Happy New Year 2012

  • 1 January 2012

He makes all things beautiful in His time.

I don’t know why that song from the ’70s came to me this morning but I’ve been pondering that line. It’s actually not a Biblical statement. It’s true that God can take anything and make it beautiful but the true beauty of a person comes from a heart surrendered to Him, willing to be cleansed. I for one do want to be beautiful to Him and, as a new year begins, I’m asking Him to continue the work He’s begun in me.

At the beginning of 2011, one of the things I felt like God was speaking to me was the importance of trust and surrender. A basic concept to the Christian but one I needed to be reminded of. Unfortunately, those are still things I’ve not mastered so I ask God to continue to teach me those things. I know that means I will face tests I’d rather forego but what better way to develop trust in God than to allow Him to bring those trials so that He can show Himself strong on my behalf? Please pray with me. I believe every Christian has a call on his or her life, and I want to fulfill mine. I want my life to be more than an existence. I want to be a Light that shines brightly to draw others to our Savior.

As we begin a new year together, let’s not forget we are His Body. Let’s be faithful to challenge and encourage each other to stay close to Him in good times and in bad. We’re living in days of uncertainty but thank God He doesn’t change with the times and seasons. He will continue to be faithful. I pray by the end of 2012, I can say again, “I’m not what I wanna be, I’m not what I’m gonna be but thank God I’m not what I was!”

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