To God Be the Glory
How can I say thanks for the things You’ve done for me? Things so undeserved, yet You gave to prove Your love for me. The voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude. All that I am and ever hope to be, I owe it all to Thee.
I grew up listening to this song written by Andrae Crouch a few decades ago. Today, I am focusing on those words and the depth of the gratitude expressed for all the things that God has done. It amazes me that God continues to pour out His blessings on me but I am so grateful.
This week has been rough and yet, through it all, God continues to give grace and remind me that He is here. He loves me and has a plan whether I see that plan or not. He came to earth so that we might have abundant life. If I focus on the negative instead of on His goodness, I am not living that life that He desires me to have. This would be a slap in my Savior’s face.
I have been really looking forward to this season, and I know that Satan would like nothing better than to steal my joy. I am so thankful that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world! This is my story and this is my song. I’m praising my Savior all the day long. I hope that you are too.
CD Review: Voice in the Desert (The Freemans)
The latest CD from The Freemans has been out for a while but, unfortunately, I am just now getting around to writing the review.
Chris Freeman sings the title song, Voice in the Desert. Somebody does need to be a voice in the desert, to make a way for the Lord.
Darrell sings That Kind of Love, a story about a drunk who has a hard time understanding how someone could know him and yet still love him. The conclusion is we’ll never understand that kind of love.
Ole Trespasser tells Satan to “get out of this place.”
“The Last Time I Looked, the gravestone is still rolled away.” Can I get an Amen?
I may not always like Where I’ve Been but, often, I can look back and see that “it’s made me a better man” (or woman as the case may be). 😉
Caylon and Misty sing the old spiritual, Water Grave.
“So carry your cross, no matter how hard it’s been. The strength that you’ve lost will help you depend on Him. Keep climbing that hill. Don’t lay your cross down. There’s only one you so what would God do with an Unwanted Crown?” Jesus bore His cross for you; now it’s your turn. Don’t give up.
Chris sings John the Revelator.
Next, the tempo mellows for Meanwhile Back at the Cross. Satan was gloating but he did not notice everything that was happening at the Cross.
There is a concept video for Lead Me Home on YouTube. Very well done.
God Lifts the Needy
“[The LORD] raises up the poor from the dust; he lifts the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with princes and inherit a seat of honor” ~ 1 Samuel 2:8.
As I read this prayer of Hannah this morning, I thought how God did this very thing for me. At times, growing up, we were very poor. There were some winters we couldn’t afford heat, and at least once, we were homeless for a time. During those days, we attended church occasionally but the extent of my prayers were for God to get us out of trouble or protect us, and I never read my Bible … at least not regularly. I am thankful that God looked down and saw how needy we were, and He decided that He could use me anyway.
I was a teenager when my mom truly came to know the Lord. Although I grew up in church, we didn’t really have relationship with God prior to that time. After that, I could not deny the peace that filled Mom, such as I had never seen in her before. Our lives radically changed and, although at the time, I wasn’t sure I liked the changes, they ended up being for the better, and God continued to call out to me until I decided to follow Him as well. That was over 20 years ago now, and I can truly say that I don’t regret one mile I’ve traveled for the Lord. This world is getting scarier every day and yet I still hope God gives me many more years to serve Him. When He has finished using me, I will be very happy to go Home.
I’ve never sat with princes but I have had the opportunity to meet and interact with a number of Christian leaders, and I have found that they are just people like you and me. They still have trials and struggles, joys and heartaches. They may be better known than you and me but they are merely people who have said “Yes” to Jesus. A willing heart is what He is searching for. You don’t need to be smart, well versed, good looking, or anything else. If you are willing to surrender your whole life to the Lord, He can and will use you. You may not see your rewards on earth but Revelation 2:10 tells us that, if we are faithful to the end, we will receive the crown of life.
If you are needy today, rest assured that God has not forgotten you. He hears your cries. Our timing is not His timing, and the things we think we need are not always what we do, in fact, need but He will not forsake you.
