A Quick Note

I’m sorry I have not posted anything for a while. I had planned to cover the National Quartet Convention last week but did not have good internet access so I will plan to post the highlights soon. I’m sure other blogs were able to do live coverage but, if you’re like me, I’m sure you don’t get tired of hearing different perspectives on various aspects. I may not get to this until next week but want you to know I haven’t forgotten and will attempt to do that for you. I hope you all are having a great year. It’s hard to believe it’s already Autumn but I’m thankful that God controls each season. I look forward to seeing what this season holds.

Heading for Louisville

It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since the last National Quartet Convention but here we are again and I, for one, am filled with anticipation of everything God is going to do this coming week. Let’s be faithful to pray for the groups and attendees, that everyone there will receive the touch they need from God. He knows what the needs are and it’s not difficult for Him to meet those needs. I pray that those who have a close walk with Him will be a Light to those who don’t know Him or those who don’t have that close relationship that they desire.

The ministry I work for (Wisdom’s Gate) will have a booth (#302). If you are at the Convention, please stop by and say Hello. We will be running a conference special of half price subscriptions to the magazines we publish and we’ll have copies available for purchase if you would like to look through them before subscribing. You may especially be interested in the latest issue of An Encouraging Word since there is an article by Taryn Fowler (Scott Fowler’s wife) and Shelia Heil (whose articles appear in most issues of An Encouraging Word). I’m not at the booth much but hopefully our paths will cross and I’ll be able to meet some of you.

One thing I would advise you in: for those who attend the convention, make sure you’re not worshiping the singers but go prepared to worship the God who created music and inhabits our praise. The people who deliver the music are simply vessels who have been obedient to use the gifts God’s given them but most of them can use encouragement too so be sure to tell them how God has used them or their music in your life.

Have a blessed week and travel safe. For those who are not attending the Convention, please keep us in your prayers as well and I’ll be sure to fill you in on some of the highlights throughout the week.

Reflecting on the Cathedrals

Earlier today, I was listening to the Cathedrals’ The Best of Times CD which got me thinking about the first time I saw them in concert. It’d been about three years since I’d been to a concert, we had just moved and somehow we found out that the Cathedrals were going to be doing a love offering concert a couple hours from us. I was excited when I found out we could go. I never dreamed I’d get to see them and here we were!

We sat in the back and, as we waited for it to start, my brother and I went to look at the product table. I don’t remember what we bought at first but we found a couple things and then went to enjoy the concert. As we sat through the first half, even my brother was impressed. At half time, we went and bought some more product. After the concert, we went back to the table and the man started giving us deals. I think he was getting a kick out of us but we didn’t care. We were having fun.

I’m so thankful I had the opportunity to see the Cathedrals. There were so many groups I missed but what a blessing to have met George Younce, Glen Payne and Roger Bennett while they were alive. After the concert, George came back to the back row and gave us each a hug. He never knew how much that simple gesture would mean to a girl in her early 20s but I’ve never forgotten it and he’s held a special place in my heart ever since.

As I reflect over the various members who have come through the Cathedrals and the way they interact with people and make everyone feel so welcome, I realize they learned from one of the best. George would be so proud. May we all be so personable and full of love for others.

Press On

“I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14)

It’s so easy to lose sight of the goal but that’s the very thing, as Believers, that we ought not to do. When you become weary or discouraged, disillusioned or just plain worn out, look up. God is not as far away as He may seem. Sometimes He’s just waiting for us to acknowledge Him or ask for His help. Don’t stop; don’t turn around; don’t give up. Keep pressing on. You WILL hear that “Well Done.” It may not come as fast as you’d like but it will come and, when it does, your rejoicing will far overshadow every trial on earth!

This is War

This is War
by Mike Payne

Life is like a battlefield
The enemy is out to kill
We can’t let him tear the Kingdom down
We’re not fighting flesh and blood
It’s between the bad and good
We can’t stop until the trumpet sounds

This is war
It’s not a game we’re playing
This is war
Brother, hear me what I’m saying
Pick up your sword and shield
Get on the battlefield
Satan’s army’s come to kill
This is war

Satan’s army roams the land
Seeking souls of falling man
Leaving broken homes and hearts in misery
We must lift the mighty sword
The word spoken by the Lord
‘Cause when the devil hears the word
He’s got to flee

It seems like the longer I live, the more the spiritual battle intensifies. I don’t know if it’s always been this way or if it’s getting more intense as satan knows his days are numbered and he’s scrambling to see how many Christians he can discourage and defeat but it seems like I no sooner win one battle than another ensues. At times I find myself borderline exhausted but thankful for the renewal of the Spirit. This isn’t a fleshly battle after all. It is truly one that is Spiritual–one that we can’t win by fighting in our flesh.

