Review: Southern Gospel Hall of Fame and Museum

  • May 25, 2023 at 2:21 pm in

Anyone who has been there or driven by knows where this picture was taken even if they didn’t read the headline. Although it’s been a long time coming, I finally got to experience the Southern Gospel Music Hall of Fame and Museum, and I’m so glad I did.

Before you enter the building you will see what I believe was the original Blackwood Brothers’ bus. You may recall that in the early days of quartet music, the groups crammed into cars until J.D. Sumner got the idea to customize a bus which allowed them more space as well as a place to sleep so they could get places more quickly without having to stop. They did not have showers on the buses, however, and I remember reading where they would sometimes get out in the rain with a bar of soap and freshen up as best they could. I don’t know if anyone would call those the good ol’ days, but back then, they were high-tech.

Throughout the museum, you will find history. Whether news articles, plaques, or outdated items such as 45 LPs, it will be nostalgic for some and a time of learning for others. Long-time fans will enjoy seeing relics such as Vestal’s hanky, the original manuscript of “Because He Lives,” a shapenote typewriter (who know there was such a thing?!), and more. Plus the wall that everybody wants to see:

This wall lists members on the front and back. Each panel includes the date of induction, birth and death (if applicable), and a brief description of each members’ influence on Southern Gospel Music.

The museum is located in the back of the Biblical Times Theater, located on one of the main streets of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Also featured there are Christus Gardens (a program on the life of Christ) and The Shroud Museum, which discusses the Shroud of Turin and why they believe it to be Jesus’ burial cloth. They recommend setting aside two hours to see the whole thing. I didn’t have that much time the day I went, so I only saw the Southern Gospel museum and got a quick tour of the Shroud museum. Maybe I can catch Christus Gardens another day.

Fifty Years and Counting

If you could see where He brought me from to where I am today
Then you would know the reason why I love Him so

I turned 50 last week. It feels surreal. How could I have lived half a century? I know those older than me are thinking, That’s so young! But, to me, it’s a significant milestone.

As I think back over the years, I feel like I have lived quite a few lives.

I have intermittent memories of my childhood, but I remember being happy. I had my parents and my brother. Mom taught me how to read and bake. My brother and I played outside frequently, often with neighbor boys. Although we’ve had our disagreements through the years, we never fought a lot. A friend’s mom called me Sunshine, because she said my smile lit up the room. I think I smiled all the time back then.

When I was 8, my life fell apart as my parents divorced, and my mom married a man who was abusive. They were married for about nine years, during which time I no longer smiled much. I went through a long season of wondering if anyone could really love me. I eventually found peace in knowing that God loved me, but people? That was another story. Those who stuck with me deserve a medal as I was self-focused and not easy to love back then.

We moved away from everything I’d ever known when I was 17, and I began to draw closer to God than ever before. I still dealt with a lot of insecurities, but as time went on, I realized that if I wanted friends, I had to show myself friendly. I also had to start thinking of others instead of being so focused on myself and everything bad that had happened to me.

As I look at my life today, I see a totally different person than the scared, shy, unhappy teenager of yesteryear. I don’t know when the change occurred, but I know that God used each joy and each trial to mold me into the person He created me to be. He has brought so many people into my life that I believe love me. I still wonder why anyone would care, but I am thankful they do.

A number of years ago, I decided that I didn’t want to spend my life in the background, but I wanted to personally be used by God in some way. That continues to be my prayer as I realize that I most likely have more days behind me than I do ahead of me. I pray that I will be faithful in whatever God has for me to do so that I will finish well.

This also seems like a fitting time to thank you again for reading my blog. Although I don’t post as frequently as I’d like to, I trust that you will be encouraged or challenged by what I write. Most importantly, may you draw ever nearer to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Do you ever have times when you feel like you are too busy to think? That is my life lately. There are decisions that need to be made and yet little time to figure out the best path to take. This is complicated by the fact that, although I may ask God for direction, I hardly have time to listen to His reply. I often warn my readers to guard against this, but sometimes busyness can’t be helped. Therefore, I must learn to listen while I fulfill my obligations which keep me running.

If you find yourself in a similar predicament, I encourage you to watch for a window in which you can set a slower pace. There are seasons where one must increase the pace, but I don’t feel like this should be normative. If you never have time for God, you are really too busy.

