Favorite Cathedral Quartet Recording

This afternoon, I was listening to what is probably my favorite CD the Cathedral Quartet ever recorded: Faithful. I probably got it a year or two after it was released and, no matter how often I listen to it, I never get tired of it. It seems to have the perfect combination of fast songs and slow songs. I remember when “Healing” hit the radio, I could have cried when George Younce and Roger Bennett each sang their respective verses. It still touches me when I hear it.

So, what is your favorite recording of the Cathedrals?

A Word of Encouragement

“You have allowed me to suffer much hardship, but you will restore me to life again and lift me up from the depths of the earth. You will restore me to even greater honor and comfort me once again” (Psalm 71:20-21, NLT)

As I was reading through the Psalms, these verses jumped out at me this morning because they say what I have felt. It’s been a hard year for me in a lot of ways but I’ve held on to the promise that “weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5). At times, I’ve held on to that by faith, not being able to see how in the world joy would actually return but God is faithful and His Word is true. I can truly say that, regardless of the trial or how low I’ve felt, I have come through it with my faith stronger, knowing that God has not left me for a second and He has once again brought me through and put a smile on my face. I can’t praise Him enough for His goodness!

No matter what you are going through, the sun will shine again. God has promised that to those who love Him. It may be hard to see right now but don’t lose heart. Just cling to Him and allow Him to wrap His arms around you and carry you through this difficult time. He loves you more than you can imagine. One day, you will smile again and, when that day comes, don’t forget to give Him the praise and glory He deserves.

Concert Review: Triumphant Quartet

We don’t get a lot of southern gospel concerts up north so, when I heard Triumphant was going to be doing a concert two hours away, I jumped at the chance to go. I’ve seen them numerous times at the National Quartet Convention but this was my first time to see them by themselves. The concert was only an hour long which was disappointing since there were so many more songs I’d wanted them to sing but it was still worth it.

They opened with “Saved By Grace” which was originally sung by the McGruders and is a song I absolutely love. Then they went into “Amazed at the Change” which I thought was the perfect follow-up to the first song. David Sutton sang “Walk With Me” and did a tremendous job. Then Scott Inman sang “Love Came Calling,” the title track from their new CD.

Eric Bennett introduced the group and they sang “Forgave Me, Saved Me, Raised Me.” They did not have the CD this song was on at the concert but it’s probably my favorite CD that I’ve heard of theirs. Jeff Stice played piano and David Sutton played harmonica as they smoked “Goodbye, World, Goodbye.” Then they sang two requests: “Old White Flag” and “Long Black Train.”

Jeff played “Down From His Glory” and it was absolutely beautiful. He has such an anointing when he plays and he gives God the glory for his talent. After that, Eric talked about why they do what they do. As much as they enjoy it, the real reason they travel and sing is because “Somebody Died for Me.” Scott sang that song next. The pastor gave an invitation and then Jeff played the “Hallelujah Chorus.” The concert ended with “Movin’ Up.” I hadn’t heard them do that song before but they did a good job.

I look forward to seeing them again one day and I hope that time, the concert’s at least two hours. One just wasn’t long enough.

At the Bottom of the Barrel

As I awoke in the middle of the night, the following line was going through my head: “When all that you have ends, then all that He has begins. There’s nothing but a miracle at the bottom of the barrel.” The line was from a song Tony Greene sang and I found it interesting that God brought it to my mind at this time. When God does that, I begin to think of the words and what God might be speaking.

It seems like many are needing a miracle right now. Whether it’s physical healing, a financial breakthrough, an unsaved loved one … the need is great and they are crying out to God, yet wondering if He hears. Rest assured that He does. Sometimes it is just necessary that we be totally out of the way, empty of our own self so that there’s no chance we get the glory. Although miracles happen every day, it’s often the situations we see as hopeless that we acknowledge as miraculous when they turn around. Maybe that’s why God lets things get so bad sometimes.

If you are going through a situation that looks bleak, don’t give up hope. As Rodney Griffin penned, “It seems that you would make a perfect candidate for a touch from the mighty hand of God.” Nothing is too hard for Him and He in fact delights in giving good things to His children. If, however, your prayer is not answered how you would like it to be, receive that as from His hand as well. Maybe the miracle you need will take another form–that of perfecting you a bit more. Nothing is impossible for God but whether the impossible happens or doesn’t happen, God is still in control and I bet He’s performing miracles for you daily. If you don’t see them, ask Him to open your eyes. I bet it will change your perspective on life.

