Enter His Rest

  • 5 January 2012

Can you believe how quickly this week has flown? I can’t believe it’s Friday already but it’s been a good week. I hope you can say the same.

This morning, I was reading about rest and peace, and I felt the Spirit once again reminding me that’s what He wants for me. Life is stressful but He calls us to give Him the stress so we can rest.  Such a basic concept yet I find myself feeling like I need to handle things. You’d think I’d have learned by now that I can’t handle them but He can. He really is helping me, and I pray I can stay focused on Him, doing the work He’s given me to do but letting Him handle the things I can’t. As Jake Hess sang, “I ain’t in a management position in the work of the Lord.” It’s His job to manage; it’s mine to follow His instructions.

If you’ve had a rough week, give it to God. Lean on Him. Ask Him to hold you and to take over so you can rest. Then trust Him to do so. He really will.

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  1. sage - January 6, 2012 at 1:30 PM

    I love your blog, Sony! Thanks for sharing your heart!

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