Ephesians 6:11 tells us to “Put on the whole armor of God!” It’s not enough to have a few bits of armor. When facing an enemy who wants to destroy you, you’ve got to have the full set. For space reasons, I won’t list it all here but I would encourage you to read prayerfully through Ephesians 6:10-18 and make sure you have every bit of armor you need. I don’t think things will ever get easier. If anything, they may get harder but I long with Paul to be able to say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7) As Christians, deserting is not an option. We’ve got to stand firm. If we are faithful until death, we will receive a “crown of life.” (Revelation 2:10)

The Wages of Sin

“The wages of sin is death…” (Romans 6:23a)

From the youngest age, any child who grew up in church has memorized this verse but I was reminded recently how true this is. Death is not always instantaneous in your body shutting down and your heart ceasing to beat. Death can also be a gradual demise, a mind that can no longer think clearly, a body that should be healthy now riddled with decay and disease. For a lot of people, their family no longer wants anything to do with them, thinking they’ve gone too far. These are the people who are dead while they yet live. Modern-day leprosy in a sense but they don’t have to shout “Unclean!” Anyone can tell that already.

I’ve seen young people who look twice their age merely because they have allowed satan to control their mind and body. Regardless of which sins they participate in, one look into their hollow eyes lets you know how unhappy they are in reality.

As Christians who, in our minds, have not experienced this depth of depravity, it can be easy to look the other way and walk quickly by but Christ has called us to a life of compassion and love for even the vilest sinner. We need to use wisdom in how to reach out and who to minister to but, if we are open to Him using us, He will show us what we need to do. He has not saved us because we are better than others. He saved us because He is not willing that ANY should perish. But for the grace of God, you and I could be that beggar on the street. Let’s make sure we are shining with the love of Jesus and be willing to reach out a hand to help those in need as the Spirit leads.

While They Were Speaking …

“He will not allow me to catch my breath, But fills me with bitterness.” (Job 9:18)

Do you ever feel like that sometimes? We call those periods “while they were speaking” seasons also taken from Job (1:13-19). They can be hard times to get through as you feel like everything is stacked up against you but, if you listen closely, you will sometimes hear God speaking as well. He may be silent for a time, leaving you to wonder why this dark time but He will appear. He longs to see you come through this full of joy and victory. His hand is not short. His timing just isn’t always ours.

If you’re going through one of those times now, I encourage you to look up. Your redemption draws nigh. If you are faithful unto death, He will give you a crown of life. Don’t listen to those on earth who are speaking, telling you all the bad things that have come upon you. Listen to the One who is speaking in the midst of your trial. He has not forsaken you and that is something we can be thankful for!

Sunday Reflections

I know most of you are reading this on Monday but I’m writing on Sunday evening after a wonderful day of rest, prayer and reflection. It was so nice to have some extra time with God today. I’ve been borderline exhausted and needed to be still and reminded that He is God. That seems to be the message of the year. He is God and I am not. My job is to trust and surrender to Him. As I do that, I will find that He does everything well.

The coming week promises to be hectic but I pray to stay in a place of calm surrender, knowing that God is in control and nothing will happen that He doesn’t already know about. I am at His command so, as long as I am in His will, He will take care of me. What a comfort that is!

He has truly been the best Father and Friend that I could have ever asked for. His blessings are innumerable. I pray that I will be faithful to praise Him the rest of my days.

God’s Love is Present

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

I was thinking this morning how God’s love is not past tense. He continues to love this world and to continue to reach out to those who don’t know Him or those who have strayed. He could so easily let us go but, for some reason beyond my understanding, God still desires fellowship with us. He still desires to snatch us from the pit of Hell. He patiently waits until we get to the end of ourselves. Then He says, “Give Me your burden. You don’t have to carry it any longer.” Why does it take so long to surrender?

I’ve seen how far sin can take a person but I’ve also seen God mercifully extend His hand to those who think they’ve blown it to where God can’t forgive them. Not a chance! “God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)

Thank You, Father, for being so merciful and longsuffering. Show me how to be your hands, feet and voice to those who don’t know You to help to loose them from satan’s grasp.

Follow Me as I Follow Christ

I was listening to a message yesterday where a man referenced the verse, “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.” (1 Corinthians 11:1) He pointed out that, although we are still imperfect beings, we have an obligation to lead others to Christ. We can still strive to be the example. Yes, we may fail and have to repent but we have to keep getting back up and moving forward.

I think possibly the greatest hindrance to growth is the extreme self-focus which causes us to see our shortcomings and isn’t willing to take the steps necessary to attain the higher standard we know we’re called to. But I think that’s exactly what God is calling us to do. Being a leader is not a statement of perfection but there is a need for someone to set a standard and move forward accordingly.

Whether you are a parent, a pastor, a boss, or just a friend, there are people in your life who are looking to you for leadership. You will be an example to them whether you embrace that fact or not. The question is: what kind of an example are you? For myself, I want to be able to say to those around me, “Come on! Let’s go to that land. Follow me. I’ll show you the way. You may learn from my mistakes as we go but we’re going and, if you stumble, I’ll pick you up and help you move forward because I expect you to do the same for me.” Will you join me in the procession?
