Changing Seasons


I don’t like change, and there are especially seasons of life that are difficult. My family has been through a lot of seasons over the years–good times and bad times, ups and downs–but, as much as I have bucked against the changes, I would not be the person I am today if I had not gone through them.

I think the reason that I vehemently dislike change is that I don’t care for the unknown. I like to be in control, and how can I control something that I can’t see … like the future?

I started writing this a while ago but what better time to post than at a time when we are fixin’ to head into autumn. Although I am enjoying the cooler days, and I can appreciate the colored leaves, I do not like what it represents: the coming of winter! Even in this, though, I know God’s plan is perfect. The land needs the moisture that the snow provides so that the farmers can produce better crops (or so I have heard). Therefore, whereas I used to complain about winter, I don’t anymore. I know it serves a purpose, and spring will come again. The same is true of the seasons of life.

If nothing ever changed, we would never grow. If we never grew, we would stagnate and become lukewarm. If we were lukewarm, God would spit us out of his mouth. Now that I think about it, I love change! 🙂

Swallow Your Pride


I think the biggest reason more people don’t accept the Lord stems from a root of pride. You see, in order to acknowledge they need anyone, much less God, they would have to admit that they do not have it all together. This is a humbling admission.

The majority of relational issues are rooted in pride as well. We naturally want to be right. If we admit we are wrong, it could speak negatively of us, and we want to be liked, so we allow pride to ruin relationships instead of exercising the humility needed to strengthen them.

Throughout Scripture, we are told to humble ourselves. If we do that, then He can lift us up. If we puff ourselves up, He has no choice but to bring us down. After all, pride and God cannot dwell together.

There is not a person on earth that doesn’t struggle with pride in some form or fashion. The key is in not allowing it to rear its head. Sure, it may be hard at times but pride and flesh walk hand in hand. If we desire the Spirit to reign, we must be willing to put to death (with God’s help) the things that would hinder His reign. I think swallowing our pride is a good place to start.


Photo by Victor Benard on Unsplash

God Chooses the Lowly

A while back, I was reading through the prophets and was struck by how, throughout Scripture, God chose the lowliest people–the ones others would have looked at as insignificant–to be a voice or a leader for Him.

He chose Gideon, who was the “least in my family” (Judges 6:15). He chose Moses who was “slow of speech and of a slow tongue” (Exodus 4:10). He chose Peter, a poor fisherman who had a knack for putting his foot in his mouth.

First Corinthians 1:27 tells us that God chooses the foolish things (people?) to confound the wise. In Matthew 22:14, Jesus tells us that “many are called, but few are chosen.” Why is this?

If God only chose the powerful, the brilliant, or the exceptionally talented, it would be easy for those people to assume they were accomplishing everything in their own strength. They would most likely become puffed up. But when God chooses someone like you or like me, we realize that we are incapable of achieving anything apart from the grace of God.  Matthew 5:3 sums it up well: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth (Jeremiah 9:24).

It is not by works of righteousness that we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us (Titus 3:5).

Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:12-14).

When we realize that it’s not about us but is, instead, all about Jesus and what He is able to do in and through us, that is when we can really be used of God. Let us be faithful to pray for humble hearts that will diligently serve Him all our days.


Legalism: The Unpardonable Sin?

It is sad to me that many Christians seem to view legalism as the worst thing that one can be entrapped by. Sin can be forgiven, but legalism? Probably not.

If your definition of legalism is “strict rules intended to earn favor with God,” then you are right that this can be a danger for Christians, but I believe the greater danger is in not obeying God’s Word. I hear more people warning against legalism than I do pastors preaching about Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.

For myself, it encourages me when I see people who want to live like Christ. Maybe I have more “freedom” than they do in certain areas, but I would never encourage them to do something that they feel is wrong, nor would I tell them to stop doing something that they think they should be doing.

Romans 14:5-6 says, “One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. The one who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord. The one who eats, eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to God, while the one who abstains, abstains in honor of the Lord and gives thanks to God.”

If it is not a sin issue, why does it bother us if others live differently than we do? Rather than judging others for what we consider to be legalism, we should be praying that God will show us how He desires us to live.

Where Is the Unity?

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! … For there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life forevermore” (Psalms 133: 1, 3b).

