Shine Your Light

In my last post, I mentioned that I don’t put people on pedestals. There are people I look up to and respect, however, and I’ve been thinking how we should live worthy of the pedestals others may place us on. Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.” (Matthew 5:14) It seems that, so often, we’re trying to hide our light. We don’t want to be different. We don’t want people to look up to us but, in reality, if we are following Jesus, we are called to make disciples who will follow us as we follow Christ. Our purpose in shining is not to draw people to ourselves but to point them to Jesus. As we follow Him and draw near to Him, others will learn to do the same thing. Many revivals have begun by just one or two people being faithful.

I often hear others use the phrase, “Nobody’s perfect” or “I sin all the time.” The fact is, as humans, we will sin but Christ is faithful to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) Nothing in Scripture says we have to sin. In fact, Christ tells us to “Be you therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48) If we are following Christ’s example, we have nothing to worry about. Encourage that one in your life who looks up to you. Take him or her by the hand and lead them to the Promised Land. It’s a rough road at times but, by God’s grace, I’ll meet you there.

Encouragement for Godly Examples

Last night I had the blessing of attending a Gospel Singing Caravan concert, featuring the Blackwood Brothers, the LeFevre Quartet and the Chuck Wagon Gang. I will be writing a review soon but, as I watched Jimmy and Billy Blackwood, Mike LeFevre, Shaye Smith and some of the others who are continuing on the heritage they were raised in, I was thinking what a blessing it was to see men and women who have been faithful to God for so many years. These are people I can follow because they are following Christ. I don’t put people on pedestals since I know that those are hard for humans to stay on but I want to watch and learn from those who have walked with Christ longer than I have. I want to connect with those that I will be spending eternity with.

As I get older, I understand more of the need for young people to have people they can look up to, and I want to be one of those examples. I pray that I will always reflect Jesus so that I don’t cause anyone to stumble but that I will lead them into the Promised Land. Thank you to those who live the Christian life before us which encourages us that we can make it. I know you get tired and weary at times but your efforts are not in vain. Your life is noticed more than you know. May God richly bless you as you continue to shine for Him.

Primitive Quartet’s Hominy Valley Sing 2011

I was blessed to be able to attend two evenings of the Hominy Valley Sing in Candler, NC this year. This was on top of hearing a few songs Wednesday night which I mentioned in my previous post. I didn’t take extensive notes or pictures but I still wanted to mention some of the highlights.

Sunday featured the Partain Family, Set Apart, the Spencers and the Primitive Quartet.

The Partain Family is a mom, dad and their eight children. They broke it up so that only three or four of them were singing at any given time but each of the members did a great job. Probably the most touching part was when they brought their little boy to the stage who is probably around 3 years old. Mr. Partain told the story of how his son had had a hole in his heart and these parents had to go through the process of placing their child in God’s hands and trusting that, no matter what happened, God had a plan. God healed their son, and he joined them in singing “Give Them All to Jesus.” Mr. Partain mentioned that they didn’t have their son up there to be cute but to testify of what can happen when you truly give everything to Jesus.

I’d never heard Set Apart before but they were very good. I was glad to see J.B. and Barbara Spencer again, and the Primitive Quartet were top notch as always, singing a lot of requests, including several songs which featured parts by Larry Riddle and Norman Wilson which are always my favorites.

Monday was the Field Day which was held on the grounds of the Sing. There were games for the children, a softball games for adults and big kids, and there was a small jam session which my sister and I enjoyed listening to. After most everyone left, my sister and I stayed under the tent, watching the rain fall and I read and prayed intermittently. It was nice to have some time to rest in a beautiful setting, surrounded by mountains. As the rain fell against the roof of the tent, it allowed me time to sing without being heard by the few people who were also waiting out the storm.

That evening, the concert featured Mike Upright, the Marksmen, Paul Williams and the Victory Trio, and the Primitive Quartet. I wasn’t familiar with any of these guest artists but I’m glad I got to hear them.

With Monday being July 4, there was also a tribute to the veterans, thanking them for their part in fighting for our freedom.

