God Still Performs Miracles
Allow me some time this evening to praise the Lord. To some, it may seem like a small thing but, to me, it was huge: one of those things I’ve been praying for off and on for a couple years. I confess I was beginning to give up hope and actually had at times. Sometimes I pray because I know I should, and I know it will take a miracle for a certain thing to come to pass but I wasn’t feeling much faith for this particular thing.
This morning, I woke up, knowing I had to try again but, as I began to pray, I started feeling like this was “my day.” For the first time in a long time, I was able to pray in faith. I was still nervous but I began thanking God for answering.
Long story short, God came through above and beyond what I dared to dream. I did pray for the ultimate miracle but I was willing to accept a “compromise.” Isn’t it interesting how we limit God? We feel we need to brace ourselves for disappointment but a heart totally surrendered to God will never be disappointed. We may not always get everything we ask for when we ask for it but we will always testify to how great our God is, knowing everything He does is best for us.
This evening, I am thanking God over and over again for coming through in such a mighty way. Had I not had trouble receiving the thing I was asking for, it would have seemed routine. It was the travail that makes me realize what a gift I’ve been given.
If you are asking God for something that you know is in His will, don’t give up. The answer may not be instant but it’s still on the way. NOTHING is too hard for God. His timing may not be ours but there is a good chance you will receive what you are asking for and then you will be praising God with me.
Savor Each Moment Today
My sisters and I were going through old photos today. Some brought good memories and some not-so-good but it was a great reminder of where God has brought us from and how quickly time is passing. How did the “little girls” become bigger and smarter than me? I don’t know when it happened but it did and it reminded me once again how important it is to treasure each moment I have with them.
Even though we are all adults now, things continue to change. Life gets hectic, it gets harder to get together or even to catch up with each other over the phone. It’s easy for me to hyper focus on work or various things I feel I need to accomplish but this holiday season, I’m asking God to make it go slow and help me to savor every moment. I want my nieces and nephews to remember these times with fondness.
Thank You, Lord, for the family You’ve given me. Thank You for health and life which allows us to get together for special occasions such as celebrating Jesus’ birth. May You be glorified in everything we do and say, and may we never cease to give You the praise and glory You so richly deserve. I love You, Father.
It’s Time to Thank God
It’s hard to believe Christmas is less than a week away already! As much as I love Christmas, I have not been rushing it. The year’s flown way too quickly and it seems like the last month is when I realize how much I have to get done before I can take a break. I say that but I also have a mentality that says whatever I don’t get done will still be here January 1.
This is the week I will mentally begin celebrating. I’ll still work during the day but will enjoy evenings of fun with my family eating, playing games, watching movies. I will probably also try to organize my office a bit so I’m set up going into the new year. I also want to savor any time I have with my nieces and nephews the next couple weeks. They grow way too quickly and I want to remember each of them at the different stages of life.
For me, this is the time of year to thank God for coming to earth. I thank Him for my family. I thank Him for His love and for choosing me to be His daughter. You can’t thank God enough for everything He’s done. Why don’t you begin today to praise Him and thank Him for everything that comes to your mind? You’ll never run out of things to praise God for … and that is something to thank Him for as well.
The Weight of Sin
“Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” (Hebrews 12:1)
“Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.” (Hebrews 11:25)
I find it interesting that the world thinks of sin as fun while Scripture refers to it as a weight which is pleasurable for a season “but the wages of sin is death.” (Romans 6:23)
Hebrews 11:25 is speaking about Moses. It would have been much easier for him to live in a palace, surrounded by servants, not having responsibilities and yet he knew he was called for more than that. He chose to follow his Heavenly Father’s calling and lead a large group of people out of slavery and into the Promised Land.
If you think about it, that’s what we are all called to do. The majority of the world is enslaved to sin. It is our job to show them that peace, love and joy does not come from anyone or anything else but God Almighty. Are we too busy enjoying our ease to care about the slaves being mistreated around us, or are we willing to ask God to open our eyes to the lost so we can reach out a hand and snatch them from the fire? When you begin to see people as souls Jesus died for, it will minimize the people who are hard to get along with. You will understand that those who are unkind to you need Jesus. The person who cut in front of you in the checkout line is probably miserable and could use a kind word or a smile.
We live in a “me”-centered society, and Believers are prone to act that way too. However, Christ taught us to be “others”-centered. This is a great time of year to practice that trait. As you get your last minute gifts and groceries, make a point to notice those around you. Ask God to help you encourage at least one person each time you leave the house. Whether it’s a family member, co-worker, or total stranger, everyone needs encouragement and God can use you to deliver that to them. Pray that God will help you to lift burdens and free others from the bondage of sin so they too can be free and know the true meaning of CHRISTmas!
Jesus is Very Near
I’ve spent yesterday and today reminding myself of God’s nearness. I’m disappointed that it took not feeling well to get me still enough to refocus but I definitely needed to. This time of year can be very hectic, and it’s held no exception for me but I can’t spend my life telling others how they need to stay close to Jesus and acknowledge Him in everything they do, say or think if I am not doing the same.
As I look ahead to 2012, I see a lot of unknowns. I have plans for part of the year but some of those, God may seem fit to change. My task is to stay close to Him and trust Him. That’s where joy comes from and I would much rather be joyous than worrisome.
As I begin this week, I plan to consciously take God with me. I ask Him to be a part of everything that I do. With His help, I can accomplish a lot more than I could on my own. Plus it’ll be a lot more rewarding having a partner whom I know I can depend on. I ask Him to give me the words to speak in every situation, and I pray that He’ll show me when I’m not being efficient.
