Prayer Requested for Embry Inman
Dear friends and prayer warriors, I am writing once again to ask you to join me in interceding for a couple who is going through a very trying time. Scott Inman (of the Triumphant Quartet) and his wife Kasey welcomed their first child into the world Friday afternoon. Their joy has turned to concern, however, as their baby has stopped breathing several times. I don’t profess to know God’s plan at this time but I do know that He loves this baby more than we can imagine. He also loves Scott and Kasey, and I’m asking Him to have mercy and grant this baby life while filling her parents with peace. Scott’s request is below. Please take a minute to touch Heaven on their behalf.
We are asking prayer for our new little girl, Embry. Early this morning she stopped breathing & has had 3 or 4 of the same episodes throughout the day. She is in ICU and they will be running test the next 3-4 days to try to find the problem. To be honest, Kasey and I are scared to death and agree that this is the hardest thing that we’ve been through. We believe in Gods plan & we also believe in Gods healing. We just want our baby girl. Yesterday was the highest high, & today has been the lowest low. Thank you for your prayers. We love you!
Praise Him
God never promised us that life would be easy but He did promise to never leave us or forsake us. I don’t think anything blesses me as much as hearing from someone who is praising God in the midst of a trying time. It’s easy to praise Him when things are going well but it’s important to continue to praise Him when we’re down. Nothing lifts the spirit like praise. Nothing cheers a burdened heart like praise. Scripture tells us that God inhabits the praises of His people. That means he dwells with those who praise Him. Where Christ dwells, satan cannot dwell.
It may seem like a small thing, it may seem like a hard thing but praise is an important part of walking with the Lord. If you want to live a victorious, Godly life, don’t neglect to praise Him.
Let’s Get Busy
As I write this, I’m looking out at the sun setting over Lake Michigan. A beautiful sky with the clouds carrying a decidedly purple tint. Another day is almost over. Did I touch anybody today? Sometimes I wonder. I pray I am.
Each day I’m out, I see so many hurting, lost people. So many who need God but don’t know that He’s the one who can fill the void in their lives. How to reach those people? I wish I knew. For now, I just pray that I can be a Light, be at the right place at the right moment to share a word fitly spoken.
God doesn’t expect us to single-handedly evangelize everyone on earth but He does have a calling for each of us, and it is up to us to hear His voice and follow His call. Too many people are perishing, and we have been commissioned to shine His light and share Hope with those who have no hope. Let’s get busy!
Thoughts on Various Things
I’ve not intentionally been taking a hiatus. Life just seems to get hectic and sometimes internet connection can be few or far between. Then there are times I sit down at the computer, start a post, then get distracted and forget what I’m doing. I’m not even that old but such is life.
As I write this, I’m in the midwest. We’ve had great weather and enjoyed beautiful scenery. I’m ever-conscious of the fact that God’s hand of protection never leaves us. This week, I heard of yet another soul that has gone on after being killed in an accident. I’m so grateful to God that He gets us safely at our destinations each day.
The faster the days fly by, the more aware I am of how quickly life ends. I want to live each day in gratitude to God for who He is and everything He has done and continues to do in my life each day. May I shine for Him as I strive to do His will. May I be faithful until the day He takes me Home. He truly is a good God and, for that, I praise Him.
Live Each Day As Your Last
It seems like every few weeks I hear about a man or woman of God who has gone Home. Maybe I’m getting older, or maybe there are more people dying these days or maybe I’m just noticing it more. On Monday, I learned of the sudden Homegoing of Stephen Hill whom you may have seen on the Gaither Homecoming videos. His sudden death made me think of Anthony Burger, another young man who died of a heart attack a while back.
The Gaither Vocal Band used to sing a song titled “Love Them While You Can.” You don’t know when this may be your last day or the last day of your loved ones. A couple weeks ago, we were in NY and were warned to avoid a certain route due to an accident that had occurred. I found out the other day that there were six people killed in that crash. If you had one day to live, what would you do differently? I’d suggest doing those things now.
