CD Review: Pray Out Loud (Mercy’s Harbor)
First of all, I have to say that I love the title of this recording. I don’t know the story behind Pray Out Loud since there’s not a song by that title on this recording but, to me, it gives a message before you play one song off the CD.
Mercy’s Harbor is a group based in Albertville, AL. The group consists of Donnie & Melody Marr and Brent Lee.
The CD begins with the uptempo song, “Sailing On Home,” followed by “Bottom of the Barrel.”
My favorite song on this project is their version of “I’d Rather Have Jesus.” They sing it very reverently which allows you to think about the message. I also like “They Can’t Start the Celebration,” a song the Whisnants made popular a while back. Their style actually reminds me a little of the Whisnants.
Other songs are: “This World is Not My Home,” “Look for Me,” “The Past is a Promise,” “I Got It All,” and “He Didn’t Leave Me.”
Rights vs. What’s Right
I sometimes wonder if anyone cares what’s right any more. The emphasis tends to be on what our rights are (as US citizens, relatives, etc.) that rarely do I hear people talk about what’s right. You’d think with the “What Would Jesus Do” fad a few years ago that it would have made an impact but, alas, it seems to have been just that: a fad.
You may have a “right” to be angry, a “right” to sue someone, a “right” to divorce your spouse because your “needs” aren’t being met, but do you ever ask yourself, “What is the right thing to do?” What would Jesus advise you to do in those situations? His Word is full of answers to those questions if we would study it. Jesus never talked about His rights as the Son of God. His focus was on obeying His Father, and that is really the only “right” His children have.
No wonder there’s so much anger and hatred in the world. Revenge is rampant in our society. Everyone’s self-focused, figuring if they don’t watch out for “number one,” no one else will, so they do whatever they have to do to get what they “have coming to them.” I wonder what would happen if more people would turn their cheek or if more people would give that “soft answer which turns away wrath.” I believe there would be a lot more peace in the world and definitely in the hearts of those who learn to walk as Jesus did, full of love for others and not worried about His “rights” because He knew who He was. He was the Son of the Most High God who promised Him a Home in Heaven for all eternity. That’s the only “right” I care about, and I don’t have to fight anyone for it. I’ll just stay close to my Father and He’ll gladly give it to me.
CD Review: He Lifted Me Out (Primitive Quartet)
In praying over what CD to review to start out the new year, I felt like the latest release from the Primitive Quartet would be the perfect choice. Those who know me know what a blessing this quartet has been to me personally as I’m constantly challenged by their love for the Lord and their love for others.
As I listen to this CD, I come away feeling gratitude to God for saving me and for blessing me like He has. I also pray that I can “be a help to both saint and sinner” as they sing in “That’s What I Want to Be.”
Jeff Tolbert reminds us that “The Half Has Never Been Told.” No matter what our view of Heaven, it will be greater than anything our mind can conceive.
Mike Riddle sings a song he wrote titled, “Thank You, Lord, the Sun Rose.” I love the line which says, “If there’s no tomorrow, Jesus conquered all my sorrow. I’ll be praising you through all eternity.”
Randy Fox leads their a capella rendition of “I Wonder What They’re Doing in Heaven.” Do you ever think about that? It’s easy to get wrapped up in our grief when a loved one goes Home ahead of us but I wonder what they’re doing there now.
My favorite song on this project is “There is a Record Book.” I come close to crying every time I hear it. Reagan Riddle does a great job communicating this song. “My name will not be lost, misplaced or overlooked for it’s kept safely in God’s Record Book.” If that doesn’t make you shout, I don’t know what will.
Other songs are “Jesus Came Searching,” “God’s First Christmas Tree,” “He Lifted Me Out,” “That Jesus Part of Me Shall Never Die” and “Members Only.”
Now I feel refreshed and ready to begin my year. 🙂 How about you?
Happy New Year 2011!
Another year has come and gone and I’m once again thanking God for His goodness. As with any year, there were joys and sorrows, laughter and tears but God has been faithful and I praise Him for that faithfulness.
As I reflect over the year, I see at least some of the times I failed. I didn’t always handle things well as I would complain to God about my “lot” in life. However, this year I truly want to grow closer to Him. In asking that, I realize I may be asking for ever-increasing trials but I know that if I truly draw near to Him, He will help me get through them and I will be better able to help others.
I don’t know what 2011 will bring but I know there will be a grace for whatever comes. As I look to God, I trust Him to guide me in the way I should go and I pray that He will give me His heart of mercy and compassion for others.
In closing, let me wish each of you a very blessed 2011. May this year bring you joy and laughter, health and happiness. And may God’s grace sustain you through each trial you encounter.
Comfort for the Hurting
Earlier this evening, I was watching the Cathedral’s Reunion video. Talk about memories. I still miss George Younce, Glen Payne, and Roger Bennett. I only met them twice but they were role models who were ready to see Jesus.
I’ve also been thinking the past couple days about a dear friend who went Home to be with Jesus a couple years ago. It may sound odd but I think I miss him more now than I ever have.
This week, I heard from three friends who are battling cancer, all of which seems like the cancer will take them if God doesn’t perform a miracle.
I don’t know why some people see miracles upon miracles while others don’t but I do know that God is in control. Maybe sometimes we have to go through those things so that we can more effectively minister to others who are going through the same situation(s). I know God’s proven that in my life. When I haven’t been through something, it can make it hard to know how to encourage someone else but, when I’ve been there, I know better how to pray and I’m definitely more compassionate.
