All Things Work Together For Good

Lately, God’s been reminding me of the importance of rejoicing in everything. It’s easy to get our eyes off of God and onto circumstances but, in reality, that is the last thing we should do. Everything happens for a purpose: to draw us closer to God or to glorify Him in some way. Maybe it’s to finish ironing out that bad character trait we’re still holding on to or to answer that prayer for patience that we may not have actually prayed for but which God knew we needed. Regardless, we know that “all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

You may not see it now but God’s Word is true. Even if you never fully understand why you had to go through this trial, you will one day look back and realize that God took what satan meant for evil, and He turned it around for good. If life were easy, we’d see no need for God but, when faced with the reality that we have nowhere else to turn, trials are often the perfect way to bring us into the posture we should be assuming anyway: arms wide open, face up, looking for Him to appear at any moment.

Please don’t despair, my Brothers and Sisters. God has not forgotten you even for a second. He knows what He’s doing even if you don’t. Trust Him, put your hand in His, and allow Him to lead you in the path He’s chosen for you which is without a doubt very good.

Too Busy?

I spent the afternoon with a couple of my sisters mudding drywall. When my sister first asked if I’d like to go along, I was hesitant. My mind kept going to everything I needed to accomplish. This is my first week back from a 10-day trip, and there’s always much to do. As I prayed and pondered, I realized that it’s easy to always be too busy. Sometimes I’m on a legitimate deadline but there was nothing I planned today that couldn’t be put off until tomorrow so I decided to go.

I’ve commented at times that it’s nice to be busy as it keeps me out of trouble 🙂 but it is possible to be too busy. If you’re too busy to take time to help a friend, you’re too busy. If you’re too busy to listen to someone who’s hurting, you’re too busy. As my mom would say, not every phone call is a call of God but I want to be faithful to hear His voice when He does call. No matter how much I think I’m doing “for Christ,” it avails nothing if it’s not what He called me to do.

I admit I’m one of those people who are often too busy. Yes, I need to be responsible and there may be times I can’t take time to talk on the phone or take off to visit but I pray I will never be too busy to hear God’s voice and know what He desires for my day. The work I planned to do today will be there tomorrow and, as I work on it, I’ll remember the blessings of this day and the time we girls had together. “Yesterday’s gone and tomorrow may never come but we have this moment today.”

Holiness Is Not Optional

Earlier this year as I was reading my Bible, the following verse jumped out at me:

Because I have cleansed you, and you were not cleansed, You will not be cleansed of your filthiness anymore, Till I have caused My fury to rest upon you. (Ezekiel 24:13)

I wonder how many people have turned to God and been forgiven, only to quickly return to their life of sin. How our Lord must grieve! People like to overlook holiness and insist that it’s not important but Hebrews 12:14 says:

Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.

That doesn’t sound optional to me … unless you don’t want to see God.

First Peter 1:15-16 says:

But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, ‘Be holy, for I am holy.’

No, friends, holiness is not optional. It is imperative if we desire eternal life. Begin to seek God today and ask Him to show you the areas of your life where holiness does not appear. Then ask Him to help you to change those things. Without Him, it’s impossible but with Him it’s attainable. Praise God!

Trust and Surrender

I believe one of the greatest things God desires right now is that His children come to a place of total trust and surrender to Him. It’s easy to trust Him when things are going well but what about when your world begins to fall apart? Friends you love suddenly decide they can no longer walk with you or they just get too busy to listen to what’s on your heart. The child you had great plans for tells you he or she no longer believes in the God you do or at least wants nothing to do with Him. Many times our faith is put to the test but that’s not the time to give up. Instead, I would encourage you to look up. God’s plans for you are still good and not evil. He has not left you but will wrap His arms around you if you will but let Him.

Once we begin to truly trust and surrender, we will know what it means to “give thanks in everything” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). We will understand that joy is not affected by circumstances. Joy is what flows from the heart because we know the One who controls everything. We don’t have to worry because He holds the world in His hands and if He cares about the smallest sparrow, He cares about you and your family. You may be struggling to make ends meet but He’ll continue to meet your every need. Your health may be failing but He will continue to draw near to you as you draw near to Him. You may not have a job but God has a work for you to do.

“Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom” (Luke 12:32). And so we “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). Don’t despair. Ask God to bring you to that place of absolute trust and surrender. As He does so, you will feel your burden lifted and experience a freedom you’ve never known before.

CD Review: Songs You Know By Heart (Rejoice)

 This hymns project by Rejoice begins with an acapella version of “I Sing the Mighty Power of God.”

“Wonderful Words of Life” features the newest vocalist to Rejoice, Sherri Vestal’s son Tyler.

“Heaven Medley” is a beautiful arrangement of “How Beautiful Heaven Must Be,” “What a Day That Will Be” and “Heaven Will Surely Be Worth it All.”

Tyler Vestal sings Rusty Goodman’s “The Greatest Love Story.”

Another Medley consists of “Fairest Lord Jesus” (sung acapella), “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us,” and “‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus.”

I’ve heard several groups sing “Wait Upon the Lord” but I love the song. Rejoice’s version is no exception.

They did a great job on “Where the Roses Never Sang.” I love listening to the guitar on this song.

Also included are: “What a Happy Time,” “Jesus, Hold My Hand,” “Keep on the Firing Line,” “When God Dips His Love in My Heart,” “Glory Be to the Father (Gloria Patri),” and “I Will Trade the Old Cross for a Crown.”

