The Cure for Loneliness

Loneliness. In a world full of people, no one should be lonely but unfortunately the world is full of lonely people.  No matter how they surround themselves with things or people, they don’t find fulfillment so they keep searching. I wonder if part of the reason is that, although people may be around sometimes, many people don’t take time to build relationships or get to know people. The obvious answer for a lonely, hurting world is Christ but I wonder if it’s futile to tell them that if we are not willing to be the tangible hands, feet and voice of Jesus. For people desiring to know Him, they need to see people who are walking the walk, reflecting His love, exhibiting His smile and extending His embrace. As the song said, “What the world needs now is love.” Jesus taught that principle too.

Maybe you’re one of those lonely people. Don’t turn inward and focus on the emptiness you feel. Look for others who feel as you do and extend the hand of friendship. Find people who radiate the joy of Jesus and don’t be afraid to ask them questions or invite them over so you can spend time with them and receive the encouragement that they may not be aware that you need.

Regardless what you’re going through, do draw near to Jesus. Let Him hold you. Know that He loves you. You may feel lonely but you are not alone. Let Jesus fill the empty places of your heart. I know He’ll do just that for you.

Prayer Requested for Jack Laws

  • September 28, 2011 at 3:18 pm in

In case there’s anyone who hasn’t heard, Jack Laws (of the Smoky Mountain Reunion) was hospitalized on Monday due to 2 leaking heart valves. He is needing the valves replaced, and the doctors are wanting to do some bypasses. I’ve been burdened for Brother Jack and would like to ask prayer warriors everywhere to please join me in interceding on his behalf. There is no such thing as “routine” surgery. It is God who guides surgeons and gives doctors wisdom and we need to ask Him to do both of those things. I don’t know when these things will take place but I do know that they don’t typically perform surgery unless a patient is strong enough to undergo it so pray for that as well.

This is not meant to alarm anyone. Troy Burns posted yesterday that Jack was doing better. I just know he has a long road ahead to recovery and I’m sure he’d appreciate our prayers on his behalf. Too often, we save prayer as a last ditch effort when God should be the first person we look to in times like these.

Father God, I ask that you will touch Brother Jack right now. Fill his room with Your presence. Give him and those around him peace to know that You are in control. Life and death are in Your hands, and I ask that you will be merciful and leave Jack with us a while longer. Give him the strength he needs to go through the surgeries that You prescribe. Give the doctors wisdom concerning what to do and when to do it. I pray for Archie Watkins, Troy Burns, Marlin Shubert and Eddie Dietz as they minister this week. Fill their hearts with Your peace that they may effectively minister to the people who come to their concerts. Thank You, Father, for the work You are doing. May You receive the glory in everything. I love You and trust You. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

CD Review: Reach Out (Karen Peck and New River)

The new release from Karen Peck and New River starts with Karen singing the punchy “Mighty Big God” then goes into “On the Banks of the Promised Land.”

“Love With All Your Heart” has an older sound to me … maybe like something from the ’70s … but the message is relevant as it focuses on Christ’s command to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Susan Jackson sings “Sustaining Grace,” a message of encouragement to those going through trials.

Karen reminds us that “Good Things Are Happening.” No matter how bleak things look, this song puts things in perspective.

“This is What Mercy Does” talks about the Prodigal Son and the mercy he found when he returned to his father.

“Don’t Worry About the Waves” is a fun, uptempo song with a country feel.

The CD ends with the title song, “Reach Out and Touch.” Although not a blatantly Christian song, it has a Christian theme–that of touching others and being available for those who need a friend.

Other songs include “More Than Ever,” “Faithful Love of Jesus” and “Broken Into Beautiful.”

Give Me Jesus

Take away my worldly gain; take my earthly fame.
Rob me of my choice possessions, but give me Jesus.
~from “Give Me Jesus” by Neil Enloe

I was listening to the Calvarymen this evening and, as this song played, I wondered how many people would truly sing this as a prayer. It’s easy to give lip service to Jesus being all we need but if everything were taken away from you, I expect you would be devastated.

I admit I like nice things. I don’t have a lot of money but I praise God for the blessings He pours out on me. In its place, “things” can be used for God’s glory but I don’t want to hold so tightly to my possessions that, if they were taken away, I would lose sight of the Giver of those things.

When I sing “I’d rather have Jesus than ANYTHING this world affords today,” I pray I can sing it from the heart and that, as I draw closer to Him, “the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of HIS glory and grace” (emphasis mine).