Maybe I write on this topic too much but I see too many people living selfish lives. Too many people are too busy to take time for others. I wonder if Stephen Hill’s loved ones told him how much they loved him Sunday morning. Maybe they did or maybe he knew without them saying so but they won’t get another chance here on earth. Thankfully, we will have eternity but let’s not wait for that. Let’s begin now to live as if each day were our last. That way, there will be no regrets.
Concert/CD Review: Here We Are Again (Ernie Haase and Signature Sound)
A couple weeks ago, I had the blessing of getting to see a full concert of Signature Sound for the first time. Because I’d not seen them, I didn’t expect to get to talk to them but they came out before the concert, at intermission, and at the end of the concert to talk with people, answer questions and just be available. I was impressed at the attention they gave each person who wanted to take a bit of their time.
The concert started with a song that was recorded on one of their early projects, “Glory to God in the Highest.”
“Singing in the Midnight Hour” features Doug Anderson and has a soulful feel.
“Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” sounds like the old quartet song that it is. On the break, each group member uses their voice to sound like an instrument. A different arrangement but creative.
“Here We Are Again” is one of my favorites on their new CD. Ernie asked everyone to sing along on the chorus.
Next they sang “Reason Enough.” “I won’t wait for signs and wonders to teach me how to trust for You’ve already proven, Lord, the depths of Your great love.”
I remember when the Cathedrals released “Climbing Higher and Higher.” I thought it was a different song for them but they sang it a long time. I’m glad Ernie continues to sing it.
“Movin’ Up to Gloryland” was fun. At the end, Ernie was going around having each band member do the “moo hoo hoo hooving.” Then he had the crowd try. Ernie doesn’t need to worry about anyone taking that job over for a while.
Doug Anderson sang the first verse of “I Thirst” with Ernie singing the second verse.
Next was “I Pledge My Allegiance,” followed by “God Bless America” and acknowledgement of the veterans which were at the concert.
I love “Sometimes I Wonder,” which paints a picture of what those gone to Heaven before us may be thinking or doing.
I also love “Walk With Me” and Ernie does a great job on it. At the end of the song, they walked away from their microphones and sang acapella. Very beautiful.
Ian Owens sang a verse and chorus of “The Old Rugged Cross” before the group sang “Love Carried the Cross,” written by Ernie Haase, Wayne Haun and Joel Lindsey. Ernie said it was the first time he’d written about the cross, but he and his co-writers did a great job.
They ended the first segment with “Get Away, Jordan.”
After intermission, Doug Anderson sang two songs from his solo project: “Smile It Through” and “Only Here for a Little While.”
Then the group joined him back on stage to sing Cathedrals classics, “Step Into the Water,” “I’m Gonna Live Forever,” “Boundless Love” and “Mexico.”
Wayne Haun stepped away from the piano and joined them in an acapella version of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.”
Then they sang, “Swinging on the Golden Gate.”
“Every Time” is an uptempo song which almost moves too fast but, once I got it, I really enjoyed it. At one part in the song, it says “makes me want to shout.” Ernie was trying to get the crowd to shout but we didn’t know what to do. Once people learn the song, I don’t think he’ll have a problem getting audience participation. It really is a fun song and, if you listen to the words, it has a good message as well.
Ian Owens sang the old song, “I Believe.”
Devin McGlamery sang, “We Shall See Jesus” which is a song I’ve heard many times but I’ve still not gotten tired of it.
Pianist and songwriter Wayne Haun sang “You Are Welcome Here.” No matter what you’ve done, Jesus arms are always open to welcome you Home.
Ernie ended the second segment with “O What a Savior.”
Unfortunately, I didn’t note what they sang for the encore but they did sing one more song and then closed out with another chorus of “Every Time.”
The only songs on the CD which they didn’t sing in concert are: “I’ve Been Here Before,” “Stand By Me,” “Thankful to You,” and “Any Other Man” (recorded Live in Bucharest, Romania).
Something I thought noteworthy: Ernie Haase and Wayne Haun co-wrote 7 of the 12 songs on this recording–5 with Joel Lindsey and 2 with Sue C. Smith. Wayne Haun wrote “You Are Welcome Here” with Will Hopkins.