How Big is God

This past weekend, I had the blessing of being in northern Michigan about 1/2 hour south of the Mackinac Bridge. As I was praying in an upstairs room one morning, I was struck at the beauty outside my window: land for as far as I could see with colorful trees at the far end of my scope of sight. What a beautiful world we live in when we get outside of the man-made portions. No pollution. No crime scenes. Just nature pure and simple. No wonder Paul says, “For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20). How can anyone look outside and say, “There is no God”?

One of my favorite songs is “How Big is God” and I sing it a lot this time of year. In Michigan, a lot of the leaves are gone but when I see the color that remains or look up into a beautiful big sky, I instantly think, “Though man may try to go beyond the reach of space, to go beyond the distant glimmering stars, this world’s a room so small within my Master’s house, the open sky but a portion of His yard.”

Have you stopped to think today just how big our God is?

People Are Watching

This afternoon, I went to help my sisters, brother and his family move wood. Before we got in the swing of things, I was walking around the yard texting when I heard someone following me. I turned around to find my 5-year-old nephew. I instantly noticed his hands and face covered with blueberries, and I was wearing a white skirt! He laughed when he found I discovered him, and I quickly told him he was welcome to follow me but do NOT touch Aunt Sony. He agreed and I went back to pacing and texting while he continued to follow along behind.

Many times, we don’t know who’s watching us. It’s easy to feel invisible in a sea of people but I’ve been places where I’ve sensed people watching me. Although it can be unnerving, it’s a great reminder that, as Christians, we should stand out but we need to make sure we’re making a positive impression. The world is eager to find anything they can use against the God we claim to serve. Our job is to show the world that He is real. He still saves, heals, and fills us with joy, peace and love. He is still in control of a world that’s out of control. If we are living lives full of stress, tension and anger, we are in essence telling the world our lives are no better than theirs.

Instead, ask God to transform you from the inside out. He can calm your troubled storms and give you a life that will shine for Him. Then, when people ask why you’re different, you will be able to answer with assurance, “I serve a risen Savior! Let me tell you about Him!”

Being a Doorkeeper

“I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.” (Psalm 84:10b)

I was at a conference this past weekend and, as each session let out, there was a boy, probably around 9 or 10, who would rush to the back and open the door that led from the sanctuary to the foyer. He would stand there, holding the door open as he patiently waited for everyone to file out. I don’t know his reason for wanting to be the one to get the door. Maybe he wanted to feel important. Maybe even as young as he is, he understood the blessing that could be. I didn’t ask him his reason for doing it but I did think of the above verse from Psalms.

Unfortunately, I don’t think most people could quote that verse honestly. A doorkeeper seems insignificant. If it’s your job, people may overlook you, not stopping to thank you for a job well done. There may be people who would complain if you didn’t do your job but they don’t commend you when you do. This can be true in any job, however. The important thing is that you know you’re doing what God has called you to do and that He is pleased with you. If you are, your reward will be greater than anything you will receive on earth anyway.

If you are discontent with your life, take time to seek God, asking Him to show you if you are in His will or if He has another plan. If you are truly doing what He has called you to, trust Him for your reward. It’s nice to receive approval on earth but if you never do, know that you will receive it in Heaven.

Update on Jack Laws

  • October 4, 2011 at 6:58 pm in

The latest update on Jack Laws is that he is home but still needs 3 bypasses, 2 valves replaced, his teeth pulled, his sugar regulated and his blood pressure regulated. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. Troy Burns is keeping people updated on his family’s Facebook page.

CD Review: Summer Rains Have Gone (Channing Eleton)

Up until a few months ago, I always thought of Channing Eleton as one of the best piano players in the business. However, when I heard he released a CD where he not only played but also sang and wrote or co-wrote 6 of the 10 songs, I knew this would be a top notch project. I was not disappointed.

The CD starts with the uptempo “Days,” discussing the importance of prioritizing and focusing on the things that matter. “Starting now, I plan to make the most of every one of those days” pretty much sums it up.

“The Harvest” talks about the seasons of life and how quickly they change. However, no season is unimportant.

Next is Channing’s great new single “Up on This Ridge.” (See video below.)

My favorite is probably still “Is Not This the Land of Beulah?” I love the message of that song but Channing’s arrangement is superb. It starts out pretty typical, a moderate tempo and by the third verse, picks up the tempo, afterward going to an instrumental break where you can especially hear the keyboard.

“Song and Dance” is a song about David, creatively written by Gabe Scott and Andrew Peterson.

“Looking to Jesus” is a Teddy Huffam song I hadn’t heard before but I love it. A soulful toe tapper with a great message.

“Creation Song (Glory to the Lamb)” is a song of praise, which brings you into the presence of God as if you were reading the Psalms or Revelation where the saints are worshiping around the throne.

“As We Wait” is a great follow-up to “Creation Song.” Written by Channing Eleton and Buddy Mullins, this song is about waiting on God and inviting His presence “as we wait.”

“Just This Song” has a 2-minute prelude and is probably my second favorite song on this CD, maybe mostly because it says how I feel much of the time. Nothing I do or say comes close to being enough to thanking God for everything He’s done for me.

Channing recently released his first concept music video. Since it’s also his single off this recording, I thought I’d share it with you. I hope you enjoy it.
