Reflecting on the Cathedrals

  • 9 September 2010

Earlier today, I was listening to the Cathedrals’ The Best of Times CD which got me thinking about the first time I saw them in concert. It’d been about three years since I’d been to a concert, we had just moved and somehow we found out that the Cathedrals were going to be doing a love offering concert a couple hours from us. I was excited when I found out we could go. I never dreamed I’d get to see them and here we were!

We sat in the back and, as we waited for it to start, my brother and I went to look at the product table. I don’t remember what we bought at first but we found a couple things and then went to enjoy the concert. As we sat through the first half, even my brother was impressed. At half time, we went and bought some more product. After the concert, we went back to the table and the man started giving us deals. I think he was getting a kick out of us but we didn’t care. We were having fun.

I’m so thankful I had the opportunity to see the Cathedrals. There were so many groups I missed but what a blessing to have met George Younce, Glen Payne and Roger Bennett while they were alive. After the concert, George came back to the back row and gave us each a hug. He never knew how much that simple gesture would mean to a girl in her early 20s but I’ve never forgotten it and he’s held a special place in my heart ever since.

As I reflect over the various members who have come through the Cathedrals and the way they interact with people and make everyone feel so welcome, I realize they learned from one of the best. George would be so proud. May we all be so personable and full of love for others.

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