Birthday Blessings

As I write this, I am counting down the hours until I begin another year of my life. Although I no longer relish the thought of getting older, I do enjoy birthdays as this always seems to be the time of year that God does special things to remind me that I am loved. I know God blesses me all year long but maybe I just notice it more this time of year.

It’s also a great time to reflect on the previous year and to remember everything He’s brought me through, the people He’s put in my life, and the way I have continued to grow in Him. This past year, there were times I especially felt His presence and times I felt lonely and discouraged. In the end, though, I found a strength I never knew I possessed and I want to hold on to that and take it into this coming year.

I’ve already had a great couple weeks leading up to my birthday. So many have wished me well, prayed for me, and I even got some flowers yesterday. Scripture says that every good and perfect gift comes from above and I receive it as such. He knows what blesses me and it seems like He delights in doing just those things. Yet He often uses people as His vessels. I don’t deserve His love and His goodness but I praise Him for it. I also look forward to continuing to walk through this next year with you. May you feel His blessings too because He loves you.

Are You a Good Listener?

As I was sitting at dinner this evening watching people converse over their meal, it hit me how much people want to be heard, and I have to admit that some of the most fun conversations are those in which all the people around have something to contribute and often can hardly wait until one person’s talking before interjecting their view on the subject. At the same time, if everyone is talking and no one is listening, our talking is futile.

There are times when I feel at a loss to know what to say to people or how to respond to situations but maybe it’s those times when I just need to listen. Life is not about always being right or having the right words to say; it’s about caring and sometimes just being there. It’s about being interested in things that I may know nothing about but I can learn or at least give the person the benefit of talking about something that means something to them. If you ever take the time to listen to someone, I’m sure they’ll notice and will probably thank you for it.


A common idea among Christendom is that God wants us to be happy but I don’t see any place in Scripture that indicates that. There is plenty in the Word that talks about joy, however, and true joy does not always stem from happiness. Joy is an attribute that resonates in the heart, stemming from the knowledge that God is with us and “if God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31).

I’ve said for years that joy is not affected by circumstances, and at times this past year, I’ve had to remind myself of that, but it is true. We may not always like what we go through but God does not lay anything on us that we can’t bear. He reminds us though that His strength is made perfect through our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).

“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy” (Jude 24). Amen!

Favorite Jeff & Sheri Easter CD

I’ve been listening to Jeff & Sheri Easter lately which got me curious to know which of their recordings is your favorite. I only have six CDs but, out of the ones I have, my favorite is Places in Time. It has the perfect blend of barn burners and ballads, not to mention great lyrics. I’d love to know which of their recordings you like and why.


I believe that people are put in our lives for a reason. Some people’s purpose may be to produce patience in us; some may be to encourage us; but I believe it’s important we don’t despise anyone. There is no such thing as a small person in God’s eyes.

Some people are easier to love than others but everyone needs to be loved. After all, if we only love those who love us, “what thank have ye ? for sinners also love those that love them” (Luke 6:32). As Christians, we are to be different and to see people as Christ sees them.

It seems like even those we love are easy to ignore, though. In our fast-paced society, it is hard to find time to reach out to friends and loved ones; yet, if we don’t reach out, who will? In the words of Bruce Carroll, “Who will be Jesus to them? Who’ll show the love that’s commanded in His Word?” It’s easy for me to assume that people have tons of friends and really don’t need encouragement from me. However, I would rather err on being one of hundreds who reach out to a person than fail to reach out and find they have no one.

As you go about your day today, ask God to show you if there is someone He has put into your life to be an encouragement to. Maybe you can be instrumental in bringing a smile to someone’s face or making joy well up in their heart. Maybe your kindness will also inspire them to reach out to someone else and begin a ripple effect. If the Lord lays someone on your heart, I do know whatever you do to reach out to that person will not return void.

Happy Mother’s Day

It’s interesting to me how easily we take mothers for granted, and I’ve been guilty of this too. Yet, more often than not, they are the ones who stayed by our side through the night waiting for a fever to break. Mom was often the first one at our side after we fell and scraped our knee. When we cried, it was usually Mom who recognized our cry and came running to see what was the matter. I’m sure we appreciated all those things but have you taken the time lately to tell your mother exactly what she means to you? I’m thankful we have a day set aside to do just that but I think it’s sad when often it’s only on the “ordained” days that we think to do that sort of thing. I wonder what your Mom would do if you took her out to eat for “no reason.” The fact that you would want to spend time with her would probably mean the world to her.

