Thriving or Merely Surviving?

The other day, I talked with a man who disagreed with my opinion that discouragement should not be a word in the Christian language. I suspect he didn’t catch my meaning as his focus was on the fact that life is not a bed of roses even for Christians. I, however, disagree with that statement too. Roses are pure beauty in the midst of thorns. That sounds like a great analogy of the Christian life to me. We have trials and disappointments but, with Jesus, we can shine brilliantly and wear a smile even in the midst of the storm.

I know hard times come. I know it’s hard to smile 24/7 but I don’t believe we should live in a state of depression or discouragement. With God, we should always be able to turn to Him and know that His hand is at work even when we can’t see it. We should be able to encourage each other. I don’t know about you but if I know someone is standing with me or praying for me, it lifts my spirit like nothing else. I guess that is my point.

If the Church were being what they were called to be, there would not be near the discouragement and sadness I see on people’s faces all the time. Let’s be the Body. Let’s be available for our Brothers and Sisters. Let’s be a light to the world. They are in desperate need of a Light from Heaven. Let’s make sure we’re not merely surviving but let’s make sure the world knows we are thriving!

New Website to Honor Priscilla McGruder

  • July 26, 2010 at 12:08 pm in

A couple weeks ago, I was contacted by a lady named Anita Miles who asked if I would write a tribute to Priscilla McGruder for a new website she was working on to specifically honor Priscilla. I checked out the website and I have to say Anita is doing a great job. I wanted to give her a little time to get up some more posts but she’s been adding posts regularly so, for those who loved Sister McGruder, you will want to check out this website. Be sure to leave her some comments and let her know what a great job she’s doing.

More Thoughts on Staying Close to God and Leaving a Legacy

When I correspond with people, I probably write very much as I do for my blog. Whatever’s on my mind will more than likely come out and I love to hear what God is teaching other people. I think that’s part of how we grow. We can learn so much from each other and I am not too arrogant to think I know everything. I hope I never stop learning and growing because to do that seems to be dying while one yet lives.

I was recently corresponding with Rick Busby (the former tenor singer for the Florida Boys and Heaven Bound) about my desire to leave a mark on the world after I die and he summarized what I’ve been trying to communicate but I’m not sure I’ve said it as well. He said: “When we love Christ, I mean truly love Him as we should, we will leave a lasting impression upon all who meet, hear or see us.” THAT is exactly what we should be striving for. If we are as close to Christ as we need to be and if we are seeking His Kingdom first, we can’t help but touch everyone around us. It really should be no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me. How this world needs desperately to see that lived out in our lives!

It’s frustrating to me how many excuses people can come up with for not living for Christ. No one is perfect but we can do a lot better than we do. The Bible is full of instructions in righteousness and there is no excuse for disobeying the Word of God.

Staying close to Jesus and leaving a legacy: these are the things God’s been speaking to me lately. Life is too short to live for one’s own pleasure. My desire is to run after God with all my heart–no turning back!

Is Jesus First?

If you read my writings for any length of time, you will probably notice recurring themes. It seems like God often takes me through journeys and reminds me of things and I then take it upon myself to remind you. 🙂

Lately, I have been again challenged to make sure there is nothing in my life that is taking the place of Jesus. One thing that is so easy to fall into is the place where we spend time telling people about our “prayer requests” instead of actually praying for them. This does not fulfill the same purpose. Granted, there are times when we need others to intercede for us if we’re not breaking through but, for a lot of people, it seems like asking for prayer is a way to complain or to gossip or to get others to feel sorry for us. That is not the purpose of the Body of Christ.

Going to God directly should be our first response. Then, if we have prayer warriors who can pray with us, we can call them. That’s one area I would start in examining if Jesus is first in your life. He is the only One who never fails us. Let’s make sure we’re giving Him the time and attention He deserves.

Feeling Homesick

Every once in a while, I begin to feel Homesick. I don’t think there’s ever a time when I don’t think about Home but sometimes the desire to go is great. I long to see my Father. I can’t imagine the beautiful Home He’s prepared. I know that His eye is ever on me but sometimes it’s easy to lose focus of Him. The world is so real and Heaven seems so far off but I know that He has a plan for me here and I pray to be faithful until the day He calls me. He won’t have to call twice. I will eagerly run into His arms and scan His eyes for approval. I’m sure I’ll want to ask, “Father, are you pleased with me?” but I don’t think I’ll have to ask. His smile will say it all. I know there are days He must shake His head and wonder what He’s going to do with His insecure, bumbling daughter but, even now, He continually reminds me I am loved and if I will but trust Him and follow Him and be willing to be His servant, He will use me and one day I will go Home!

The first Southern Gospel song I ever heard was a song by the Happy Goodman Family called “Only the Sound of His Trumpet.” This week a friend found it on YouTube and emailed me the link. I could have cried. First of all, it brought back memories but it also said what I so often feel. It is “only the sound of His trumpet that keeps me from going Home. If it had been left up to me, I’d been gone such a long time ago.” However, while I’m on this earth, I will strive to work until the work is done and, honestly, I feel blessed that God has entrusted me with so many years and, if He allows me to serve Him a few more decades, I will feel incredibly blessed. I may long for Home at times but I’m not blind to the blessings He’s given me here as well. May He be glorified in my life now and through eternity.

CD Review: Remind Me of the Blood (Curtis Pruett)

Curtis Pruett is a country gospel artist that I just became aware of but am enjoying. I’m really not sure who to compare him to but most of the CD is upbeat musically with all the songs being written by Curtis. I will say I like the uptempo songs or the really slow ones. The mid-tempo ones aren’t my favorites stylistically but that’s just my preference.

