At the Bottom of the Barrel

  • 6 October 2010

As I awoke in the middle of the night, the following line was going through my head: “When all that you have ends, then all that He has begins. There’s nothing but a miracle at the bottom of the barrel.” The line was from a song Tony Greene sang and I found it interesting that God brought it to my mind at this time. When God does that, I begin to think of the words and what God might be speaking.

It seems like many are needing a miracle right now. Whether it’s physical healing, a financial breakthrough, an unsaved loved one … the need is great and they are crying out to God, yet wondering if He hears. Rest assured that He does. Sometimes it is just necessary that we be totally out of the way, empty of our own self so that there’s no chance we get the glory. Although miracles happen every day, it’s often the situations we see as hopeless that we acknowledge as miraculous when they turn around. Maybe that’s why God lets things get so bad sometimes.

If you are going through a situation that looks bleak, don’t give up hope. As Rodney Griffin penned, “It seems that you would make a perfect candidate for a touch from the mighty hand of God.” Nothing is too hard for Him and He in fact delights in giving good things to His children. If, however, your prayer is not answered how you would like it to be, receive that as from His hand as well. Maybe the miracle you need will take another form–that of perfecting you a bit more. Nothing is impossible for God but whether the impossible happens or doesn’t happen, God is still in control and I bet He’s performing miracles for you daily. If you don’t see them, ask Him to open your eyes. I bet it will change your perspective on life.

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