If you enjoy bluegrass music and have never attended one of these Sings, I would encourage you to do so. They have another one coming up in October which will feature the Singing Cookes, the Cooke Brothers, Set Apart, the Spencers, the Reggie Saddler Family, Paul Williams and the Victory Trio, the Good Shepherd Quartet and, of course, the Primitive Quartet who will be appearing every evening. For more information, visit their website at

Hominy Valley Sing Snippet

Last night, I had the blessing of stopping in at the Hominy Valley Singing in Candler, NC. It was about 9:45 PM when we arrived so I only heard a few songs but I loved hearing a couple songs by the original Primitive Quartet (Norman Wilson, Furman Wilson, Reagan Riddle and Larry Riddle). Their sound has changed a bit over the years but they’ve stayed true to the message and serving the God they sing about.

Archie Watkins and Smoky Mountain Reunion sang a couple songs too, the highlight of which was Troy Burns singing lead on Jesus is Coming Soon. That was actually the finale with the Primitive Quartet joining them but I love the way Troy makes that song come alive. I’ve heard the song as long as I can remember but the message is still true. Jesus is coming soon. Are you ready?

Trials: A Blessing or a Curse

When things are going well, you are well-liked, money’s coming in and you’re not facing a trial, do you ever wonder what’s wrong? I doubt that’s what goes through your mind at times like that but do you take the time to thank the Lord for His many blessings? True blessings come from God but times of ease can be tools used by the enemy to get your mind off of God. It’s possible things are going well because you’re not a threat to satan and, therefore, he has no reason to oppose you.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.”

When things are going well for you, don’t forget you’re still in a battle. You still need God today as much as you did yesterday. Take time to praise Him for His blessings and keep serving Him. God may continue to bless you or you may find that you begin to feel the battle once again but don’t take it as a sign you’re doing something wrong. For the Believer, trials are often proof that you’re doing something right.

“Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you: But rejoice, inasmuch as you are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, you may be glad also with exceeding joy” (1 Peter 4:12-13).

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Don’t despair, child of God, we are on our way to a Heavenly Home. Just be faithful. Thank God for your blessings but learn to praise Him through your trials as well. There’s no greater way to live a victorious, Christian life.

Anchored on the Rock

Therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man, which built his house on a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it fell not: for it was founded on a rock” (Matthew 7:24-25).

Storms will come but we do not have to fall. With Christ, we have strength to withstand every storm that comes our way. The key is hearing God’s voice and obeying Him, staying close to Him regardless of what comes our way. Are you doing that?

I find it interesting that people go through life ignoring God until something bad happens. Then they begin blaming Him. God’s not obligated to bless us but He does bless His children. Sometimes those blessings come through trials. We may not see it at the time but how many situations can you look back on and see God’s hand in hindsight?

God has promised to take care of His children. He’s promised never to leave or forsake us. We do have a part to play, however. Obedience is not optional. It’s when we live a life of obedience that God draws near to us sheltering us from the storms that come. If you are feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders, ask God to show you why for His burden is light.

Is your foundation anchored on the Rock? Are you obediently doing what God has called you to do? If so, then no matter what comes against you, rest in Him, knowing that He is your shield. Nothing can harm you when your Rock is near.

CD Review: Jesus Gave Me a Song (Squire Parsons Trio)

This CD features ten more songs written by Squire Parsons and sung by Squire, his son Sam Parsons, and Greg Bentley.

“He Left the Light On” refers to the cross as a Light that is always shining, drawing people to Christ.

“We Shall Fight On” is an uptempo song, reminding Believers that we can’t rest now. It’s time to continue fighting the good fight.

Squire sings “Daddy I’m Fine” which talks about a child going to Heaven. If you’ve lost a child, you know the agony that brings but, if your child knows Christ, what a blessing to know you’ll see your child again.

“If You Will Give Your Heart to the Lord” has a sound that I can’t pin. It sounds old maybe. Very different musically.

Squire also sings “Heaven’s Rose.” You may remember Squire’s old song, “The Beautiful Rose.” They include a portion of that song for the bridge but most of this song talks about when Christ walked the earth as Heaven’s Rose.

I originally heard the Kingdom Heirs sing “Now I Am On My Way to Heaven” but it’s always fun hearing the songwriter sing his own song.

Sam sings “My God Sent an Angel” which tells us that, when we’re at our lowest, God will send an angel to provide the comfort and courage you need for the storm you’re going through.