The titles are: “At the Foot of the Throne,” “You and Me Lord,” “Cornerstone,” “Children of Light,” “Set Sail,” “Standing on God’s Word,” “It Had to be This Way,” “The First Time and Forever,” “Do You Know Who I Am,” and “Remind Me of the Blood.”

God Cares About Every Detail

“The steps of the Godly are directed by the LORD. He delights in every detail of their lives” (Psalm 37:23).

As a detail person, I love learning about people: what blesses them, what doesn’t, how they feel about issues, even what their favorite color is, what foods they like to eat, etc. I don’t always keep it all in my head but I love getting to know people and I find the best way to do that is through finding out all the minute details.

I think that’s why the above verse jumped out at me recently. I tend to think of most people as too busy or uninterested to care about the details of my life but what a blessing that my Father cares. He knows everything about me but, whereas people may lose interest, He’s happy to listen to me jabber on about whatever I want to talk about. If I’m frustrated, He patiently listens. When I’m feeling overly blessed, He smiles as I thank Him over and over for His many blessings. When I’m focused on myself, He may feel sad but I never bore Him. He just reminds me that my focus needs to be on Him and we continue to move on and talk together.

I want to continue to learn how to truly care for others, to be there for them when they’re struggling or when they just need someone to talk to. However, whether or not anyone returns the favor, I’m so thankful I have the Lord. He cares about every detail of my life–great or small. Is that amazing or what?!

Reflecting on Prayer

Do you ever think about what a privilege prayer is? I went on a prayer walk this afternoon and, as I looked up in the sky, I felt like I was approaching the throne room where my Father was waiting for me to present my requests. My Father is the King of the universe; yet I don’t worry about being struck dead or being laughed at when I tell Him what’s on my mind. I picture eyes of love, a Father who is as eager to hear what’s on my heart as I am to tell Him.

I don’t think anyone can make me feel as loved as my Father does. He knows my strengths and my weaknesses and, because of that, He may not always give me what I think I want but He wants what’s best for me and will give me what I need to accomplish His purposes. It’s easy to lose focus and forget how much He loves me but, when I think of it, I’ve no doubt that He does and it makes me want to spend as much time with Him as I can. I’m so thankful that I never have to say goodbye. Whenever I want to tell Him something, He’s right there and, if I’m willing to listen, He has so much to tell me in return. I couldn’t ask for a greater blessing than that!

Concert Review: The Calvarymen Quartet

On Friday, I attended a concert at The Gospel Music Barn in Hudsonville, MI. I’d never been to one of their concerts before but this week, they were featuring The Calvarymen from Flint, MI. Although the Calvarymen are based in my home state, I’d never seen them before and this was the closest they’ve been to me all year.

The group consists of Aiden Springsteen, Barry Maust, Steve Ratliff and Darrell Young. They opened their first set with “Immortal Invincible,” followed by “I’m On My Way,” “I’ve Been to the Well” and then they introduced their group. After that they sang, “In His Arms” (one of my favorites), “Road Rage,” “I’ve Never Had Water,” and “What Does the Word Say.”

Barry talked about the importance of trusting Jesus in everything. Then he sang, “Give Me Jesus.” As he sang, I wondered how many people could sing from the heart, “Rob me of my possessions but give me Jesus.” Yet our love for Christ should be that strong that He truly is the only One who matters. They ended the first set with “I Plead the Blood.”

There was a break and then the concert resumed with “Let’s Go To That Land,” “Great Day,” and “In the Garden.” They sang two acapella hymns back to back: “Wonderful Grace of Jesus” and “In the Sweet By and By.”

Like most states, Michigan has been experiencing some hot weather lately so I had to laugh when they went into their medley of “Winter Wonderland/Sleigh Bells/Here Comes Santa Claus/Frosty the Snowman/Let it Snow.” It was a lot of fun though. I personally prefer heat to snow but it was a nice reminder that it won’t be hot always. 🙂

After that, they sang “The Blood on My Hands” and “Heaven’s Joy Awaits.” A few songs before this, I had been wishing I had requested this last song. I love the song and they do such a good job on it so I was thrilled when it started. On the second verse, they sing the shape notes which can’t be easy to do on a song like this. When it ended, they encored it singing the shape notes again as they went out into the audience and started shaking hands with the crowd. When they were done, they were asked to sing one more song in closing and they chose the “Star Spangled Banner.”

My impression of the group was the same as when I heard their latest CD. They are diverse but have a heart to serve the Lord. I also loved the setting at the Gospel Music Barn. If you’re ever in the area, check out their schedule and stop by and experience it.


After my last post, I was wondering if part of the reason people don’t live a life of repentance more often is because they picture it to be a state where one can have no fun, walking around downtrodden with a frown on one’s face. I think I’ve had this picture at times and I know no one wants to be around a person like that. True, repentance begins with a heart that recognizes its hopelessness without God but, if we are quick to repent, our joy can return in an instance. Repentance is merely “remorse or contrition for past conduct or sin.” If we don’t plan to change, it can cause severe distress when we realize we aren’t living up to God’s best for us. However, if we get in mode of saying, “Thank You, Lord, for showing me that. Take away this sin and help me to do what’s right” we can get right back on our feet and continue our journey the way He desires: full of faith and victory.

If life has you down and you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, I would encourage you to go to God and ask Him to show you what you need to repent of. Initially, it may be burdensome as you begin to see things you’d rather not know about but ultimately, you will feel more free than you ever have, your burden will be lighter, and you will have a spring in your step. Sin has consequences, and the scars may not totally disappear but, with Him, you can become a new creature and you can smile again.
