CD Review: Jesus Gave Me a Song (Squire Parsons Trio)

  • 22 June 2011

This CD features ten more songs written by Squire Parsons and sung by Squire, his son Sam Parsons, and Greg Bentley.

“He Left the Light On” refers to the cross as a Light that is always shining, drawing people to Christ.

“We Shall Fight On” is an uptempo song, reminding Believers that we can’t rest now. It’s time to continue fighting the good fight.

Squire sings “Daddy I’m Fine” which talks about a child going to Heaven. If you’ve lost a child, you know the agony that brings but, if your child knows Christ, what a blessing to know you’ll see your child again.

“If You Will Give Your Heart to the Lord” has a sound that I can’t pin. It sounds old maybe. Very different musically.

Squire also sings “Heaven’s Rose.” You may remember Squire’s old song, “The Beautiful Rose.” They include a portion of that song for the bridge but most of this song talks about when Christ walked the earth as Heaven’s Rose.

I originally heard the Kingdom Heirs sing “Now I Am On My Way to Heaven” but it’s always fun hearing the songwriter sing his own song.

Sam sings “My God Sent an Angel” which tells us that, when we’re at our lowest, God will send an angel to provide the comfort and courage you need for the storm you’re going through.

I love “Is There a Crown for Me.” I love their harmony and, mixed with a great message, well, that’s why I love southern gospel music. 🙂

Other songs on this project are: “Jesus Gave Me a Song,” “I Am Still His Child,” “There Has Never Been a Man Like This Man,” and “I Know the One.”

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