Acknowledging God’s Blessings

The other day I realized I’ve been so busy that I’ve neglected to think about the many ways God is blessing. It bothers me when I get that busy. How can we praise Him if we don’t see what He’s doing? I quickly turned my heart to count my blessings and to feel His presence. I’ve had a hectic few months but God has led, opened doors, given grace. He’s just been so good to me.

I’m presently in Texas where the sun is shining and the weather is warmer. How nice to be able to wear sandals and to feel a bit on the warm side. I love spring and look forward to it being in full bloom by the time I get back home.

If you haven’t taken time lately to thank God specifically for the various ways He’s blessed you, do so today. We can’t praise Him enough. If He never does another thing for me, He’s already been better to me than I deserve. However, He continues to pour out His love and let me know that I’m His child. How blessed I am! Thank You, Father, for your unfailing love. May I never cease to give You the praise that You deserve.

Temporary Weeping

“Weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5) When you’re weeping, it’s hard to fathom this truth, isn’t it. But once again I’ve found Scripture to be true. Life can look really bleak during the dark times of our lives but God has not left us. He desires us to look to Him and receive the faith that will lead us to victory.

I think the victory over trials and the healing from one’s past often begins inside of us. If you lie down and prepare to die, you probably will do just that. However, if you look to God and get His mind and allow Him to renew your spirit, you will begin to accomplish God’s purposes for your life.

Don’t let the enemy tell you your life’s worth nothing. Don’t think the best times of your life are over. Only God knows the plans He has for you but they are good and not evil. He loves you more than you could ever know.

Don’t Let Me Lose Sight

I was praying this evening for a couple friends who are dealing with health issues. It can be a helpless feeling watching loved ones struggle but I’m so thankful we serve a God who is all-powerful. I don’t know about you but it’s easy for me to focus on the sickness, the could bes, etc. As I prayed this evening, I feel like God prompted me to pray, “Lord, don’t let me lose sight of You!” If my eyes are on Him, everything I face in life seems small. His strength increases as mine on my own would shrivel up to nothing.

I’m sure I appear to others to be strong and I admit God has given me tremendous strength in the trials He’s brought into my life but more and more the words to “The Warrior is a Child” comes back to mind and all I want to do is crawl up in my Daddy’s arms and let Him hold me. I know He’s doing that. He’ll continue to carry me when I need it but He’ll also give me the strength to stand no matter what comes my way. He’s promised to do so and He’s proven Himself over and over again. I don’t doubt Him for an instant.

If life seems to be happening faster than you can keep up with it and you find yourself becoming overwhelmed, take some time to focus on Jesus. He’s there waiting to give you the strength you need. You may feel like a child but your Daddy’s waiting with His arms open wide. He’ll get you through this trial and then you can testify of His goodness and encourage others who are going through similar situations.

CD Review: Angels in the Room (The Bradford Trio)

The Bradford Trio is an acapella group consisting of two sisters and their cousin. Need I say more? 🙂 Tight family harmony singing hymns and other favorites pretty much sums up this recording.

The CD begins with the uptempo “The Lord is My Rock.” My personal favorite is “Safe in Your Fold.” Very beautiful. “Wings of Joy” is next, followed by “Angels in the Room,” “Whispering Hope,” “I Go to the Rock,” “He Will Carry You,” (I love their rendition of this song except they dragged out the chorus a bit too long; other than that, it’s beautiful) “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” “Just Sing It,” and “Amazing Grace.”

Lessons from Animals and Children

As I was praying this morning, I took a few minutes to watch some dogs outside my bedroom window: an older dog and two puppies. The older dog is not the mama but she’s taken these two under wing. As she was sniffing the ground, one of the puppies began sniffing the ground as well. I don’t know if the puppy knew what she was sniffing for but she was doing her best to imitate her mentor. They say imitation is the best flattery but, in this age of independence, it seems like our focus is on being our own person instead of learning from those who are living lives worth imitating.

I also wonder how much we imitate God. Baby animals will follow their mamas and learn from them until they are grown, eagerly learning how to survive in a world that’s out to get them. I don’t often see people striving to learn from God in the same way. It’s as if we’re worried that He’ll lead us down a wrong path. Do we really think we know better than God?! We often act as if we do.

Scripture tells us we need to become as little children. Their faith is amazing. My nieces and nephews don’t think for a moment that mama or daddy would lie to them. Aunt Sony, on the other hand, they’re not too sure about 🙂 but my prayer is that they will continue to grow in trust and faith so that one day they will have that same trust and faith in their Heavenly Father as He leads them and teaches them.