If you are like me and you remember a time when you were needy and God rescued you, take time to thank Him again. I can’t praise Him enough for His faithfulness. All that I am and ever hope to be, I owe it all to Him. To God be the glory!
The Sacrifice of Praise
I grew up singing “We bring a sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord.” It wasn’t until a few years ago that I began to think about what that means. Yesterday, I was thinking again about this phrase. The longer I walk with the Lord, I find it easy to praise Him but there are some who may find it harder to praise God as they walk through very trying circumstances. This is when praise becomes a true sacrifice.
First Thessalonians 5:16 and 18 tells us to “Rejoice evermore. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” Easier said than done sometimes but it is one thing that God requires of His children. Anyone can praise God when things are going well. It’s during the times of heartbreak and tragedy that our faith is tested and we have to choose if we are going to curse God or praise Him.
I hope you will choose the sacrifice of praise. As difficult as it can be at times, you will find strength like you have never before experienced. Listen closely and you will hear the Father whisper, “Fear not, My child. I love you and am with you through even the most difficult times. You do not have to bear your burden alone. Draw near to Me, and I will draw near to you.”
No matter what life is bringing you right now, take time this week to count your blessings. There is always something to be thankful for and, most of the time, our blessings are many. We just need to look at life differently than the world does.
Put Christ First
I am making a conscious effort to tune in to my Savior’s voice and put Him above everyone and everything else. Although a basic Christian concept, it is so easy to let other things crowd in and take priority but this is something I can’t afford. I need Him more than ever. I have so much on my mind lately–decisions I’m trying to make, people I’m trying to be there for, things I’m trying to accomplish–but God’s Word says that, if I seek Him and His righteousness, everything else will fall into place (my paraphrase of Matthew 6:33).
Scripture also says that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him (Hebrews 11:6), so seek Him I must. I can’t point others to the Lord if I am not constantly drawing near Him myself. With His help, I will press on until I can wholeheartedly sing, “I’d rather have Jesus than ANYTHING this world affords today!”
Tribute to Norman Wilson
Since I started this blog a number of years ago, this is the saddest tribute that I have written. Norman was one of the first people in the industry to reach out to me, and he has held a special place in my heart ever since.
I first met Norman over seven years ago at the National Quartet Convention. I was overwhelmed and had a lot on my mind at the time but I took something over to be signed, and he took my hands and talked for a while. After that, I made a habit of going back to the Primitive Quartet’s booth throughout the week. God’s presence was so evident in that corner of the convention.
Since that time, I’ve always made a point to talk with Norman whenever I saw him. He was so welcoming and never made me feel like the pest that I’m sure I was at times. One thing Norman told me that I still ponder sometimes: “If you don’t know what to do, go back to the last time you knew what you were supposed to do.” He often reminded me that we may never know the impact we have on people’s lives down here. If we did know, we would probably become proud. Norman definitely never seemed to think more of himself than he ought. He didn’t see himself as the greatest singer, but he wanted to be faithful … and he was.
I watched Norman’s funeral today and shed some tears but if I ever met someone who was ready for Heaven, it was Norman. He would not want to come back. Norman exemplified what it means to be a true Christian. He had a genuine love for people and a smile that lit up the room. He also had an obvious love for His Savior. My heart goes out to his beautiful wife Kaye and The Primitive Quartet, but I am grateful that we have a Comforter that can provide comfort when no person can. He will give guidance and wisdom and grace in spite of the heartache.
As Norman sang so many times, “So weep not, Friends, I’m going Home. Up there, we’ll die no more. No coffins will be made up there. No graves on that bright shore.” I am so looking forward to that day!
CD Review: The Best of Jonathan Wilburn: Years of Gold
In some ways, it’s probably not fair to review collection CDs since one would expect them to be great projects but I think there is still validity to letting you know which CDs are being released and which songs were included, as well as a bit about the songs for people who are new to the genre. I will say that this collection CD, featuring many of Jonathan Wilburn’s most popular songs when he was with Gold City, is one of my favorites that I’ve received this year.