I wonder how long it’s been since the world has been able to look at Christians and exclaim, “See how they love one another!” For centuries, people have been focusing on differences instead of what it is that we have in common: the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus prayed for His disciples, “that they may be one, even as we are one” (John 17:11b), and the early Church did strive for unity. They had disagreements at times, but they still sought the Lord to get His mind on the issues. Today, people pride themselves on having the answers and knowing they are “right” that they put down and disassociate with Brothers and Sisters who disagree with them, and maybe it’s because they’re convinced that others aren’t really saved. But two people with opposing beliefs cannot both be right, and it may not be the other person who is wrong.

Unity does not mean you agree on everything, nor does it mean that you don’t argue. I believe the greatest unity lies in two or more people desiring to please the Lord in everything they say and do, being willing to get past the things that divide to find the bond of the Spirit. I think we would see revival if denominations set aside their differences to come together and seek the Lord–Baptists with Charismatics, Mennonites with Pentecostals, Calvinists with Arminians. If they are our Brothers and Sisters, we are going to spend eternity with them whether we like it or not. Shouldn’t we embrace them as Brothers and Sisters down here?

This is not to say that you shouldn’t hold firm to your beliefs. You absolutely should! But you should not neglect fellowshiping with, and being willing to learn from, others who may not agree 100% with your doctrine.

Overcoming Insecurity

I have come to the conclusion that almost everyone is insecure to some degree. It may exhibit itself in a number of ways but the root is the same. Some work on being intimidating so others will be afraid of them, some are more obviously timid and reserved. Some look like they have enough confidence for everyone they know, while others freely talk about how they can’t do anything. You might be surprised to know that those who expertly hide their insecurities may be just as nervous as those whom exhibit them.

I have dealt with this for as long as I can remember, but there are some things that have helped me, and I hope that they will help you as well.

1) I believe the biggest root of insecurity is being concerned that people won’t like us or will judge something that we do. I know that I worry way too much what other people think of me. If someone compliments me on an outfit, I will wear it every time I go out; if they say something even remotely negative, I probably won’t wear it in public again! Although you should never get to the point where you aren’t willing to learn from others, if you are doing something for the sole purpose of pleasing people, you are doing it for the wrong reason. When I get nervous that someone won’t like something I do, I ask myself if it would please the Lord and if it’s what He would have me to do. If the answer to those questions is Yes, then it shouldn’t matter if anyone else understands or not.

2) Another root of insecurity is a fear of failure. Unfortunately, this has crippled me a lot in life. If I don’t think I can do something well, it is probably best that I not try, according to my manner of thinking. It has been hard to separate myself from the aspect of my work or character that I need to improve upon. Back in 2010, I took my first plunge into something new when I started this blog. Then four years ago, I started my editing business. That was huge! More recently, I began an online bookstore which has a Facebook page where I interview authors and post book quotes and things. I am really being stretched with this new venture, but I’m doing it! I am refusing to let fear and insecurity get the best of me when God opens the door.

3) Last but not least is low self-esteem. I am not one who promotes self-esteem, because I don’t believe that it is Biblical. The Bible tells us that we are to esteem others as better than ourselves. When we do this, we decrease so that Jesus increases. When He is truly in control of our lives, there is no room for insecurity. No matter what others think of us or whether or not they like the way we do things, it is of no consequence because we are pleasing our Master, and He is saying, “Well done!”

Friends, I encourage you to not be led by fear that would hinder you from being all that God wants you to be. But don’t rise up in the flesh and mask your insecurity with a facade of toughness or arrogance either. Instead, surrender your insecurities to the Lord. Let Him take them and replace them with the boldness of His Spirit. Then know that whatever you do in His name, He will bless. If someone doesn’t like the way you do something, pray about it and, if they are right, humble yourself and acknowledge that fact and strive to do better. But keep pressing on. You may be surprised at how much God can use you if you allow Him to do so.

CD Review: The Last Big Thing (Kingdom Heirs)

The Kingdom Heirs have once again released a CD I won’t get tired of for a long time.

Plenty of Singing – For people like me who can’t sit still during toe-tapping songs, this one will have you on your feet dancing and snapping your fingers.

Jeff Chapman is featured on another uptempo song: Victory.