A Quick Note
Dear Friends, I can’t believe I’ve not posted anything since last Sunday. Time is absolutely flying by. I’ve been busy at work and tired at night, tonight of which is no exception but I at least wanted to let you know I’ve not forgotten y’all. I appreciate each one of you who take the time to read my blog on a regular basis. Don’t give up on me. Keep checking back as I’ve got concert reviews and CD reviews coming up, along with more inspirational writings as God continues to speak to me and help me to grow in Him. May you feel His love each day as you walk by your Savior’s side.
On a side note, I’ve mentioned in the past that I work for Wisdom’s Gate Ministries, a Christian publishing company. Besides publishing books and periodicals, I also have the blessing of traveling with my mom and brother as they travel coast to coast with messages of encouragement. We have an email list where we send out an email or two a month letting people know where we’ll be speaking and also noting any new products, web specials, etc. If you would like to be put on this list, email your name, address and email address to If we’re in your area, I would love to meet you.
Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day and hopefully I’ll get those reviews up soon.
We Must Let Others Know We Love Them
Last evening, I had the blessing of seeing Ernie Haase and Signature Sound in full concert for the first time. I’ll be posting a concert review in the near future but, as I watched the guys interact with the crowd of people who wanted to talk with them or get an autograph, I was blessed by the way they made sure each one knew that the group did not take the people for granted. They were patient, polite, they acknowledged each one who came up … they made a point to try to connect with each person if even in a small way.
The purpose of this post is not to glorify men but I love watching people and learning from people whom God is using in any capacity. There are so many hurting people in the world, and they desperately need to feel loved and to know that God has not forsaken them. I’m convinced that genuine Believers find a way to love others, regardless of how easy or how difficult. As I travel and minister to people, I hope they walk away convinced more than ever before that God loves them. I pray they will feel God’s arms around them as hear Him speaking to them through my interaction with them. We are to be His hands and feet on earth but I don’t often see people who realize that is exactly what they are to be. Let’s keep moving closer to God until that is exactly what we become.
Thank God for His Guidance
The past couple days, I’ve seen God’s guidance when I didn’t recognize that He was leading. First of all, we missed being in the middle of a tornado by delaying part of our trip a day. Secondly, we missed being in an accident or delayed due to an accident by taking an alternate route. Coincidence? Not at all. God saw what we couldn’t and I’m so grateful that He helped us to make the decisions we did.
Thinking about these incidents reminded me of how much I take for granted. God probably covers and protects me every day and I never realize it and, therefore, never take time to thank Him. I’m grateful to Him for allowing me to see His hand of protection this week but, even when I don’t see it, I pray I never cease thanking Him for His care for me. He truly is a good God to me!
CD Review: Staying the Course (Roy Knight Singers)
I was thrilled last year when I found out the Roy Knight Singers released another recording. I’ve never heard a “dud” from them and I’ve really enjoyed this recording as well.
“One More Goliath” features Sandy Knight, one of my favorite singers singing one of my favorite songs on this CD. Whatever you’re facing is just one more Goliath. Nothing is too hard for the Lord.
“Come and See” reminds us that you don’t have to take my word that Jesus exists. Look around and come and see.
“‘Love Like Water Poured on Me’ when Jesus’ blood had cleansed my sin. God’s living water set me free when God’s love like water poured on me.”
Another of my favorite songs on this CD is “God’s Great.” “All I can say is God’s been so good. On second thought, God’s been great!” Amen?!
“Suddenly One Morning” talks about Resurrection morning.
“Battle Stand” asks, “Are you ready for one more battle stand?”
“I’m Staying the Course” is a declaration of determination to stay the course with Christ.
“So Simple So Profound” describes the love of God.
“I Can’t Keep a Secret” but, then, why would you not want to tell what Christ has done for you?
Sandy wrote “Salvation Harbor” which talks about waiting for Christ’s return.
“Jesus to Me” is from the perspective of someone who is talking to one who is thanking someone for being “Jesus to me.”
Another song in my top 3 favorites is “And Then.” “And then we’ll stroll the golden streets of God’s great new Jerusalem. And then that vast eternity of life will know no end. No more death, no more tears, forever free from sin. And then we’ll live a million years and then.”
Other songs include “Untold Testimonies,” “What Cloud You Gonna Ride On” and “America.”