If you’ve recently experienced the loss of a loved one or if you currently have a friend or family member who’s suffering, draw near to God. He can give you the comfort you need and He can bring the right people to speak His words to you. You are not alone. He loves you more than you can fathom and He has promised to not leave you if you will turn to Him. His arms are open toward you. Run into them and receive His comfort today.
Thoughts of Christmas
I can’t believe I didn’t put up a post for Christmas but I hope you all had a wonderful day celebrating with your loved ones. Whether a large gathering or a small one, I hope that Jesus was the center. After all, without Him, there would be no Christmas. I realize December 25 is more than likely not the day that Jesus was born but I’m grateful to have a day in which to think about the sacrifice He made in leaving the splendor of Heaven to come to earth as a helpless baby. As He grew, He must have been teased as other children. I’m sure He was misunderstood as He refused to give in to peer pressure.
Then there was the time as a teenager when He began teaching teachers. Here was a young man from a poor family, not even a teenager yet but He knew so much more than those who had spent years studying and learning. What must they have thought?
I can’t understand love so strong that a person would choose to leave the luxury of Paradise and come to live with sinful human beings who wouldn’t appreciate Him but would mock Him, spit on Him, and even kill Him. That is love beyond comprehension but He did it for you and for me.
Thank You, Lord, for Your love. Teach me how to love You in return.
Christmas Eve Ramblings
As Christmas Eve approaches, I’m getting excited. I guess there’s enough of a child in me that I always look forward to Christmas, and the day before is when I wrap any gifts that I’ve purchased and this year, I’ll also work on organizing my bedroom. I’d hoped to do so before now but I want next week to be relaxing and enjoyable. I need to hear from God and it’s a lot easier to hear Him when my space is not so chaotic. There is other house cleaning that will need to be done too but I won’t think about that just yet.
I was thinking this evening about the verse which talks about learning how to be abased and learning how to abound. I’ve been in both positions and everywhere in between and I think sometimes it’s harder to learn how to abound. People who have money seem to think it’s a cure-all while people who don’t often realize what’s truly important. Regardless of if you have a lot or a little, you are very blessed. God knows what you need and He will continue to provide those things for you.
As you go through this day, take time to count your blessings. Every time God brings something else to your mind, thank Him again. He’s so worthy and we have so much to be thankful for! (Do I say that enough?)
Peace On Earth
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.
I find it interesting that, at a time when we sing about “peace on earth,” it can be hard to find peace anywhere. People are beginning to be stressed by holiday preparation, last minute food and gift purchases, making sure the house is ready for guests, and a myriad of other things. Yet what a testimony it would be if we would take the time in the midst of our hectic schedules to look to our loving Father and ask Him for peace and for guidance. Stress seems to be a result of trying to do things ourselves instead of letting God help us.
If you’re beginning to feel overwhelmed and you find yourself feeling anything but peaceful, why don’t you stop, take a deep breath, and ask God to help you? The gifts and the meal won’t mean much to your family if you’ve been “biting their heads off.” The atmosphere of the home is what they will remember for years and that is the most important part. If this is truly a day we’ve given to Christ, His presence should be felt and His purposes accomplished. Let’s make sure to keep at the forefront of our minds the purpose of this time and choose to be a blessing in EVERYTHING we do.
CD Review: Christmas (The Rick Webb Family)
The recent Christmas CD from The Rick Webb Family starts with an a capella version of “Carol of the Bells.” Then they sing a medley of “Caroling Caroling/Sleigh Ride/Winter Wonderland.” The music on this song is what I call “Christmas” music. You know … sleigh bells and the kind of music that makes you think winter. I know that’s not a professional description but it’s the best way I know how to describe it.
“Glad Tidings of Great Joy” was a new song to me but a great announcement of the Savior’s birth.
My favorite song on the project is “Heaven’s Child.” I wish I knew which lady sings this song but she has a beautiful voice and does a great job delivering the message of this Christmas ballad.
Rick Webb sings “What Child is This” and “O Holy Night.”
I loved their arrangement of “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear.” It has a beautiful musical introduction with Parker Webb singing lead and the others joining in beautiful harmony for portions of each verse.
Other songs included are “Away in a Manger,” “Mary Did You Know,” and “Love Came Gently.”
In reading back over this review, I may slightly overuse the word “beautiful” but that’s the best way I know how to describe this CD. This is a group even people who don’t prefer Southern Gospel music would enjoy.
So Many Reasons
So many reasons why I love the Lord
So many reasons I can’t count them
I don’t know about you but I can relate to what the writer of this song was feeling. When I take time to think of the many blessings God has poured out upon me, I wonder, “Why me?” He has been so good and faithful even when I haven’t been. I think of all the imperfect people in the Bible whom God used but He proved that “man looks on the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart.”
I can’t number the reasons why I love the Lord but I’ll tell you this: I do love Him. As much as I know how to love anyone, I’m striving to stay by His side and reciprocate the love I know He has for me. I can’t thank Him enough for that love but, again, I’m so glad He sees my heart. He knows my desire and I know He’ll keep showing me how to be a blessing to others in His name. After all, that’s one of the ways we prove our love for Him.