CD Review: Driven (Driven Quartet)

Many of you may remember Jason Funderburk from his days with Mercy’s Way or the Anchormen. Well, today he has his own quartet called Driven and, after observing him and the other men in his group a couple months ago, I was pleased that their focus seems to be on serving God and His people.

“I’m Pressing On” is a song of dedication and determination to press on regardless of what life holds. “Let Me Live” has an old-time feel. It starts out with a moderate tempo and then picks up on the last chorus. Geron & Rebecca Davis wrote the encouraging “Mercy Saw Me.” “In God We Still Trust” makes a declaration that, regardless what others do, “here in America, in God we still trust.” The last song on the project is titled “The Story of My Life” and will quickly usher you into praise and worship of a God that we cannot live without. I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t want to try.

Uptempo songs on the project are “Between the Rock and a Hard Place,” “Keep Drinking Water From the Well,” “Lost and Found,” and “I Can Feel My Mountains Move.”

The Encouragement of Psalms

In the book Gold Tried in the Fire, Greg Hinnant says that one of the ways to get through hard times is to read the Psalms daily. I’m reading through Psalms right now and I can see how that can bring encouragement and keep you focused on what’s really important.

Although David was a man “after God’s own heart,” he was human. He felt loneliness, discouragement, abandonment, etc. Yet He also continually acknowledged that God is good and faithful and merciful. He praised God when things went well and He praised God when everything seemed to go against Him. He knew that, even when David couldn’t see a way out, God could provide one and He was quick to ask God to do so. God always came through for David … just as He does for us.

Let’s not forget that God is good ALL the time. He is ALWAYS worthy of our praise. If you could use encouragement, I would encourage you to read a couple Psalms. Even the ones that start out with David being down are often turned into praise. What an example!

Highlights from the National Quartet Convention 2010

I debated on whether to do a really long blog post featuring the whole week or if I should do each day separately. Since so much time has gone by and so as not to drag it out forever, I decided to do one big post with all the highlights. this may be extra long but it may not take long to skim the details. I have not read the other blog reviews of NQC so hopefully I’ll have some new insights or details that have not yet been covered.

In previous years, I’ve focused more on attending concerts in Freedom Hall but not going to a lot of the showcases. This year, I was able to see some of the lesser known groups perform and I’m glad I did.

Monday afternoon was my first time to see the Crist Family. I’ve been hearing good things about them but it was nice to experience them in person. They sang “Big Hallelujah” and “Joy’s Gonna Come in the Morning.” The group was very charismatic, especially Tami, so I can see why people like them. I picked up their latest CD and, although I haven’t had a chance to listen to it yet, I look forward to doing so.

Gerald Wolfe was the emcee Monday night and that was probably my biggest concert night. I saw Greater Vision, Tribute Quartet, The Inspirations, The Perrys, Squire Parsons, Gold City, Dixie Melody Boys, the McKameys, The Collingsworth Family, Naomi & the Segos, and Brian Free & Assurance.

I think we were all praising God that Tracy Stuffle was able to be with the Perrys. As I recall, he only sang on the last song of the set which was “If You Knew Him.” When they got to the line which said, “You’ll know He’s living and death has died,” I could have shouted. Maybe I did. I don’t remember, but they were obviously testifying to that truth through experience.

The only time I’ve ever seen Squire Parsons sing in person has been at the Convention but I think this was my first time to see him sing by himself. He closed his set with Beulah Land and brought in his son Samuel to sing the second verse. They did a great job on Squire’s signature song.

I was really looking forward to seeing Gold City with this lineup and I have to say I hope they stay together a long time. Later in the week, Channing Eleton played the piano for them which brought back memories. I think the last time I saw a full Gold City concert, the group consisted of Tim, Jonathan, Mark, Jay and Channing. How time flies! I haven’t been as in tune with their music since that era but I look forward to hearing more of this current lineup.

Later that evening, the McKameys and Collingsworth Family took the stage to sing “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus.” Gerald Wolfe said that is the first time 2 family groups have shared the stage at the National Quartet Convention.

I didn’t get to many of the concerts on Tuesday so will move along to Wednesday.

Wednesday, I got to see The Dove Brothers, Gold City, Kingdom Heirs, and Legacy Five. Then they all came out at the end for the finale which was Champion of Love. Daniel Riley and Scott Fowler sang verse 1, with McCray Dove and Arthur Rice singing verse 2. They all did a great job. I also enjoyed Legacy Five’s set when they sang “Truth is Marching On” and Jim Brady sang verse 2. It’s neat when groups will do something different. Such a blessing to see all that.

