Overcoming Insecurity

  • 21 August 2018

I have come to the conclusion that almost everyone is insecure to some degree. It may exhibit itself in a number of ways but the root is the same. Some work on being intimidating so others will be afraid of them, some are more obviously timid and reserved. Some look like they have enough confidence for everyone they know, while others freely talk about how they can’t do anything. You might be surprised to know that those who expertly hide their insecurities may be just as nervous as those whom exhibit them.

I have dealt with this for as long as I can remember, but there are some things that have helped me, and I hope that they will help you as well.

1) I believe the biggest root of insecurity is being concerned that people won’t like us or will judge something that we do. I know that I worry way too much what other people think of me. If someone compliments me on an outfit, I will wear it every time I go out; if they say something even remotely negative, I probably won’t wear it in public again! Although you should never get to the point where you aren’t willing to learn from others, if you are doing something for the sole purpose of pleasing people, you are doing it for the wrong reason. When I get nervous that someone won’t like something I do, I ask myself if it would please the Lord and if it’s what He would have me to do. If the answer to those questions is Yes, then it shouldn’t matter if anyone else understands or not.

2) Another root of insecurity is a fear of failure. Unfortunately, this has crippled me a lot in life. If I don’t think I can do something well, it is probably best that I not try, according to my manner of thinking. It has been hard to separate myself from the aspect of my work or character that I need to improve upon. Back in 2010, I took my first plunge into something new when I started this blog. Then four years ago, I started my editing business. That was huge! More recently, I began an online bookstore which has a Facebook page where I interview authors and post book quotes and things. I am really being stretched with this new venture, but I’m doing it! I am refusing to let fear and insecurity get the best of me when God opens the door.

3) Last but not least is low self-esteem. I am not one who promotes self-esteem, because I don’t believe that it is Biblical. The Bible tells us that we are to esteem others as better than ourselves. When we do this, we decrease so that Jesus increases. When He is truly in control of our lives, there is no room for insecurity. No matter what others think of us or whether or not they like the way we do things, it is of no consequence because we are pleasing our Master, and He is saying, “Well done!”

Friends, I encourage you to not be led by fear that would hinder you from being all that God wants you to be. But don’t rise up in the flesh and mask your insecurity with a facade of toughness or arrogance either. Instead, surrender your insecurities to the Lord. Let Him take them and replace them with the boldness of His Spirit. Then know that whatever you do in His name, He will bless. If someone doesn’t like the way you do something, pray about it and, if they are right, humble yourself and acknowledge that fact and strive to do better. But keep pressing on. You may be surprised at how much God can use you if you allow Him to do so.

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