The next few weeks will be hectic for me, but I will watch for minutes here and there to acknowledge my Father. I don’t want to drift apart from Him as people do when they haven’t talked in a while. My relationship with God is the most important one that I have so I praise Him daily and thank Him for His many blessings while trusting that He will give me the guidance I need when I need it. I continue to read His Word even if it is more rushed than usual. If I take that out of my routine, I may never get back to it, and that could harm my relationship with Him as well.

I hate to cut this short, but I see a half-hour window in which I can spend some time with my Savior, so I’m going to close for now. Maybe you can take some time to do so too.

Happy Palm Sunday!

Where does the time go? I always have great plans of writing more as I draw ever closer to the Lord and yet time gets away from me and the next thing I know, it’s been at least six weeks since I’ve posted. I’m very grateful to those who follow my page so that you know when I do write something new.

I wrote a Palm Sunday post for Music Scribe so I won’t post one here, but you can read it at

Last month was busy as I think I was only home seven full days, so this next week will be spent catching up on a lot. Pray for me if you think of it. And don’t forget to focus on our Lord and everything He went through leading up to and including the Cross. It should make you love Him even more.

It’s Not about You

“Do not say in your heart, after the Lord your God has thrust them out before you, ‘It is because of my righteousness that the Lord has brought me in to possess this land,’ whereas it is because of the wickedness of these nations that the Lord is driving them out before you. Not because of your righteousness or the uprightness of your heart are you going in to possess their land, but because of the wickedness of these nations the Lord your God is driving them out from before you, and that he may confirm the word that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.”  ~Deuteronomy 9:4-5

Reading these verses this morning stopped me short. How many times have I assumed that God was pleased with me because good things were happening when, in reality, that may have had nothing to do with it. I have judged others in the same way. If God is using them, they must be finding favor in His eyes. But it may just be that He is showing His mercy to those who are being helped by those people. When you think you are doing well is when you most likely have reason to be concerned.

I believe in honoring and obeying God in order that God can better use me, but instead of judging your spiritual status by whether or not you are being blessed, it’s important to evaluate where you’re at in the light of God’s Word. That is where conviction and assurance come from.

As you continue through your day today, remember that this life is not about you. It’s all about Him! Every time He uses you in some way, take a minute to thank Him and trust that He will continue that work He has begun in you as well as those around you.


Image by Jeff Jacobs from Pixabay

Nothing New

Ecclesiastes 1:9 tells us that “there is nothing new under the sun.” I’m aware of the truth of this statement when I am writing. It seems like everything has already been said, some of which I have said myself. At times, I have to search to see if I have already written on a topic or if I’ve just thought of it for a while. Too much redundancy can make a blog boring, and I’m aware of that, but I also know we sometimes need reminders of basic truths as we become overwhelmed by whatever life throws at us. It’s easy to get our minds off of Christ and onto our problems, and however I can help you to focus on Him, I want to do so.

I started this blog over 13 years ago, and I still thank God for giving me this outlet. My mom was the one who suggested it, and now that she’s gone, I view it as a small way of continuing her legacy as well. Any talent I have for communicating in writing was passed down from her to an extent.

I started this hours ago but had some distractions, and now it is evening. I hope you have a great week. Don’t forget to spend time with the Lord each day. He is the only One who can give strength for whatever life may bring.

Are You “Occupying”?

As I write this, I am in Pennsylvania on our first speaking tour of the year. My brother speaks; I run the book tables. We’ve worked together for a long time, and I praise God that we are still able to do what we do.

I will be fifty this year which is causing a lot of reflection. From here on out, I view each decade as a milestone. Obviously, fifty is big because it’s half a century. As George Younce used to say, I most likely have more years behind me than I have ahead of me. So what will I do with the years that I have left?

I’m thankful that, for the most part, I don’t feel like I have wasted my life. I pray that I don’t start now. I know a lot of people retire to their recliners with remotes in hand, but the people who inspire me are those who are older than me and are continuing to faithfully serve the Lord. I’m not sure Christians ever really retire. It seems like there is always someone who needs encouragement or counsel. So it’s important that those of us who know God stay close to Him, both praying and reading our Bibles, so that we have something to pass on to others.

I may be older than you; I may be younger; but we are all aging. We all have a job to do, and that job is to “occupy” until He comes. So, what does that look like? It will look different for everyone.