Highlights from the National Quartet Convention 2011

As happened last year, I did not have internet access at the hotel we were staying during the National Quartet Convention. However, I figure better late than never with sharing about my week. Unlike last year, I did not get many pictures so this will not be as interesting but I hope it will still give you a glimpse of what you would have experienced had you been my shadow last week.


On Monday, I got to see a few showcases, all of which impressed me. I was looking forward to seeing the Calvarymen since, although they’re based in my state, I don’t get to see them much. I had just sat down when my phone rang. I went out to take the call and, when I returned, Barry Maust (the lead singer of the Calvarymen) was singing by himself. For some reason, Steve Ratliff and James Bruney didn’t make it but I missed the reason. (Fortunately, they arrived later in the week.) I will say Barry did a great job singing solo to tracks on “I’m On My Way” and “Give Me Jesus.” It’s a true professional which can roll with whatever happens and not let it rattle him.

I also caught Beyond the Ashes singing “The Coming of the King” and “Miracles Happen Whenever We Pray.” I hadn’t heard them before but I hope to hear more of them.

A group that stood out to me last year was the Forgiven Trio so I wanted to be sure to catch their set this year. They sang “Only One Well” and “The Joy of Knowing Jesus.” Their slow songs have a sound reminiscent of the Weatherfords.

A bit later that day, I headed over to the other showcase room in time to hear Tribute Quartet sing “He’s Leading the Way.” I love the song anyway but Tribute kept the excitement in the song with the great reminder that, no matter what’s going on around us, Jesus is leading the way.

During the evening concerts, I caught the Hoppers, Gold City, Freedom, the Collingsworth Family, and Brian Free & Assurance. It was neat seeing Freedom whom I hadn’t seen before and I enjoyed the other groups as well but my favorite set was Brian Free & Assurance’s. Granted, they had the finale so they may have intentionally revved it up but it worked. They sang “What a Beautiful Day,” “Anything is Possible,” “I Believe,” “God Will Close the Door” and “Long as I Got King Jesus” which continues to be a favorite of mine.


Tuesday was “Christmas” at NQC starting around 8:30 a.m. when various groups sang songs from their Christmas recordings. Groups I remember are The Crist Family, Greater Vision and Legacy Five. I know there were others but, unfortunately, I didn’t take notes.

The showcases I saw this day were excellent too. Highlights were CS&K singing their “Shout to the Lord Medley”; the Greenes singing “Miracle in Me” and “The Cost of the Call” (written by Joel Hemphill); Wilburn & Wilburn singing “I Ain’t Giving Up on Jesus” and “Let’s All Go Down to the River.” It is so fun watching Jonathan and Jordan sing together. They are full of life and energy, and Jonathan still has his smile. I’m so glad God’s given them this opportunity to sing together.


On Wednesday, I only caught a few songs from the “Songs in the Key of Life” showcase but it ended with Jeff Stice playing the Hallelujah Chorus. I love Jeff’s playing but his playing that song is beyond description. I can almost picture the heavens opening and Jesus beckoning for His followers.

This was also the day of the bluegrass showcase which Les Butler hosts every year. The groups performing were the Ward Family (a group of young girls who are very good both vocally and playing instruments), Mike Scott, the Rochesters, the Isaacs, and the Primitive Quartet. I’d never heard the first two performers but Mike Scott sang a song called “Take Me, Lord, and Use Me” which has a great message. I always enjoy the Rochesters and the Primitive Quartet, and the Isaacs were top notch as always.

Bluegrass awards were given as follows:

Instrumentalist: Ben Rochester (Rochesters)
Female Vocalist: Becky Matthews (Rochesters)
Male Vocalist: Ben Rochester (Rochesters)
Group: Primitive Quartet
Song: “Dying to Live” (Canaan’s Crossing)
New Artist: Canaan’s Crossing


On Thursday, Bill Gaither brought his current Vocal Band together with a lot of his former members. The first Gaither Vocal Band record I ever heard was “Passing the Faith Along” so I was happy they did that song along with “He Came Down to My Level,” “Amen,” “Your First Day in Heaven,” “I’ll Meet You in the Morning,” “The Love of God,” “Heartbreak Ridge and New Hope Road,” “Hold God’s Unchanging Hand,” “I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked,” “Daystar,” “I Bowed on My Knees and Cried Holy,” “That’s When the Angels Rejoice,” “Jesus on the Mainline,” “Build an Ark,” “The Rumormill,” “New Point of View,” “I’m Free,” and “Let Freedom Ring.” It’s amazing all the people who have come through the Vocal Band but they can all still sing and they seemed to have a lot of fun singing again these old songs.


