’s one of the most important. People won’t respect someone who has enough respect for him or herself that they don’t need anyone to add to it.
As I was praying and going through my Bible study this morning, I was reminded of this fact but, true to form, I was tested and honestly I didn’t pass the test. I know I need to learn servanthood but way too often, I get in the way.
I suppose people look at praying for humility the same way they do praying for patience but, you know, we are commanded to be both humble and patience. Shouldn’t we, therefore, pray for God’s help in accomplishing His will? If God would help me to achieve those things, the struggle would not be as great as it is now.
Years ago, I read a book by Steve Gallagher entitled Irresistible to God. It was one of the best books on pride I ever read. Someone told me once that I should say it’s on humility instead of price since it sounds better. Maybe … but, if we’re that proud, God has an extra lot of humbling to do, doesn’t He.
Don’t be afraid to ask God to help you in those areas that you fail in. Yes, you will be tested but that’s how we come to be more like Him and, without that holiness, no one can see God. I don’t embrace the tests like I should but I’m asking God to help me do that too. He is faithful and I want to be just like Him!
Though None Go With Me
Do you ever find yourself singing, “Though none go with me, still I will follow … but I really hope some go with me”? If I’m honest, that’s how I would have written the song but I’ve learned that, no matter what decisions you make in life, even ones you see as Biblical decisions, there will be times you have to stand alone. Your closest friends may think you’re crazy and beginning to go a bit overboard in your convictions that they will begin to withdraw or will try to convince you that what you believe God spoke to you wasn’t God at all. Those are the moments you have to draw near to God and say boldly, “If it seem evil to you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15).
Loneliness is never fun but I’ve learned that it’s often in the lonely times that we are more aware that we are never alone. Recently, I’ve started thanking God for His kindness in never leaving me. I don’t know how I would get through life without Him but I do know I wouldn’t do it very well. I pray that, with every decision I make in life, none would be based on what others think I should do but I pray that I will be constantly focused on what God desires me to do. Others may consider me a fool but if God is pleased with me, it really doesn’t matter what others think. His opinion’s all that matters. Because of this, I can truly say, “Though none go with me, still I will follow. I’ll go with Him, with Him ALL THE WAY!”
Have you ever witnessed a miracle? If not, have you wanted to? God has answered so many of my prayers for specific miracles that I’m sure I don’t even remember them all. I do remember that, many times when the answer came, I was surprised and then I’d ask myself “Why?” We serve a great God who delights in giving good things to His children so why does it surprise us when He grants us our hearts’ desires?
Maybe you don’t think you have witnessed a miracle but have you ever stopped to think that life itself is a miracle? Every breath you breathe … every step you take … is really amazing. I don’t know how God thought of every body part to give us to function in a certain way but it’s beyond comprehension to me.
I still have some major things I’m asking God for but I don’t ever want to lose sight of His work in the relatively small details of life. The fact that He is by my side is a miracle and I praise Him for that. He is so worthy!
The Greatest of These is Love
Love. The essence of Christianity but something that is often overlooked. I just started a book called Spiritual Progress where the author makes the following statement: “When we cease to love a single person, we cease to be Christians.” At first glance, it would be easy to tear that apart. We often feel we have a reason to not love everyone but what did John mean when he said, “If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?” (1 John 4:20)?
“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). That is love, Folks, and that’s the love Christ wants us to have for others. Love is not warm, fuzzy feelings but a determination to not harbor hatred toward a person who has wronged us. It’s a willingness to go the distance for that person not because we feel like it but because it’s the right thing to do.
Are you harboring bitterness or resentment toward someone? If so, I encourage you to lay it at God’s feet and let go of it totally and completely. You can’t afford to let anyone or anything stand between you and God. Begin again to live that victorious, joyous life you’ve been longing for. As you allow Him to place a love in your heart, you will feel your burdens grow lighter and you’ll know the joy and the peace that only He can bring.
CD Review: Sojourner Quartet
The Sojourner Quartet out of Ohio put out a self-titled CD a few years ago which includes a great mixture of ballads and uptempo quartet songs. If you like four-part male harmony, you will like this CD.
From the first notes of “Get Up, Get Ready” to the end of “Will I See You Over Yonder” this recording is top notch. Bass singer Dave Barker went Home to be with Jesus last year but I loved listening to him sing. He was a quality singer who, although I only met him briefly, seemed to have a love for God and a love for God’s people.
Other songs on this recording are “Just Got to Praise Him,” “Precious Love of Jesus,” “The Lighthouse,” “Happy Time in Heaven,” “Just One Hope,” “Where the Light Comes from the Son,” “Lean on Me,” and “I’m a Whosoever.”
Pursue Holiness
Songs about Heaven are going through my mind today. Songs like “Heaven is Real” that New Journey sang or “Heaven is Where I’m Going” which I’ve really been enjoying from the Pfeifers. Just as Heaven is real, though, Hell is also real. I think people often forget that. Verses like “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14) often get overlooked as people like to think that, as long as they live a good life, they’ll make it. Have you ever thought about the fact that “a good life” does not automatically reflect holiness? You can live an outwardly decent life and yet have your heart be full of uncleanness and wickedness. In Matthew 23:26, Jesus told the Pharisees to “first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also.” I think we need to be reminded of this. There are many modern day Pharisees who harshly point out others’ faults but the reason is to make themselves look clean.
