CD Review: “Everyday” (Triumphant Quartet)

Triumphant Quartet is one of those groups that started with a bang but with five very talented people, it shouldn’t have been a surprise.

The CD begins with two well-known songs to me: “Jesus Built This Church on Love,” written by Joel Hemphill, and “Everyday,” a song which numerous quartets have sung over the year. I really like Triumphant’s arrangement of this song. Very traditional but yet there’s something about it that makes me want to go out and smile and “show my Brothers and Sisters that I want to help them.” I especially like to play this song loud!

Rodney Griffin wrote “Amazed at the Change.” Scot Inman wrote and sang the uptempo number “Do You Know That You Know.” Dianne Wilkinson wrote “God’s Home.” David Sutton sings “When the Trumpet Sounds” which is another song which makes you tap your feet and look upward.

Other songs included are: “Somebody Died for Me,” “One Drop of Blood,” “What a Wonderful Day” and “The Day of Our Lord.” No matter what we go through, if we are faithful to live for the Lord, we can look forward to the day when He will come again.

Let Your Light Shine

I have a dear friend who is battling cancer. As I was praying for her this morning, I began to think of the lives she touches all around her and I wonder if she knows the degree of impact she has had and continues to have. Her cancer had been temporarily dormant and, when she got the news that it was active again, she told me that she always tries to brace herself for the worst so that she doesn’t fall apart. She wants to be a good testimony to the doctors and anyone else she encounters. That’s tremendous strength.

Although she gets tired a lot these days, she continues to homeschool her son, drive an elderly friend to appointments, and she keeps reaching out to encourage others through cards and phone calls. Most people may never know her name but she truly is letting her light shine to those around her. Whether she lives or dies, I know she will do it to the glory of God, and that has been a real inspiration to me.

As I think about my friend and the blessing she’s been to me, I wonder if I’m living up to the potential God’s given me. It is so easy to feel too busy to take time for a friend or to listen to an elderly person who’s lonely but if I’m not there for them, who is? I pray that I will make an impact on people’s lives that will continue long after I’m gone. My friend is leaving that kind of legacy. Are you?

The Gospel Greats Great Annual Giveaway

  • February 26, 2010 at 6:55 pm in

When I first became aware of Southern Gospel music, I was thrilled to find The Gospel Greats radio program. How nice to be able to keep up with the news, the top radio songs, hear interviews, etc. It came on around 4:30 Sunday afternoon on WTRM out of Winchester, VA and, although our evening services started at 6:00, I rarely missed a program.

I don’t currently have a local radio station which plays The Gospel Greats, but I am thankful that I can listen online from time to time and one of the highlights for me is when they do their Great Annual Giveaway. I’ve never won a cruise but I have gotten some CDs that have become favorites and I got a trial subscription of Singing News one year. The Giveaway for 2010 starts this weekend and I am looking forward to being able to participate once again. This is the first of four weeks in which they will do the giveaway and you may enter once for each of those weeks so, if you can enter that often, it increases your chance for winning. The only requirement to entering is that you have to listen to the program which, for a Southern Gospel lover, is not difficult at all. Information about the giveaway may be found on The Gospel Great’s website.

Let me also take a minute right now to congratulate The Gospel Greats on 30 years of broadcasting. That is a long time but praise the Lord that they are still pointing people to the Lord. I pray they continue for many years to come.

The Highest Praise

This morning, I found myself singing “The Highest Praise,” a song sung by Doug Oldham in 1979. The last line of the chorus says “The highest praise I can give today is to live my life for You.”

It’s easy to tell God how much we love Him but are we faithful to show Him? Are we truly willing to lay down our lives and serve Him however He desires? It seems like often we’re making deals with God. “God, I’ll do _____ if you ____.” Do you ever think about the fact that if God never did another thing for you, you still owe Him your life?

Psalm 150:6 tells us, “Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.” Are we obeying that command in every area of our lives? I used to wonder why praise is sometimes referred to as a sacrifice. There must be more to it than mere words.

Give Thanks

On Monday, I spent some time going through old emails from Thanksgiving weekend. I’m afraid I am not very good at keeping up with my emails so I am that far behind. As I was re-reading some of the e-newsletters from that time, I was reminded of the importance of giving thanks 24/7/365. What a difference it makes when our sights are continually turned to God. I’ve said it so many times but, no matter what you go through in life, you still have a lot to be thankful for. Where there is breath, there should be praise.

If you have people who love you, you are blessed. If you have a roof over your head, you have more than a lot of people. Just the fact that you are alive means that God has a plan for your life and, if that isn’t something to rejoice about, I don’t know what is. Let’s treat every day as if it’s a day of Thanksgiving because, in reality, it is.

One Month Already

I’m writing this on Monday evening but by the time most of you read this on Tuesday, it will be a month since Southern Gospel World officially launched. (Has anyone been reading this that long?) It still amazes me that I have joined the list of bloggers but I continue to thank God for this opportunity and for each of you who read my writings.

In the next couple months, I plan to do more CD reviews, maybe a concert review or two and I have an interview planned so keep checking back from time to time.