On Friday, I arrived in time to attend Bill Gaither’s Sing Along. They’ve had one the last couple years but I didn’t know what it was. It’s similar to a Homecoming concert where your favorite artists sing a lot of old hymns as well as a few other songs you’d recognize from the videos. I’ve always appreciated the fact that Bill will invite the audience to sing along so this showcase is aptly named. Along with artists singing live, they also threw in a few videos featuring James Blackwood, Howard Goodman and J.D. Sumner.


Since the Singing News Fan Awards were moved to Pigeon Forge, there was a showcase for the fan award nominees to sing their nominated songs. My prediction is that “Celebrate Me Home” by the Perrys will win. However, my vote on the best performance Saturday afternoon was Brian Free singing “Never Walk Alone.” Both of Brian’s parents went to Heaven in the last year and, as he sang that song, I thought about the inspiration and the testimony he is. Because of what Jesus did for us, no matter how many friends die or move away, we will never walk alone. Praise the Lord!

In the middle of this showcase, they featured a short tribute to the Dixie Melody Boys which included a lot of their former members. They sang “Antioch Church House Choir,” “Good Ole Boys,” “Ride That Glory Cloud,” and “The Call is Still the Same” featuring Matt Felts and Rodney Griffin.

This was also my first time to attend the “Song of a Lifetime” showcase. I was surprised but pleased when it started with Channing Eleton singing his new single, “Up On This Ridge.” If you haven’t heard it, look it up on YouTube. It’s an uptempo song which Channing wrote and which he plays accordion on.
Tribute Quartet
sang “One Holy Lamb” written by Phil Cross.
Other songs included were:
The Kingsmen: “He’s Everything I Need”
Gold City: “Preach the Word”
The Talleys: “Hands of Grace”
Booth Brothers: “When You Bow at Jesus’ Feet”
Kingdom Heirs: “We Will Stand Our Ground” (written by Dianne Wilkinson)
Tim Lovelace: “Side Effects”
Mark Bishop, Lauren Talley, Bill Shivers, Mitchell Jon & Sisters: “My Name is Jesus”

And there you have my summary of this year’s convention. Other highlights which weren’t in my notes were seeing the Hinsons perform. (They were my favorite group of the 1980s and I’m thrilled that they were able to get together to do some songs.) I also enjoyed seeing the Freemans, the Kingsmen, the Whisnants and the Booth Brothers. There were a lot of groups I didn’t get to see as I wanted to spend time with people in the exhibit hall but, as always, God knew what I needed and led me in the way I needed to go.

It’s hard to know what the future holds for NQC with attendance down and the number of exhibitors declining each year but I hope they will be able to continue to have a place where people can go to be revived and encouraged.

The Reason We Minister

I had a blessed week at the National Quartet Convention. I will post my review soon but still need to go through photos and my notes which may take some time. I will tell you it was a blessed week, especially the end of the week. Brian Free and Assurance’s performance on Friday night and the Whisnants and Booth Brothers on Saturday night were exceptional. I think Brian Free gets better every year.

This evening, I’m listening to a Hinson CD that I picked up. As I listen to Kenny Hinson sing, “Lord, Help Me When I Aim,” I’m reminded of the Reason we should be singing or preaching or testifying of His goodness. It’s all about Him, not about us.

There are a variety of people and groups which attend NQC. Some are there to honor God and encourage the people they talk to. Others are there hoping to be “noticed” and showing off their talents.

Have we lost sight of Who our talent comes from? If God has given you a platform, it’s for His purposes, not your own. He raised you up and He can quickly bring you down. Ask God to truly give you a heart to serve. The world is full of hurting people who need to see God in reality and they can tell the difference.

To those groups who are being faithful to the call of God on their lives, I know God will continue to strengthen you and use you in a mighty way. Don’t lose heart. We will reap a harvest if we don’t faint.

Preparing for National Quartet Convention 2011

As I write this, it’s Friday night before the National Quartet Convention. I know there are things I’m forgetting as it gets down to the final day of preparation. The things I remember can be overwhelming but I continue to plug away. I’m very thankful to be able to attend this year and I know God has good things in store.