Brothers and Sisters, Jesus’ return is drawing nearer with each day that passes. Life is too short to indulge in sin, even for an instant. It may seem pleasurable at the time but the end certainly leads to death. If you desire eternal life with the one who loves you more than you could ever imagine, put away all uncleanness and ask God to give you a new heart, one that honors Him in everything. You will truly be happier and more fulfilled as you see Him at work in your life and you will be able to enter His presence full of joy, knowing that nothing will hinder your communication with Him. Sounds like Heaven on earth to me.
The Spiritual Battle
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)
I don’t know if everyone feels the spiritual battle like I do but I feel it almost constantly. It seems like life is a struggle, whether it’s making the right choices, fighting to stay healthy, or trying to attempt a simple task. It’s just plain hard. But then I’ll also feel grace for certain things.
Although not fun and often draining, spiritual battles are similar to exercise. They’re a lot of work but they’re what keeps us in shape. If life was complete ease, we would quickly become out of shape and would more than likely get out of the habit of staying close to God. When storms are closing in around us is when we most see our need and resolve to stay close to Him and let Him lead us. That posture is vital to our survival.
No matter what you’re going through, don’t view it as a punishment but begin to see God’s hand at work. There are differences of opinions as to whether or not God causes trials but I do know He allows them, and everything He allows is for a purpose. Because of that, I will continue to fight and declare “Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world!” In the words of Don Francisco, “There ain’t nothing gonna happen today the Lord and I together can’t handle.” Thank You, Father!
CD Review: Changing World … Unchanging Christ … Changeless Sound (Dave, Duane & Neil)
I first heard the Couriers as a teenager in the mid-1980s. Our local radio station would have an artist spotlight segment once a week and one week the DJ chose a live recording from the Couriers which I really enjoyed. (I still have that recording somewhere.) Now the group that I remember as the Couriers goes by Dave, Duane and Neil but it’s the same three men and their sound hasn’t changed.
Neil Enloe wrote 5 of the 15 songs on the project including, “I Stand Before Your Majesty,” which notes the various postures one assumes when coming into the presence of Jesus. I love songs which usher you into His presence and this song does just that.
“Happiness is Following Jesus” was recorded previously but they still include it in their concerts.
I love the sound of “Euroclydon.” It’s the story of Paul and the storm he encountered while sailing to Rome. It then goes on to talk about the storms of life and how, like Paul, we have nothing to fear if we let Jesus steer the ship.
Neil Enloe also wrote “When It Hurts So Bad,” a great song to lift the spirit of anyone who’s hurting.
Dave Kyllonen wrote and sang “Jochebed.”
My favorite song on the project is their arrangement of “Dear Jesus, Abide in Me.”
Other songs include “It’s Such a Good Feelin,” “He’ll Be There,” “I Am the Word,” “Still Good News Today,” “The Next Time I Get Married,” and “Christ in Me.”
Obedience vs. Rebellion
This morning, I was reading Jeremiah 42, where the people begged Jeremiah to talk to God on their behalf and then relay to them what God desired them to do. Jeremiah was hesitant but the people assured him that, whatever God told them to do, they would obey. Jeremiah knew their hearts but, because of their persistence, he did what they asked.
When He returned to give the message to the people, God’s desire was simply that they stay in the land they were currently dwelling in and God would protect them from their enemies. However, if they left, they would surely die by the sword, by famine, and by pestilence. So, what did the people do? Let’s look at the next chapter.
“Now it happened, when Jeremiah had stopped speaking to all the people all the words of the LORD their God, for which the LORD their God had sent him to them, all these words, that Azariah the son of Hoshaiah, Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the proud men spoke, saying to Jeremiah, “You speak falsely! The LORD our God has not sent you to say, ‘Do not go to Egypt to dwell there.’ But Baruch the son of Neriah has set you against us, to deliver us into the hand of the Chaldeans, that they may put us to death or carry us away captive to Babylon.” So Johanan the son of Kareah, all the captains of the forces, and all the people would not obey the voice of the LORD, to remain in the land of Judah.” (vs. 1-4)
You would think that, if they believed in Jeremiah to beg him to intercede for them, they would listen to his words but, no, they believed they knew better. They left Judah, and the things which Jeremiah prophesied came true.
I sometimes wonder why it’s so hard to obey simple instructions. For myself, I tend to think that if I knew God was speaking, I would follow; I just have to know it’s Him. The verses this morning was a reminder that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Without God, we are rebels, free thinkers who want to do our own thing. However, rebellion leads to death. I pray that God will help me to hear His voice and to be quick to obey it. I can’t afford to re-think Him. If I want His blessings on my life (and I do), that is my option. Is that your desire as well? Are there things you know God has spoken yet you refuse to obey? If so, I beg you to repent right now and surrender to His will. You won’t know peace until you do and you have a lot to risk if you don’t.