For those whose mothers are in Heaven, I am praying for you today, that God will give you the strength you need today. If you know someone who no longer has their mom with them, take some time today to speak a kind word or put your arm around their shoulder to show them you care. There should not be lonely people in the world when the Body of Christ is present.

If you are a mother, I would encourage you to be the best mother you can be. No one is perfect but, with the Spirit of God, you can be what your children need. Take time to thank God for each blessing He has given you and give your children reason to thank God for you.

A Gift for You

I can’t believe we’re a week into the month of May and I have not yet mentioned my birthday coming up. (At least I don’t think I have.) I’m at the stage of life where I wish I could stay this age forever but, if I’m going to get older, I figure I may as well enjoy it and I do enjoy birthdays. Although not for a little over a week yet, I am already feeling very blessed and I look forward to seeing what else God does this month.

As part of my celebration, I have the opportunity to give you a gift and I would love to do so. I work for a ministry called Wisdom’s Gate which publishes, among other things, three periodicals: The Home School Digest, An Encouraging Word, and Brush Arbor Quarterly. You may have noticed the links here on my site but I never really explained what they are. As my thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I would like to offer you a sample of any or all of the magazines we publish. Take time to check out the websites and determine which ones would be a blessing to you, add it to your shopping cart using promo code sgw, and we will send you a copy free of charge. All three publications are quarterly so it can take 6-8 weeks to get your issue but I pray they will be a blessing to you and will be something you will read over and over again. And if it really blesses you, you can always subscribe. 🙂 I’ve been writing a regular column for An Encouraging Word for several years now and am very grateful to be able to encourage others through my writing.

I hope you’re having a blessed weekend. Stay safe!

God’s Grace Truly is Amazing

I’ve been thinking lately how amazing the grace of God really is. Most everyone, Christian and non, knows the song “Amazing Grace” but I wonder how many think about what they’re singing. I’m convinced it’s the grace of God which keeps me going when times are rough. It’s His grace which allows us to heal from the heartache of losing a loved one. It’s His grace which causes us to feel His presence when we would otherwise feel lonely. I don’t know how people get through life without God because it is only with Him that I am able to face each day with its uncertainty, and it’s His grace which will one day lead me Home.

Whatever you are facing today, take some time to thank God for His grace. He didn’t have to provide a Comforter which would supply what we need for each day but He did because He loves you. If you’re not feeling that grace right now, ask for it. He would love to give it to you if you would stay close to Him. Then you will be singing, “‘Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come. His grace hath brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me Home.”

Priscilla McGruder’s Homegoing Celebration

I was blessed to be able to catch some of Priscilla McGruder’s Homegoing celebration, and a celebration it was. It wasn’t over the top but it was a great tribute to Priscilla with the focus being on her dedication to God and her readiness to go Home the minute she was called.

Due to the fact that I answer phones for our company and the sound was not real clear when I was able to tune in, I missed a lot of what was said but I think it was Priscilla’s brother who said, “I’ve seen hundreds of people die but I’ve never seen anyone die like that” (speaking of the peaceful way she went). What a testimony! What a walk with God to be so close to Heaven while you’re alive that it’s a graceful entry when you finally arrive at the door.

The songs included in the service were “Special,” “”We Have a Savior,” “Stand on the Word,” and “When We All Get to Heaven.”

Learning what I have of Sister Priscilla the past week or two has given me even more of a glimpse of what I want my end to be but it has to start now. I can’t expect God to say “Well done” up there if He’s not saying “Well done” down here. Priscilla fought the fight, she kept the faith, and she finished her race how she lived her life: praising the Lord. If you desire to meet her, you need to examine your life according to Scripture. When you arrive in Heaven, will you hear “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of the Lord”? Or will you hear “Depart from me. I never knew you”?

“Behold, now is the accepted time ; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinithians 6:2).

Priscilla McGruder’s Funeral to be Broadcast Online

  • May 4, 2010 at 11:01 pm in

For those who would like to watch Priscilla McGruder’s funeral service, I just found out that it is scheduled to air live Wednesday, May 5 at 1:00 here. There is a great photo of Priscilla here which I thought you may enjoy as well. She is definitely missed already.