How you “occupy” depends on what God has called you to do, and that calling will be different for everyone, but God has called every one of His children to do something for Him. If you are in a job that you hate, pray about that. Are you where God wants you, or are you merely doing something to make money? If you find yourself yelling at your kids, evaluate why. A mom recently told me that she had to stop taking naps because inevitably her children would wake her up, and she would get annoyed. Be in tune to figure out the root of your frustration so that you may stop and not sin.

The year is still young. Tomorrow is another day. If you’ve been living life for yourself, it’s not too late to regroup. That’s the wonderful thing about our Father. We can always stop, repent, and change what we’re doing. He is always there to help get us back on the right track. So, as we go through another year, let’s “occupy” together.

Have You Turned from Wickedness?

Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? says the Lord God: and not that he should return from his ways, and live? When the righteous turn away from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live? All his righteousness that he has done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them he shall die.  ~Ezekiel 18:23-24

Wow. Do you ever feel bad for prophets? God gives them messages to deliver and, although the intent was to give people a chance to turn from their wickedness, more often than not in Scripture, they turned against the prophet–sometimes ignoring him, other times wanting him dead. I suppose things haven’t changed that much. People still do not want to be confronted with sin and yet, if they don’t repent, they too will die in their trespasses, cut off from the life that they could have had in Christ.

It’s easy to talk about “sinners,” but what about those in the Church who are not converted? First Peter 4:17 tells us, “For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?”

The beginning of the year is a good time to evaluate where you are in your walk with the Lord. I realize that you are most likely back with your nose to the grindstone, but a close relationship with the Lord is vital. It’s easy for the enemy to keep you too busy to have time for God. This can quickly breed indifference which can then lead to a life of sin before you realize how far away from Him you’ve gotten. Don’t let this happen to you.

I’ve been reading Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth’s book on Holiness which has opened my eyes to the fact that holiness is not just doing good things. We need to be full of the Spirit so that His holiness flows through us at which point we can be a light to a dark world that desperately needs Jesus.

Happy New Year 2023!

Happy New Year! I hope you had a blessed month reflecting on our Lord’s birth and the reason that He came. My heart never ceases to well up with gratitude that He was willing to leave “the splendor of Heaven knowing His destiny.” As Dottie Rambo sang, “There’s no feeling like this if that isn’t love.”

As usual, I’m still processing a lot that I can’t put into words just now, but I expect my thoughts will be reflected in future posts. Meanwhile, my brother and I were talking today about extremes which seem to be based on a person’s background. For instance, if you grew up in a legalistic home, you may have decided that the Law doesn’t matter while those who grew up in churches where grace is emphasized to the point that sin is communicated as no big deal may become strict in trying to do everything right. And the pendulum continues to swing from generation to generation while never stopping in the middle. There are too many ditches within Christendom that I would like to encourage you to find the middle ground. Stand firm on your convictions but make sure that you can back them up with Scripture. With everything else, I expect that there’s a balance that can be found if you are willing to be open. And don’t stop being willing to learn. Know the Scriptures well so that you can spot error a mile away, but don’t assume everything is wrong just because you never read a Scripture a certain way. Often, Christians understand Scriptures differently. Both conclusions can’t be right. Don’t arrogantly assume that yours are always the ones that are.

That’s my thought for tonight. I hope to write again soon. God bless you!

Immanuel Has Come

Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.  ~Isaiah 7:14

Immanuel. God with us. Not just a nice thought but God’s promise to send a Savior that would rescue His people. Not from the cruelty of the Romans as many supposed but from an enemy just as deadly: ourselves (Matthew 1:21).

The Jewish people waited forever for the Messiah to arrive and, when He did come, only a handful recognized Him. They wondered if it was Him when He multiplied fish and bread to feed thousands of people. They hoped He was the one healing the sick and raising the dead. But when push came to shove, and He did not fit in the box they’d created for Him, they abandoned their anticipation and chose to have Him murdered. Little did they know, as they watched Him take His last breath, that Immanuel had indeed come, bringing the salvation that He had promised.

Thankfully, that is not the end of the story. Three days later, he rose from the dead and continues to live on in the lives of His children. For those who accept Him, He continues to give peace that passes understanding, love and forgiveness that would not be possible without His help, and a promise of eternal life to those who are faithful.

Immanuel has come and, even now, is here! If that’s not a reason to rejoice, I don’t know what is.