Thursday was the Bluegrass showcase. I was never into bluegrass growing up but I’ve learned to appreciate some of it in recent years. The performers were The Watkins Family, The Rochesters, The Isaacs, The Primitive Quartet, Cody Shuler & Pine Mountain Railroad, and a surprise visit by Jerry Salley. They also gave away awards that night as follows:

Female Vocalist: Becky Matthews (Rochesters)
Male Vocalist: Ben Rochester (Rochesters)
Instrumentalist: Ben Rochester (Rochesters)
Group: The Primitive Quartet
New Artist: Triple L Band
Song: “I’m a Soldier” (Rochesters)

Later that evening, I got to see the Diplomats and the Freemans back to back. Both groups were excellent. I’m still becoming familiar with the Diplomats but I think the Freemans were better than ever.

On Friday, I went to see Canaan’s Crossing. Some of you may remember me reviewing one of their CDs a couple months ago. I’ve enjoyed what I heard so it was neat to see them in person. Tina Miller seems like a neat lady and is very talented. I picked up their new CD too so I’m sure another review will be coming sometime in 2011.

That night I also saw The Kingsmen, Triumphant, The Easters, the Perrys, and I loved the finale of one of my favorite songs: “I Wish I Could Have Been there.” I don’t think I will ever get tired of seeing them perform that and I hope they never get tired of singing it.

Saturday‘s showcase was a tremendous highlight for me. It was the 100th Anniversary celebration of Southern Gospel music and the reunions that stage held were some that I never thought I’d see.

First of all, the LeFevre Quartet, the Blackwood Brothers and the Chuck Wagon Gang sang a few songs to honor their heritage. Then Lulu Roman sang “Two More Hands” and “King of Who I Am”–two songs which I remember well from the 1980s.

Dony, Reba and Destiny McGuire did the tribute to the Rambos with a medley of songs the Rambos had made popular. I missed having Dottie there but have to trust God in His timing. Buck Rambo joined them on “He Looked Beyond My Fault,” “Tears Will Never Stain the Streets of That City,” and “Things Are Gonna Be Better.”

The Nelons sang, “The Son’s Coming Up, “Son Go Bring My Children Home,” “O For a Thousand Tongues,” and “We Shall Wear a Robe and Crown.”

Then the Downings sang several songs. It was so nice to see Ann Downing, Joy Gardner and Dony McGuire back once again for that segment. I was especially glad that they sang “I’ve Got Confidence.” The first time I heard that song was the radio station playing the Downing’s live version. I fell in love with it then and still get blessed every time I hear it.

After that, the Speers performed and then the group that I was most looking forward to seeing: The Hinsons featuring Ronnie, Larry and Bo Hinson with Chris Freeman. They sang, “I’m So Glad He Found Me,” “He Can,” and “The Lighthouse.”

Another thrill for me was seeing a reunion of the first southern gospel group I ever saw in person: Gold City featuring Ivan Parker, Brian Free, Mike LeFevre and Tim Riley. What was really neat is I guessed ahead of time what songs they would sing: “When I Get Carried Away,” “I Think I’ll Read It Again,” and “Midnight Cry.” I was absolutely thrilled. Several people told me they thought Gold City was the group that received the most response from the crowd.

Scott Fowler, Gerald Wolfe, Danny Funderburk, Mark Trammell and Glenn Dustin paid a tribute to the Cathedrals, and then Ed Hill, Dewayne Burke, Rick Strickland, Michael English and Clayton Inman formed the Singing Americans to sing “Home,” “Glory Road,” and “I Bowed on My Knees and Cried Holy.”

What a wonderful afternoon. It was about two hours long but they packed a lot into that short amount of time.

On the main stage that evening, the performers included the Inspirations, the Primitive Quartet, the Blackwood Brothers, and the Mark Trammell Quartet.

I felt so blessed the whole week. Some of my friends didn’t arrive until Wednesday or Thursday but I met some new friends and enjoyed time with people that I don’t see but once a year. I still didn’t get a full ice cream cone but was able to finish some of my sister’s ice cream in a cup. We also never got around to getting our annual funnel cake but maybe next year.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my review. There’s a lot that I’ve probably forgot to mention or highlight but I’ve given you an overview and this, along with what’s been covered on other blogs, should fill you in on what you missed if you weren’t able to attend. If you were there, I’d love to hear about anything special God did for you that week. He is so faithful!