I love “Is There a Crown for Me.” I love their harmony and, mixed with a great message, well, that’s why I love southern gospel music. 🙂

Other songs on this project are: “Jesus Gave Me a Song,” “I Am Still His Child,” “There Has Never Been a Man Like This Man,” and “I Know the One.”

Godly Relationships are a Blessing

I hope you had a great weekend. My weekend was hectic but very nice. Yesterday, we had a full house of family and, as I looked around, I took time to thank God for His love for me. At one point, I retreated to my room for a bit to rest and unwind but I wouldn’t know what to do if things were always quiet. God designed us to interact with others. I may think I’d prefer solitude at times but too much solitude can produce great loneliness. Adam had God’s undivided attention. Yet God said, “It’s not good for man to be alone.” We’re made to interact, to share, to love. In our fast-paced society, I think it’s easy to forget that.

As you go through this coming week, take time to recognize God’s blessings. Acknowledge that even people who may seem like thorns may be people who God has put in your life. That’s a hard one for me too but I don’t want to take one relationship for granted. I don’t have time for people who are constantly draining but for those who are willing to walk together and do what it takes to make a relationship work, those are people I want to invest in.

Practice What You Preach

Do you remember when your first child was born? Oh the joy that must have filled your heart as you looked at that tiny creature who was so helpless and dependent upon you. You may have felt inadequate but you knew that, regardless of what your child lacked in life, he or she would never lack love.

As this little one grew up, I’m sure you did your best to provide for needs. Food and clothing were always in sufficient supply and there was sometimes money left over to pay for a ballgame or a concert. What memories you must have built through the years.

As your child continued to mature, I suspect so did your determination to teach right from wrong, to save your child from making the same mistakes you did but I wonder if you were able to model what you tried to teach or if they were just words. See, children know when a parent is real and when he or she is not and the saying “More is caught than taught” is very true. When children are young, they want to be their parents. They look up to you and emulate you. They may not always like obeying you but they respect you. You are their world. They are observant though. If you tell them not to steal but you steal, they will notice. If you tell them not to yell but you yell at them or at your spouse, they make a note of it.

The world is full of hypocrites who know how to pour on the charm in public but are tyrants at home. A Christian home should be different than that. We should treat our children the same way we treat others. We should talk to them and instruct them the same way we want to be talked to and instructed. Your children may love you regardless of how you act but they will respect you and will better learn to be children of God if you show them how to do so. If you weren’t taught, don’t worry. The Holy Spirit is a great teacher and is more than willing to help.

To all you fathers who read my blog, I want to wish you a blessed Father’s Day. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a daddy.” Don’t neglect one moment of being a daddy to your children. Be the kind of daddy your children can emulate as you imitate Christ.

Winning the Battle Over Temptation

“Again, the devil takes Him up into an exceeding high mountain, and shows Him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And said to Him, ‘All these things will I give You, if You will fall down and worship me.’ Then said Jesus to him, ‘Get you hence, Satan: for it is written, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve.”‘ Then the devil leaves Him, and, behold, angels came and ministered to Him” (Matthew 4:8-11).

Have you thought about the intense temptation Jesus must have went through in that 40 days in the wilderness? I wonder how the angels refrained from going to Him as Satan began to masterfully tempt Jesus at His weakest. He knew Jesus was hungry and tired and alone so, of course, that’s where he went with his “suggestions.” “You must be hungry, Jesus. Go ahead and turn these stones into bread. You’re able.” But Jesus knew that was not the will of His Father so He dutifully refused, quoting Scripture to win the battle. How well-versed in Scripture He was.

It’s easy to downplay what Jesus went through since He was God but I’ve no doubt that just as you and I have to daily choose not to fall into temptation, Jesus had to do the same thing. The difference was that He kept close to His Father and hid the Word in His heart so that He wouldn’t sin, and we have that same power. It can seem more fun to watch TV than to read the Word or to talk to a friend instead of talking to God but if you don’t get God’s Word in your heart, you won’t know how to use the sword of the Spirit which enables you to fight your battles and win! Yes, we sin but we should not live a life of sin. We have power to overcome every temptation which comes our way. We just need to decide that our relationship with God is more important that life’s temporary pleasures.
