CD Review: Grace Through Faith (Vertical Praise)

As this CD begins, you can understand the name. Vertical Praise truly sends praise up to the Father.

I’m not sure who to compare them to. They remind me a bit of Hope’s Call but they seem to have settled into a niche singing praise songs yet doing so in a southern gospel manner. One of my favorite songs on the project is a song Donna Beauvais wrote with Chris Binion: “That’s Just What Love Does.” I also like “Forgives and Forgets,” a beautiful song about God’s forgiveness.

“God is Faithful, “There’s Only One Well,” and “He’s a Sure Thing” are upbeat songs with a slightly progressive sound. Other songs include “That’s My King,” “When All You Have is Faith,” “No Doubt About It,” Let it Fall,” “Whatever it Takes,” and a peppy rendition of “When We All Get to Heaven.”

The Copenhavers in the Studio

  • June 14, 2011 at 1:51 am in

Yesterday, I had the unique privilege of attending a concert by the Copenhavers at Gaither Studios in Alexandria, Indiana. This was the first concert of theirs I’ve ever been to but the fact that it was also a live recording made it that much more exciting. All the songs they sang were written by Bill & Gloria Gaither, some with the same arrangements and some with a Copenhaver flair. I won’t give you the song list now but be watching for their new CD.

God Loves a Cheerful Giver

“Every man according as he purposes in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

The other night, we stayed in a home which defined hospitality. The family was sweet and gracious and went above and beyond the call of duty in accommodating us and making sure every need and every desire was met. As I watched the lady of the house, it occurred to me that what made her such a blessing was that she was truly a cheerful giver. It seems like many people, if they give at all, do so because they feel required to. They may even be able to pull it off but when it flows from the heart, it makes the recipient feel loved and helps him or her to feel God’s love as well. As a matter of fact, I’m convinced one cannot achieve cheerful giving if not borne out of a love for God and others.

Are you giving of yourself grudgingly or cheerfully? Whether it’s time, things or money, the fact is that God loves a cheerful giver … and so do people.

CD Review: Painting Pictures (Providence Quartet)

I met Rob Shelton several years ago when he was singing with The Dixie Melody Boys. When he left, I lost track of him so I was surprised at a showcase at NQC last year when I went to a showcase of the Providence Quartet and he was introduced. As I listen to this project, it sounds similar to something I would expect from a DMB alumni.

It starts with an uptempo song Bill Shivers wrote called “I’m Going There.” Then goes into “Every Step I Take.” “Hell Won’t Give an Altar Call” is quite thought provoking, talking about how, once you’re in hell, it will be too late to call on Jesus. You need to do so today.

I love the uptempo “God Told Me to Walk a Little Farther”–a great song of encouragement. Keep walking! Canaanland is just in sight!

Also included on this project is Larry Hinson’s song, “Joy Comes in the Morning.” Then they slow the tempo way down to sing “Jesus Had Mercy on Me.” “Lord Give Me a Field to Plow” is a fast bluegrassy song.

I love the line, “You can’t kill what God’s given life.” You’ll find this line in “When Jesus Speaks Life.”

Other songs include: “My Ship Can’t Go Down,” “You’re Just a Step From Calvary,” and “Painting Pictures,” all written by Newt Kelly.

Thoughts of Harold Lane

I was sad this week to hear that Harold Lane has joined those who have gone before us to Heaven. I didn’t realize he was sick so this was unexpected for me.

I’ve known about Harold for as long as I can remember but the first time I remember seeing him was on the Gaither Homecoming Video, Reunion. A while later, I got a copy of the Speer’s 70th Anniversary video and I loved to watch Harold harmonize with Ben Speer on the second verse of “I’m Standing on the Solid Rock.” I never had the opportunity to meet him but he seemed like a sweet, humble man. Our loss is Heaven’s gain but I’m thankful that I’ll have a chance to meet him in a place where we’ll never have to say goodbye again.

Thankful for Brothers and Sisters

As expected, God brought several neat Brothers and Sisters by the booth today. I love it when you’re talking and all of a sudden, without effort, you find that connection in the Spirit and can say “Thank You, Lord, for allowing me to meet another Sibling.” Heaven is truly going to be a wonderful place. After we see Jesus and talk with Him a while, we’ll be able to fellowship with Brothers and Sisters we knew on earth as well as those we never knew at all or only met briefly. I wonder what our conversations will be about. I suspect it won’t be all the sports games we watched or the concerts we attended. The weather will be inconsequential and our trials long forgotten. Scripture says we’ll spend time praising God and I bet intermittently we’ll stop to share with others how faithful God was to us on earth and what a blessing it is to spend eternity with others who equally love this Savior I worship.

I’m so thankful God gives me a glimpse of what it’s like now but I know I ain’t seen nothing yet. And to those of you I haven’t yet met, I still hope to meet you on this earth but if God doesn’t bring us together here, make sure you look for me at Jesus’ feet. I’ll be waiting for you with a big hug.

Trusting God’s Covering

A busy weekend is just around the corner but, before I turn out the light, I have to testify of God’s goodness. We arrived safely in Indianapolis and I am thanking God once again for His hand of protection. On the way we passed a couple accidents, a van which had a flat tire, numerous construction sites but God covered us the whole way.

I think it was David Livingstone who said that he wasn’t afraid because he knew nothing could kill him until it was God’s time to take him Home. When I become fearful, I remind myself of that truth. I also know nothing can harm me unless God allows it and He won’t allow harm unless it’s for my good or His glory. If my life is truly in God’s hands, I have nothing to fear. This doesn’t mean I never succumb to such a needless trait but I don’t want to live in fear and God helps me daily to lean on Him and trust Him, and He always covers me.

“Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for Thou art with me” (Psalm 23:4). Do I hear some Amens?!

Glad to be a Part of the Family of God

I’m preparing for a conference this weekend and continuing to thank God for the doors He opens. One of my greatest blessings is getting out and meeting Brothers and Sisters and receiving sweet Christian fellowship. It’s one thing I don’t seem to get enough of.

There’s a difference between fellowship and socialization. Socializing is exhausting while fellowship is rejuvenating. At least that’s how it is for me. I enjoy being around people but I hit a time where I’m ready for people to go home … unless it’s that bond of the Spirit which brings people together to the point where spirits soar and you want the time together to never end. I’m so thankful for the people God’s put in my life who are just that for me.

Take time to think of the people God’s put in your life. Do you take the time to reach out and receive the fellowship which provides the encouragement needed in this dark, lonely world? If not, you really should. Maybe you can encourage someone else who needs to hear from you. It’s true that every member of the Body fulfills a special purpose. Don’t neglect to fulfill yours.

Remembering the Martyrs

On this day when many are remembering the men and women who have died fighting for our freedom, God brought to mind men and women who laid down their lives to secure their ultimate freedom. I’m referring to those who were killed for no other reason than the fact that they loved God. It’s sad that we don’t have a day to honor them but I’m reminded that martyrdom is not a thing of the past. There are still people across the world being tortured for their love of Christ. They need our prayers.

As Americans, it’s easy to enjoy our life of comparative ease and forget those who don’t have this. We should not be so lax. If we live to see the day that our freedom is taken away, we would want our Brothers and Sisters across the world to pray for us. It may be the only thing that gets us through those times. I heard about a man in a communist country who stated that he prayed that America would face persecution so that we would become the Christians Christ desires.

I don’t pray for persecution but I am asking God to help me be the daughter He created me to be. If it truly is the trials of life that brings us to that point, I pray that He will give me strength to go through those trials. If it’s a lonely road I must travel to appreciate His presence, I pray I will rejoice even in that. As the martyrs who have gone before, my goal is to stay close to my Savior and do whatever He asks of me. I may not always understand but I pray to continue to hold His hand until I enter His presence for eternity.

Concert Review: Staffmen/Heralders/Calvarymen/Original Couriers

A couple weeks ago, I attended a concert at Hudsonville Reformed Church in Hudsonville, MI. I was expecting to arrive 1/2 hour before it started and have no trouble getting a good seat. Wrong! As soon as we got to the church, the parking lot was full, making me eager to run in and make sure we had a place to sit. I hadn’t eaten dinner, however, so I probably made record time of eating half a sub (which for me is pretty fast) and then fought to walk like a lady as quickly as possible, hoping I wouldn’t have to stand.

The man who was seating people found my mom and me a seat about halfway back in the middle. We were right behind the sound control booth but thankfully no one was running sound from there most of the evening and, although I’d have preferred to be closer to the front, it wasn’t as bad a view as I thought it would be.

I’d only heard of two of the groups on the program that evening so I settled in as the concert began with the Staffmen. I enjoyed their set as they sang songs which were familiar to me: “Whispering Hope,” “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow,” “Sheltered in the Arms of God,” “Learning to Lean,” “Little is Much,” “Oh What a Savior,” “I am Redeemed,” and “We Shall See Jesus.” Basic arrangements but good harmony made each song nice to listen to and easy to sing along with.

The Calvarymen sang a mixture of songs I’ve heard them sing before and songs I hadn’t, although some of those I’d heard other groups do. Their set included: “He’s So Good to Me,” “In Your Arms” (probably my favorite song they sing), “Excuses” (the old Kingsmen classic), “Wonderful Grace of Jesus,” (the Cathedrals’ acapella arrangement), “I Plead the Blood,” “Love Grew Where the Blood Fell,” and “Heaven’s Joy Awaits.” The last time I’d seen them, they were a quartet. Now traveling as a trio, I was surprised they did this last song but I was not disappointed. If you didn’t know the original included a bass singer, you wouldn’t have noticed the bass part was omitted. They encored the song, walking off stage and shaking hands while singing their “do re mi” parts. Very impressive.

I’d never had the opportunity to see Dave, Duane and Neil (the Original Couriers) outside of NQC but I have a lot of respect for Neil Enloe and I was looking forward to getting to talk with him and seeing his group in person. This trio has been singing together for over 50 years and, as I watched them sing, I thanked God for men who remain faithful to Him and the calling He’s placed on their lives. I’m grateful for men who don’t try to be idols but are willing to be examples of what Godly men look like. You really can be down to earth and reflect Jesus at the same time.

The Couriers sang: “Happiness,” “It’s Such a Good Feeling,” “Euroclydon” (my favorite Neil Enloe song so far), “I Stand Before Your Majesty,” “When It Hurts So Bad,” and “The Next Time I Get Married.”

During the Heralder’s set, I went to stand in the back so I could stretch my legs. Therefore, I only heard the first few songs but they had a great stage presentation and held their audience well. I was very blessed to meet Hank Vander Loon of the group and hope I have the opportunity to hear the Heralders again.

For the finale, all four groups sang “Loving God, Loving Each Other” and “I’ll Fly Away.”

I left the concert thanking God for allowing me to attend. I felt so blessed both by the concert and my conversations with Neil Enloe (of the Couriers) and Steve Ratliff (of the Calvarymen). I pray God continues to bless these groups and use them for His glory.