If you’ve attended NQC before, you know how long the days can be and how tired one can get by mid-week. For me, it doesn’t make it less enjoyable. I hope it never does. At the same time, I also know how easy it is to get so busy at a gospel event that you don’t take time for God and I want to remind you that we need Him ALL the time. Don’t neglect Him in the midst of the busyness. If you don’t have time to connect with Him before you head to the convention, make sure you take some time when you get there. If you’re like me, you’re looking for a blessing at NQC but you also need to be a blessing. It truly is more blessed to give than to receive and you never know who may be looking for a word fitly spoken or a smile to cheer a saddened heart. It may even be someone who doesn’t know the Lord and needs to see Him in you. This may be a vacation (well, for me, a working one) but Jesus is the reason we’re there and He has a purpose for allowing us to be there.

On a personal note, I would love to meet those of you who read my blog regularly. I will be at Booth 304 and, if you get there when I’m not there, they can tell you when I’ll be back. If I remember, we’ll also have samples of our magazines which you can look through. Subscriptions are $10 so, if you like to read and you need encouragement, check those out as well.

Don’t forget to pray for me the next couple days and I’ll see you next week!

Howard Hayes Receives His Payday

  • September 6, 2011 at 10:54 pm in

A day after I heard about Howard Hayes having cancer, I heard of his Homegoing. What a day of rejoicing this is in Heaven but, for those left behind, this is a sad day. I only met Howard briefly a few years ago but I love seeing the Hayes family sing. Their love for God and their love for each other radiates through each of them and it was a blessing to meet the patriarch of this group.

I debated on whether or not to post this video but, when I heard of Howard’s death, it’s the song I wanted to hear. I pray it’s a blessing to you too.

Please keep the Hayes family in your prayers.

CD Review: The Journey (River City Quartet)

This CD from River City Ministries features 11 original songs from group manager and baritone Greg Lindsey. With musicians like Tim Parton, Adam Borden and Jeremy Medkiff, you know this is going to be a good project.

“The One Who Wears the Crown” is a great reminder that the King of the Ages knows my name. I am so blessed by the truth of that song.
“Who Wouldn’t Want to Tell the World” focuses on the goodness of God and how He’s worth bragging on.
“I Am Still Standing” tells about how, regardless of what’s going on around me, I’m still standing on the solid Rock. Why fear when the Rock never moves?
“Don’t Let Satan Steal Heaven” is a creative song, reminding us that satan is a liar. Give your life to Jesus and don’t look back.
“Just to Praise Him” is a mid-tempo song of praise.
I love the song, “I’m Going Home.” This great tune is sung with feeling and deepens my longing to go Home. “Troubles I’ve been knowin’ soon will all be gone.” Do I hear an Amen?!
“I am Ready to Go” is a toe-tapper.
“Lord, I Will Trust You” talks about the importance of trusting God even in the midst of difficult circumstances. We don’t need to understand but we know God has a purpose in everything.
“Ten Thousand Angels Singing” is a mid-tempo typical southern gospel song about Heaven.
“A Made Up Mind” talks about the resolve to make it to Heaven. A great song sung by bass singer Jamie Layton.
In closing, we are reminded that “Only One could arise again in three days, holding the keys to death, hell and the grave.” He is the One we worship, the One we adore. In Him, we live and move and have our being. Praise His name! (My ending.) 🙂

Don’t Stop Growing

It’s hard to believe I’ve published 300 posts on here. Sometimes I wonder if I’m just saying the same thing over and over in various ways. It kinda reminds me of when I was in school and the workbooks would go over and over the topics until I had it down perfectly. Hmm. Maybe that’s why God keeps taking me back to certain topics. With enough study and repetition, I should eventually master the subject He’s trying to teach me.

If you have already mastered what Christ is teaching me, please be patient with me. God’s not finished the work He’s begun and I know that as I draw near to Him, He will continue to move me on and give me new things to share. After all, that’s what growth is. When we first come to God, we’re like babies who knows nothing. We’re totally dependent on our Father to teach us about this new life we’ve entered into.

Before long, we’re given small bites of food and we learn to savor it and digest it. Around that time, we also learn to walk as we hold onto our Father’s hand. The difference between the spiritual and the natural is that we never let go of that hand. As we grow and continually learn of Him and His ways, more is required of us until we rarely fall down when we walk. Occasionally, we may stumble but we become quicker to reach out to Him to pick us up, dust us off and put us right back on the path He’s leading in.

Just as children are eager to grow up, I pray I never stop growing. I may not want to be a giant in physical stature but I want to be one in spiritual stature. I want to have that faith of a mustard seed but I pray I also learn to trust as a child. That is my prayer for you as well. May Christ be the center of everything you do and may you never stop growing.