For those who wonder what most of my posts have to do with Southern Gospel music, I feel like everyone could use encouragement, even in the Southern Gospel world and I hope to introduce people who are not familiar with Southern Gospel music to the music which has been such a blessing to me. Regardless of whether you are already an avid fan or are becoming familiar with Southern Gospel music or if you came across this blog by “accident,” I pray that you will often find something in these posts which will assist you in drawing closer to our Lord. I pray that even the reviews and interviews will reflect God and not merely elevate people. No one mentioned on this blog or anywhere else would be what they are if not for God’s hand on their lives. I pray you see God’s hand on your life as well. He loves you so much.

CD Review: “Jim Brady” (Jim Brady)

When I was a girl, we had a record by God’s Brady Bunch, a group which consisted of Mom and Dad and 8 children (5 girls and 3 boys). I still have that record but I didn’t realize until a year or two ago that Jimmy Brady who sang on my record is now Jim Brady who sings with the Booth Brothers. It was a blessing to finally meet him this past September and to pick up a copy of his solo CD.  I realize it’s not a brand new CD but I felt like it was worth mentioning for those who do not yet own it.

In summary, the CD is quite diverse musically. Some of it seems like songs that could get airplay on inspirational/adult contemporary stations while others have more of a country feel. Jim wrote or co-wrote all of the songs on this project and he included a brief synopsis of the inspiration behind each song.

Several songs were specifically written for his family: “Never a Doubt” was written in honor of his parents; “Never Let You Go” is a beautiful love song that he wrote for his wife Melissa; “My Sister” was written to his sisters. As I listen to this, it reminds me of my relationship with my own brother and sisters and makes me grateful for the family God’s given me.

Michael English joined Jim in singing “Just As I Am.” “Don’t Ever Miss the Chance” reminds us to tell those close to us that we love them before it’s too late.

Typically, I prefer the fast-paced songs and am not always a fan of slow songs but Jim does a great job writing and delivering slow songs as well as fast. In fact, my favorite songs on this project are the last two on the CD: “To Know You More” (a slow song which is more of a prayer) and “Truth is Marching On” which was sung by Gold City Quartet a few years ago. I love the line in “To Know You More” which says “I live and breathe only to know You more.” Amen!

(This CD may be purchased through Jim and Melissa Brady’s website.)

Favorite Hymns

Do you have a favorite hymn? Mine changes from time to time but one that always lifts my spirits is “Higher Ground.” I especially love the verse which says:

I long to live above the world
Though satan’s darts at me are hurled
For faith has caught the joyful sound
The song of saints on higher ground!

What hymn is especially meaningful to you? I’d love to hear about it.

Rejoicing in Trials

In 1 Peter 4:12, Peter tells us “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you.” Yet, what is the first thing we do when a trial hits? We think it strange. “Why is this happening?” we wonder. There is truth to the statement that our “trials come to only make us strong.” God has a plan and yet, so often, our initial reaction is to react and not in a positive way.

“But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when His glory shall be revealed, you may be glad also with exceeding joy” (1 Peter 4:13). Do you ever hear anyone rejoicing that they are suffering? I confess I do not find myself doing that either but this is a command. “If any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf” (1 Peter 4:14). Sometimes trials come due to a bad decision we’ve made or something in our life that God is trying to take control of. However, when our trials come from no fault of our own, we need to look up and thank God that He is with us. We do not have to walk through these dark times alone.

There is nothing sweeter than feeling the presence of God when going through a dark time and knowing that, even if everyone else has left, He is still there. The one who has promised to never leave nor forsake us has kept that promise and that truly is something to rejoice about!

Don’t Forget the Cross

Lately, God has been bringing the cross into view. I know it’s not Easter but it’s vital that Believers never forget what Christ did for us. As I approach the cross a bit apprehesively, it’s not the blood I see at first (fortunately for me since I would be quite squeamish); it’s His eyes. What love and pity pours out of them. As painful as His torment has been, the tears are not ones that emit because of physical pain. Instead, they are tears that come from agony of soul, a realization that He is dying for sins that people don’t care if they commit. His followers have fled, the person who gave Him His death sentence knows He’s done nothing worthy of death, yet He gave the sentence to satisfy a blood-thirsty, jealous mob. Even His Father can’t look at Him and why? Because He loved this sin-cursed world so much that He was willing to surrender to a cruel death to buy our pardon and forgiveness and our freedom from sin.

Yet how many people live their lives in a way that satisfies themselves? “If it feels good, do it” seems to be the attitude. But, as a result, are we causing Him to feel the beatings all over again? I wonder if He thinks about everything He went through and wonders if it was worth it. I know I would but then I’m not God. Somehow, even in the midst of our continuing to spit in His face by the way we live our lives, He continues to look down with eyes of love that pleads, “Won’t you turn from your selfishness and follow Me? Wouldn’t you like to spend eternity with Me? You don’t have to die as you are. Let Me change you. Let Me walk with you and teach you how to live a victorious, joyous life.” I don’t know about you but, as I look into those eyes, everything in me longs to do His will, to have Him be truly satisfied with me.  When I have those days where I begin to get an attitude or I begin to want to do my own thing, I pray that God will take me back to the cross. Let me not forget those eyes of love or the blood He shed for me. “Then said I, ‘Lo, I come … to do Thy will, O God” (Hebrews 10:7). Let that be our prayer today.
