CD Review: The Journey (Brothers Forever)
Brothers Forever recently put together a CD to give a glimpse into their journey the past few years. With songs from previous recordings (By Request, Sheltered, and Side by Side: Live in Illinois), this is a definitely a “Best of” collection.
I love this group for their worship songs so it was perfect that they chose “You Alone Are Worthy” to begin the CD.
Gary Ballew sings lead on “God is Good,” the song the Gaither Vocal Band made popular a while back.
Next is their signature song, “I Feel a Blessing Coming On.”
Curtis Hagy sings “I Am Him,” the story of the Samaritan woman who found Jesus.
“More Than That” talks about how God is so much more than anything we can say. His mercy and grace knows no end. He’s so much “more than that.”
When I’m discouraged, I sometimes turn on “You Are Loved” and feel God’s arms around me. It’s a great reminder that God loves me no matter what I’ve done or what I’m going through.
“Whenever I Speak His Name” is another worship song that Gary sings.
“What More Could He Have Done” talks about what Christ went through, leaving Heaven to come to earth and be persecuted and crucified. “What more could He do to save our dying soul?” I’m so thankful for everything Christ has done for me.
“I Can’t Forget the Day” is an uptempo song remembering the day “my burdens rolled away.”
It’s hard to choose a favorite song on this project but the one that is probably at the top of my list is “My Home.” I’ve played this song a lot this past year as I find myself longing for Home more these days.
Other songs include: “The Lighthouse,” “Rest Assured,” “The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power,” and “He Saw it All.”
Love is Not Old-Fashioned
My grandparents have been married for over 60 years. Theirs was a fairy tale where they met as teens, married young, raised a family and still have a great relationship. Some may think of stories like that as being old-fashioned but I think the focus of young people has merely changed.
Years ago, when a man and woman said, “I do,” they meant it for life. They understood the responsibility of the commitment they were making and I suspect the focus was on what they could give to the relationship as opposed to what they could receive. Today, young people tend to be more self-centered. They want what makes them feel good, look good, etc. If a person marries in that mindframe, it doesn’t make for a long-lasting relationship.
When Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself, it wasn’t a suggestion; it was the second greatest COMMANDment. I also think it may be the commandment which is most ignored. For Christians, there is no reason we can’t have the marriage our grandparents had. Don’t buy the lie that true love is old-fashioned. True love is what God desires us to have for our Brothers, Sisters and our spouses.
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13).
CD Review: It is Time (The Troy Burns Family)
Many of you will remember Troy Burns from the years he sang with the Inspirations or, more recently, with Archie Watkins and Smoky Mountain Reunion but some may not realize he now also sings with his wife Tammy and son Trey as The Troy Burns Family. This past year, Troy recorded his first CD with his family and I’ve really enjoyed it.
“Come Sweet Anointing” is a song I first heard the Ruppes sing years ago and Troy does well conveying this prayer in song.
“The Coming” is an uptempo song which talks of Christ’s return. The music is different on this one. To me, it sounds like a mixture of Hebrew and bluegrass. Very cool.
My favorite song on this CD is “The One We’ve Been Looking For.” Part of what I love are the lyrics which I can so relate to: dealing with daily stresses, yet reminding myself that this is not my final Home. My Father’s prepared a place much better than this. Someone was talking the other day about how everyone is looking for Heaven whether they realize it or not. Every disappointment we go through shows how far away we are but one day what we only dream about now will be reality. I, for one, can’t wait to run into the arms of “the One [I’ve] been looking for.”
I also like “The Crown” which gives us a glimpse into Heaven where “the crown of thorns He wore is traded for a crown of gold.”
“It is Time” begins describing the feeling of standing at the grave of a man who just died. Then it turns to looking up to Heaven as Jesus returns in the clouds and the dead in Christ live again.
Okay. Maybe I don’t just have one favorite on this CD. “Crucified with Christ” is not a new song but still has a powerful message. As I listen to it now, it makes me want to shout. I’m so thankful it’s not I that lives but Christ who lives in me.
“Isn’t It Grace” explains how we don’t have God’s love because we deserve it but because of His grace. With that knowledge, we can go on.
Other songs included are: “My God is Watching Over Me,” “He Only Sees the Blood,” and “When Mama Prayed.” Clips of the songs on this CD may be heard on their website.
Enter His Rest
Can you believe how quickly this week has flown? I can’t believe it’s Friday already but it’s been a good week. I hope you can say the same.
This morning, I was reading about rest and peace, and I felt the Spirit once again reminding me that’s what He wants for me. Life is stressful but He calls us to give Him the stress so we can rest. Such a basic concept yet I find myself feeling like I need to handle things. You’d think I’d have learned by now that I can’t handle them but He can. He really is helping me, and I pray I can stay focused on Him, doing the work He’s given me to do but letting Him handle the things I can’t. As Jake Hess sang, “I ain’t in a management position in the work of the Lord.” It’s His job to manage; it’s mine to follow His instructions.
If you’ve had a rough week, give it to God. Lean on Him. Ask Him to hold you and to take over so you can rest. Then trust Him to do so. He really will.
A Child’s Trust
Lately, I feel like I’m in school to learn how to be a child. Children are so trusting. They know that Mom and Dad want what’s best for them and, even though they don’t always understand, they learn to submit their will to those who know better. That’s what God is asking of us. He sees what we don’t and He asks us to trust Him as He guides our steps.
As I begin another year, there are things I want to see come to pass. Some things I’m asking God for but, more than anything, I’m asking Him to help me to trust Him and be fully submitted to His will. Jesus said that, unless we become as children, we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 18:3). I believe this is what He was referring to.
