God Still Performs Miracles

  • 22 December 2011

Allow me some time this evening to praise the Lord. To some, it may seem like a small thing but, to me, it was huge: one of those things I’ve been praying for off and on for a couple years. I confess I was beginning to give up hope and actually had at times. Sometimes I pray because I know I should, and I know it will take a miracle for a certain thing to come to pass but I wasn’t feeling much faith for this particular thing.

This morning, I woke up, knowing I had to try again but, as I began to pray, I started feeling like this was “my day.” For the first time in a long time, I was able to pray in faith. I was still nervous but I began thanking God for answering.

Long story short, God came through above and beyond what I dared to dream. I did pray for the ultimate miracle but I was willing to accept a “compromise.” Isn’t it interesting how we limit God? We feel we need to brace ourselves for disappointment but a heart totally surrendered to God will never be disappointed. We may not always get everything we ask for when we ask for it but we will always testify to how great our God is, knowing everything He does is best for us.

This evening, I am thanking God over and over again for coming through in such a mighty way. Had I not had trouble receiving the thing I was asking for, it would have seemed routine. It was the travail that makes me realize what a gift I’ve been given.

If you are asking God for something that you know is in His will, don’t give up. The answer may not be instant but it’s still on the way. NOTHING is too hard for God. His timing may not be ours but there is a good chance you will receive what you are asking for and then you will be praising God with me.

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