With Him by my side, even the stressful times won’t seem major because He’ll fill me with peace where would ordinarily be panic. Yes, I want to make sure I acknowledge Him in everything I do. The good news is, even while He’s by my side, He can be by yours as well. Won’t you ask Him to accompany you too?
Tips to Avoiding and Overcoming Depression
The sun is shining on a land covered with a sprinkling of snow, making it a beautiful day. Although I’m not a cold weather person and don’t prefer a lot of snow, there’s something about a smidgeon that makes winter look cheery and a bit festive.
For those who are prone to depression, this is the time of year when those feelings are often at the peak. Whether it’s the cold, bleak weather or the thought of friends and family members who are no longer here to share the holidays, it can be easy to give in to the negative emotions that tug at your heart.
If you are in a depressed state or know that you will be before Christmas arrives, let me encourage you to draw near to Jesus. Ask Him to show you your blessings and begin rejoicing and thanking Him for what He is doing in your life. He is so faithful.
Memories can be a gift as you recall holidays of years gone by and the joyous times you had. However, be careful not to dwell on memories that bring you down.
I know depression is a real thing but I also know that God is ready and willing to drive the shadows away. If you can’t pray yourself through it, find someone who will pray with you and help to bring you through this time. Don’t allow yourself to give in to self-pity and, whatever you do, don’t lock yourself in seclusion so that no one can help you. You can be a conqueror in Christ, and the sooner you reach out to Him, the sooner He will help you see the sunshine again. If you make a habit of praising Him when you begin to feel depressed, it will drive the shadows away more quickly. It may also help for you to encourage others who are feeling down.
This is a joyous time of year: the time when we remember our Savior’s birth. Don’t allow satan to rob you of your joy. You are blessed. God has been good to you, and He still has a plan for your life. He loves you more than you can imagine. That is something to rejoice about.
CD Review: Joy: An Irish Christmas (Keith & Kristyn Getty)
I realize this is not a southern gospel CD but, since I know southern gospel fans who like Keith & Kristyn Getty, I wanted to announce their brand new Christmas CD.
When I first saw it, I was curious, wondering if it would be full of new Christmas songs. Actually this is a combination of new songs, along with some old Christmas hymns with an Irish flair.
The arrangement of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” is uptempo and one you can easily picture someone playing a fiddle and dancing around on.
“Hark the Herald Angels Sing” also starts with a lively tune. Then slows down slightly when Kristyn starts to sing.
“What Child is This” has more of a contemporary feel as well as an Irish feel. I’ve not heard a lot of Irish music so don’t know if that’s normal but they did a good job of merging the two.
Keith & Kristyn, along with Stuart Townsend wrote “Magnificat,” a song with a nice melody based on Luke 1 where Mary says “My soul does magnify the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.”
Kristyn wrote, “How Suddenly a Baby Cries.” Keith wrote the music and a reel he included titled the “Narnian Reel.”
Next is another original tune, “Joy Has Dawned” incorporating at the end the chorus of “Angels We Have Heard on High.”
“Jesus, Joy of the Highest Heaven” is a nice Christmas ballad.
“O Savior of Our Fallen Race” goes beyond the fact that Christ came to remind us why He left the splendor of Heaven to come to earth.
“Fullness of Grace” tells of the grace God showed in sending His Son and how, because of that, we have hope.
“An Irish Christmas Blessing” is a typical Kristyn Getty ballad: a fitting end to an Irish Christmas CD.
Also included are “Carol of the Bells” and “Joy to the World.”
Draw Me Nearer
“Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord, to the cross where Thou hast died. Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer blessed Lord, to Thy precious bleeding side.” ~ Fanny Crosby
This has been my prayer lately–that God will draw me nearer to Himself. Without Him, life is empty and frightening but, when He is near, nothing can harm me. No one can take away the peace and joy I have when I’m holding my Savior’s hand.
We tell our children to hold our hand and stay close to us so they don’t get hurt but how many times do we get distracted and let go of the Savior’s hand to all of a sudden find that we’re not as close to Him as we thought we were? As for me, I want to walk just as close as I possibly can. Nothing the world has to offer can compare with the life Christ gives.
“I am Thine, O Lord. I have heard Thy voice and it told Thy love to me. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be CLOSER drawn to Thee” (emphasis mine).
Doing vs. Seeking
I read a good article yesterday about how easy it is to focus on serving God instead of focusing on our relationship with Him. It seems like my mind is often focused on what I want to accomplish for God instead of how God wants me to live. This is an area God’s been showing me so, when I read the article, it was more an Amen to what God was already speaking.
It’s hard when there’s so much to do in a day’s time. Especially with Christmas coming up, there’s so much I need to accomplish, especially where my work’s concerned but I’m asking God to show me what it means to “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness” and how to “be still and know that He is God” while being responsible at the same time.
It’s important we fulfill God’s calling and do what He’s called us to do. However, when we get too busy to spend time with Him we’re too busy. When we’re not asking what He desires us to do but we’re bombing ahead doing the “good things” we’re sure He wants us to do, we’re wasting our time. We can accomplish nothing in our own strength but, with His help, we can have a productive life and one that’s led by His Spirit. That’s what I’m striving for. I hope you’ll join me.
Eric Phillips Rejoins Mark Trammell’s Group
Eric Phillips, who was the original tenor singer for the Mark Trammell Trio, has come back to be part of the Mark Trammell Quartet and I am one of those who are excited to hear that. Eric is a top-notch tenor who took a break from singing to go into law enforcement but, when God opened the door, he was ready to return to the road. I’ve not yet had the blessing of seeing the Mark Trammell Quartet in a full concert but I’ll be watching their schedule, hoping to go see them if they get close to me. Welcome back, Eric. May God continue to use you in a mighty way as you sing for Him.