In Luke 14:27 He says, “whoever does not bear his cross, and come after Me, cannot be my disciple.” We are to follow Him wholeheartedly, being willing to carry whatever cross He asks us to yet bearing in mind that His yoke is easy and His burden light.
May we keep looking upward, rejoicing that He is faithful and “Being confident of this very thing, that He which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).
CD Review: It’s Wonderful (Primitive Quartet)
A year ago, I reviewed the He Lifted Me Out CD by the Primitive Quartet. I did not intentionally choose to review It’s Wonderful exactly one year later but it’s kinda neat it worked out that way.
“What a Time in Heaven” is an uptempo song with a similar tune to “Cane River Revival.” You can hear the banjo on this one.
Jeff sings the easy-listening “It’s Wonderful” which talks about the blessing of knowing God. It truly is wonderful just to know Him.
Reagan Riddle wrote and sings lead on “He’s the Same God” which is sung acapella. I love the last line: “He’s done everything that He said He would do but come back and get me, and He’ll do that too.”
Reagan also wrote the mid-tempo song, “He’s Holy.”
Mike Riddle sings, “I Don’t Have to See the Tomb” which is their current radio single. In my opinion, it was the perfect song for them to release as a single.
“He’s Coming, He’s Coming” talks about the Lord’s soon return.
Squire Parsons wrote, “I’m Longing for Home.”
They also included two patriotic songs on this recording, both of which were written by Reagan: “The Greatest Nation” and “American Soldier.”
This is a pretty typical Primitive Quartet recording but, for those who love the quartet as I do, you’ll enjoy this CD as well.
Happy New Year 2012
He makes all things beautiful in His time.
I don’t know why that song from the ’70s came to me this morning but I’ve been pondering that line. It’s actually not a Biblical statement. It’s true that God can take anything and make it beautiful but the true beauty of a person comes from a heart surrendered to Him, willing to be cleansed. I for one do want to be beautiful to Him and, as a new year begins, I’m asking Him to continue the work He’s begun in me.
At the beginning of 2011, one of the things I felt like God was speaking to me was the importance of trust and surrender. A basic concept to the Christian but one I needed to be reminded of. Unfortunately, those are still things I’ve not mastered so I ask God to continue to teach me those things. I know that means I will face tests I’d rather forego but what better way to develop trust in God than to allow Him to bring those trials so that He can show Himself strong on my behalf? Please pray with me. I believe every Christian has a call on his or her life, and I want to fulfill mine. I want my life to be more than an existence. I want to be a Light that shines brightly to draw others to our Savior.
As we begin a new year together, let’s not forget we are His Body. Let’s be faithful to challenge and encourage each other to stay close to Him in good times and in bad. We’re living in days of uncertainty but thank God He doesn’t change with the times and seasons. He will continue to be faithful. I pray by the end of 2012, I can say again, “I’m not what I wanna be, I’m not what I’m gonna be but thank God I’m not what I was!”
Walk With Me, Jesus
The other morning, as I was praying, I was thinking about how meeting with Jesus is like meeting a friend. Have you ever met a friend for breakfast and then spent the day together shopping, laughing, visiting, etc.? That’s the kind of relationship I want with Jesus–one that doesn’t end when I leave my prayer closet but one that continues throughout the day. I’ve started asking Jesus to walk with me through the day. I need His guidance, His peace, His joy, everything of Him. As Wayne Watson sang, “I’d rather walk in the dark with Jesus than to walk in the light on my own.”
I pray I never lose sight of that truth. Without Him, life is hopelessly miserable. With Him, there is peace in the midst of every circumstance. I love Him so much. I’m just thankful He loves me and that He’s willing to walk with me in good times and bad times.
Wise Men Still Seek Him
In this fast-paced world, I wonder how many take time to truly seek God to determine His will for their lives. I know that, for myself, although I spend time each day in prayer and Bible reading, I don’t always take time to hear what God desires to speak to me. There are many days I need direction and I wonder why God doesn’t give it. As I slow down the last week of the year, I wonder why I allow myself to run at such a hectic pace the rest of the year. I pray God will help me to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness … to not be afraid to be Mary but be willing to sit at His feet and listen to Him talk.
There are a lot of “important” things to accomplish in life but none is as important as developing a close relationship with your Heavenly Father. Just as you cannot maintain a close relationship with someone you never talk to, so you cannot develop a close relationship with God if you never talk to Him and take time to listen to His replies. No one likes a one-sided conversation, and God is no exception.
My prayer for this coming year is that we all draw near to God and allow Him to draw near to us. I pray we experience His presence like never before. It’s hard to imagine revival coming to our nation but it can if God’s people will humble themselves and pray and seek His face (2 Chronicles 7:14). Commit to do that and then stand back and see the mountains God moves on your behalf. If nothing else, the change that occurs in your life will be worth the time you took to seek His face.
Merry Christmas!
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given” (Isaiah 9:6a).
I love this time of year. Honestly, a large part of the reason I love it is a change of pace: a week off to rest, relax and pray but I also love thinking about my precious Savior who came to earth to experience life as a human. I don’t think He could have proved His selflessness any better than leaving Heaven to come to this sin-cursed world. While here, he suffered pain, mockery, cruelty, injustice, etc. but He never complained. He knew it was necessary so we could spend eternity with Him.
In the midst of your celebration, make sure you thank God for sending His Son. He didn’t have to do it but I’m so glad He did. Thank You, Jesus!