Tribute to Tony Greene

For those who know Tony and Taranda Greene, today is a sad day. I do not know them personally but, as someone who’s listened to the Greenes for 25 years, I will miss Tony as well.

The first time I saw Tony was in 1993 at an outdoor concert where the Greenes performed with the Hoppers, the Bishops and several lesser known groups and artists. Having never seen the Greenes in person before, I enjoyed watching Tim and Tony’s interaction with each other and the way they poured their heart out for the few people who were at that concert. (Besides my family, I don’t think I’m exaggerating to say everyone else there were performers on the program.) My sister, who was 7 at the time, had on a shirt that matched Tony’s. She pointed it out to him and he was so sweet and took time to make a big deal about it which made her feel special.

Later on, I heard that he was engaged to a lady named Taranda and, when they married, I was happy for them. In a lot of ways, theirs seemed like a story out of a book. It’s been a blessing to watch their family grow with the addition of Belle and Josie. We’ve laughed and cried with them and prayed for them often the last few years but the family will need us to continue to lift them up in prayer. I can only imagine the heartache they are facing but I trust God to wrap His arms around them and carry them through this difficult time.

I was blessed to see Tony perform with the Greenes at the National Quartet Convention this month. The picture above was taken as they sang “Whole Lot of Heaven in the House.” I bet Tony can sing that with even more energy now.

It’s hard to understand God’s timing in taking His children Home but I trust Him. Life really is like a vapor–here today and gone tomorrow–but, as we hold to God’s unchanging hand, we don’t have to fear. Whether it’s our time to go or our dear loved one’s, His grace is there when we need it. He is there to take His child Home and comfort those who are left behind until the day we join them in an environment that we can now only imagine.

As Tim Greene and Phil Cross wrote, “I don’t have to know the reasons. I don’t have to ask Him why. I know He knows what’s best for me, best for my life. So I’ll daily surrender to what He has for me. I will keep on trusting God.” (“I Don’t Have to Know” from The Greenes’ Glimpse of Glory CD)

Prayer Requested for Tony Greene

  • September 25, 2010 at 11:57 pm in

I just thought I’d take a minute to ask all the prayer warriors who read my blog to please intercede for Tony Greene of The Greenes. I don’t have a lot of information except that he is in ICU with a collapsed lung. His wife, Taranda, has canceled their dates for this weekend and I have to say I’m feeling an urgency to cover them in prayer. Pray for strength and healing for Tony. Pray for peace for Taranda. Pray that God will bring in extra finances during this time that they’re taking off work. Pray that the Spirit of God will fill the hospital rooms so that no one will be able to deny His presence. It’s easy to focus on our own problems but, right now, let’s cover Tony, Taranda, their extended family and friends.

I was listening to “Miracle in Me” this evening. I have seen God do so many things, including raising people up from close to death. His hand is not short. He holds the power of life and death in His hands but I’m praying He will mercifully give Tony some more time with us. Thank you for joining me in approaching the Throne on their behalf.

Testifying of God’s Goodness

Songs like “Somebody Ought to Testify” and “I Just Got to Testify” keep coming to mind today since that’s exactly what I need to do: testify to the goodness of my Father.

This has been an interesting week for me. Last Saturday, I injured my leg and, although it’s a long story (in other words, typical of me, I have no idea what I did), it’s affected my walking. I’ve heard stories of people having to be on crutches or in a chair for weeks to months due to foot and leg injuries but I’m praising God that, one week later, although I still have to go slow and I’m trying not to overdo, I am able to walk and I feel like God’s giving me a quick recovery. It is so amazing to have a Father who loves me and cares for me that much.

On Wednesday, I came down with a sore throat and prepared myself to go through a long bout but, again, God is already touching my body and I feel like I may not have to go through a long drawn out, miserable cold or cough. I’m still fighting but I know God’s on my side and I’m trusting Him to allow me the downtime and rest that I need but not to exceed that.

Maybe these seem like little things to you but, to me, they are huge. In a way, it’s what I expect of my Father but I don’t ever want to take Him for granted. He could easily keep me laid up for six weeks but His mercy astounds me. I’ve actually appreciated the time to slow down a bit and re-connect with Him. It’s been way too long since I’ve focused on Him and His love for me and I’ve forgotten how much I miss that feeling. I needed the reminder to do that and pray I will be more instant from now on.

I will hopefully get to my NQC coverage next week but, for now, I just want to thank God for loving me and being here and for being real. I feel sorry for those who don’t have a God to turn to. I don’t know why He turns toward me but I’m so thankful that He does.