Telling the Story Do you ever get tired of hearing Bible stories? Each one talks about the power of God and His goodness. “I’ve rested in trials while shouting the glory so I’m telling the story again.”

The Last Big Thing is a clever play on words. People are always talking about the next big thing they’re working on, but “I wanna tell you about the last big thing!”

Jerry Martin sings a song penned by Gerald Crabb: Heroes of Faith.

I Wanna Do More – Can we ever do enough for God? He has done so much for us!

“While Satan was counting his victory, all of Heaven Was Counting to Three.” A great song by Jim Brady and Rodney Griffin.

Heaven Just Got Sweeter for You is a sad but encouraging song. We miss those who have gone to Heaven ahead of us but, if we are faithful, we will see them again.

I love the harmony and the message of Just Another Mile. Dianne Wilkinson wrote this one.

Other songs included are Live it Up and I’ll Trust You With Tomorrow.


A Note to My Single Friends

Although I am single, I have never wanted to be known as “the singles” blogger, but occasionally I suppose it is good for an older single to share some insights with others who are walking through the same stages of life as I am. Like most women, I would like to be married but I am not pining for a day that might never come (or at least I’m trying not to do so). Although there are benefits to being married, there are also plenty of benefits for singles as well if that is where God has you.

In 1 Corinthians 7:32 and 33, Paul tells us: “The unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to please the Lord. But the married man is anxious about worldly things, how to please his wife.”

I think this is one of the biggest things that we take for granted. I realize that single people live busy lives too, but to some degree, we schedule the busyness in our lives. What’s the point of sitting around when there are people to see and activities to participate in (when we’re not working, that is)?

I would like to encourage each of you to not neglect quality time with God while you can more easily communicate with Him without interruption. You may need to be creative, but I hope you will be so in order to make the time. Don’t just pray on the run as you grab coffee and a doughnut, but find time to really learn of Him, to listen, to know what He desires of you. It’s easy to think of these years as ones of “freedom” but let’s use that freedom to serve Him.

When I listen to my married friends with children talk about how they go out to the car to get some quiet or they spend extra time in the bathroom so they can have a few minutes, I realize what a luxury I have, and I pray not to squander it. I want to draw closer to my Lord until it is no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me. Then and only then will I have something to give to my future spouse. And if God desires to use me as a single person for the rest of my days, I will be that much stronger and able to give to others around me.

On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand

What Is Truth?

This question from Pilate in John 18:38 says a lot. Although Pilate knew that the Jews wanted Jesus gone due to envy, and that Jesus was guilty of no crime … although Pilate’s wife had a dream of Jesus, charging Pilate to have nothing to do with Jesus … he still delivered Him over to be crucified, having no idea what he was doing.

I wonder how many of us understand what Jesus meant when He said, “I am the … truth” (John 14:6). He was not merely saying that He does not lie; He was claiming to be the embodiment of truth. If Pilate would have listened to Jesus, he would not have had so many questions.

As you go through life, you are going to hear many contradicting statements that are going to make your head spin. This is why we need the Word of God to teach us what truth is. You may not find the answers to mundane questions that don’t matter, but everything you need to know for life and godliness is written in those pages. Truth can be found but you must seek it. Otherwise, you are like one who is tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine. I don’t think anyone wants to be that wishy washy.

Although I am 45 years old and do not feel that young anymore, I know that I still have so much to learn. I desire to know Him more each day as I draw closer and closer to Him. I want to know truth so that I am not easily deceived. I encourage you to keep studying and growing and learning as well.

CD Review: East to West (Endless Highway)

Formerly known as The Joylanders, Endless Highway consists of Perry & Nell Wimberley, their daughter Vanessa and her husband Jason, and Jason and Vanessa’s children, Jay and Allison. Both old and young should be able to find songs on this recording that they enjoy as there is a mixture of traditional and progressive southern gospel music, with the ballads being more inspirational and worshipful.

The CD begins with the peppy song It’s a Highway to Heaven.

A beautiful song with a good message is Under the Sea.

“For every unanswered question, there’s an Unbroken Promise.” An encouraging thought if you’re going through a tough time.


Other songs include It’s His Story, This is the Grace I Know, Count It All Joy, I’ve Got the Son in My Eyes, Go Ahead and Shout, Beautiful Scars of Love, and Out of the Deep.