If you’ve been taking the approach of trying to analyze things and re-think God’s direction about things, I would encourage you to repent and begin to follow Him. As you follow Him, you may find that others begin to follow you. Maybe there are some following you now and you don’t want to lead them down the wrong path. Stay close to God. He knows what’s best for you and will only direct you in those things. They may not always be easy things but they will be good.

CD Review: For This Time (Tribute Quartet)

Tribute Quartet is another group I’ve been hearing about for a couple years but haven’t heard much from them. Recently, I decided I need to get more familiar with them.

“I Love Living in Grace” is a moderate tempo song which you would expect from a traditional southern gospel quartet. “That’s What Makes Grace Amazing” is a beautiful ballad with a great message. They do a beautiful job on “Who Am I?” I also like “His Tomb is Empty.” “I Am Healed” is a message of hope for those who need a touch from God. The CD also includes the catchy “I Heard It, I Believe It.”

Other songs include “I’ve Been Blessed,” “That’s Why I Love Him So,” “Calvary Wins Again,” “Helpless Not Hopeless,” “He Said That,” and “He Was in Charge.”

We Are So Blessed

This afternoon, I was listening to the Primitive Quartet sing, “We’ve Been So Blessed.” I absolutely love that song. We have so much to be thankful for and my guess is we don’t realize the half. God’s mercy and favor astounds me but it’s real. He’s much better to us than we deserve.

I’ve said it numerous times before but this is your periodic reminder to take time to thank God for His many blessings. He’s so deserving. If you have people who love you, you are blessed. If you can move and breathe, you are blessed. Blessings aren’t measured by finances. If you have joy in your heart, you’re blessed. And, of course, if you know the God I serve, you’re immensely blessed. Take time to praise Him today and thank Him for His many blessings.

CD Review: Unshakeable (Dove Brothers)

The Dove Brothers continue their traditional style of singing in their latest release, Unshakeable.

It begins with the toe-tapping “Good Ole Gospel Song,” followed by “Hey Lazarus.” David Hester sings the old Happy Goodman song, “How About You?” “If I Knew Then” talks about the importance of making each moment count so you have no regrets at life’s end.

Next is another uptempo number: “I Recall.” The thing that jumps out at me with this song is how high Jerry Martin can sing. “King Jesus” has never been my favorite song but it’s next in the lineup. Jerry Martin is featured on “My Soul Has Been Set Free.” McCray Dove sings the old Imperial’s song, “Oh Buddha.”

The last two songs are “Preachin’ in Prison” and “Unstoppable.”

Rest in Him

This week, I’m struggling not to feel overwhelmed. I have so much to do in the next two weeks and I just “know” that it won’t all get done or that I’ll forget something major which will stress others which will add to the stress I’m already under. Pause. Take a deep breath. Start chipping away at my to-do list.

Why is it so easy to get stressed and so hard to remember to trust God to give us strength and wisdom for each task He asks us to do? I’m struggling not to be stressed but I know God’s grace is sufficient. He knew I would need to take a couple days off last week to attend a funeral. He knows what I absolutely NEED to accomplish in two weeks and which things can wait until I return from my trip.

He knows the plans He has for me so why am I so slow to ask Him, or at least slow to listen? Sometimes I ask but I end up getting back to my busyness before I hear Him answer. The fact is that life will continue at a fast pace and will spiral out of control if I let it. My job is to be still, know He is God and rest in Him. He has a plan and He will lead me in that plan if I will but look to Him and give Him my burden. Sounds good to me. I’d rather not carry it any longer anyway.

Thank You, Father, that I don’t have to figure this out on my own. You will go before me to accomplish the work You’ve given me to do. I need only to look to You and You will complete it.

Love Them While You Can

Years ago, Steve Green sang a song titled “Love Them While You Can.” It’s been ages since I’ve heard the song but, as I sat in a funeral service Friday morning, that line came back to my mind. We know in reality that no one has forever but we often live as if we do.

It doesn’t take long to give someone a hug or write a quick note or even make a quick phone call to say “I love you.” As the song says, “A kind word never goes unheard but too often goes unsaid.” It’s so true.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to let others know what they mean to you. Pray that God will show you ways to let them know you love them. You’ll never regret it if you do but you very well may if you don’t.