He Said is one of my favorite songs on this project. I heard the studio version years ago but this live version, recorded when Jonathan was with Gold City, brings the whole song to life in my opinion.
My least favorite arrangement on this project is I’m Not Giving Up. After hearing the original version, the background singers don’t do it justice.
There Rose a Lamb is a song originally sung by Ivan Parker when he was with Gold City. It has stood the test of time, however, and Jonathan pours his heart into it as well.
He Lives needs no explanation.
The late Doug Riley wrote He Lifted My Burdens Away. This was a new song to me but it’s uptempo and encouraging.
Tim Riley introduces When He Touched Me. This is another song I hadn’t heard before but it is a great song of testimony.
“We can’t have church until the Holy Ghost shows up … When the Holy Ghost Shows Up (We’ll Have Church).” Can I hear an Amen?
Keep Me on the Wheel is a great song about surrender.
The Lamb Upon the Throne is a song of worship.
It’s Been Worth it All is a song all Christians can sing along with.
I’ve liked I Believe since it first came out. I’m really glad Jonathan included it on this project.
No “Best of Gold City” recording would be complete without the timeless classic, Midnight Cry.
The CD concludes with a live version of When He Calls (I’ll Fly Away).
Two Gospel Singers Go to Heaven
Today, the southern gospel community has had two losses.
First of all, Roy Bray, the piano player and baritone singer for The Southmen Quartet died in a bus accident when the bus ran off the road and hit a tree. Roy was driving. Owner and tenor singer Jim Hefner has been admitted to the hospital for further evaluation. Johny Washburn and Donnie Marr are fine. Please keep The Southmen and their families in your prayers.
Bob Johnson, who sang with his wife Jeanne, passed away early this morning after having suffered a stroke back in July. My prayers are with Jeanne and the family as well.
No loss is easy; however, for those who know the Lord, the pain and loneliness we feel now are only temporary. We may not always understand God’s timing but we know that He knows what is best. He has promised to send the Comforter, and I trust He is doing just that for everyone who is feeling these and other losses today. He is there. Just lean on Him.
Falling in Love with Jesus All over Again
Let me fall in love with You all over again
Let me know You as never before
As I was praying this morning, this song, sung by the late Kenny Hinson, became my prayer. There is nothing I desire more than to fall in love with Jesus all over again.
In the last few years, I’ve gone through a number of changes, some of which I struggled with a long time before surrendering to the direction God wanted me to take. I don’t like change, and I had to be absolutely sure He was leading. As I look back now, it is so obvious to me that He was indeed calling, and I am overwhelmed by His love for me and His willingness to use this weak, stubborn vessel.
In the last few years, God has also brought some wonderful people into my life–those who are willing to intercede for me, bear with me, and encourage me whenever God lays me on their heart. They say if you can count on one hand your true friends, you are very blessed. If I think about it, I can probably do that and more. At the same time, no one can replace my first Love.
I am not always faithful. I do not always embrace the tests He brings but have instead cried and begged Him to remove tests when I thought I could not stand it. In the end, though, like the apostle Paul, I found His grace to be sufficient and His strength to be made perfect through my weakness.
I was watching Joni Tada last night on the True Woman Conference’s webcast, and she talked about the importance of surrender to whatever will draw us closer to Jesus. That is a lesson I am still learning but, if I desire a closer walk, I must be willing to accept whatever He knows will rid me of myself so that I can have true communion with Him.
Being over 40 years old and single, God has been my husband and Father. He has been the friend who is there in the middle of the night when all I can do is cry. I have felt Him hold me and assure me He is there, even when I knew I had failed Him. True to His Word, He has never left me or forsaken me but He has blessed me much more than I will ever deserve, and He has surrounded me with people who love me.
I have had an ear infection for several months and, yesterday, I finally got in to get my ears cleaned out. I cried as the doctor worked to remove all the junk in there, but I knew the pain was necessary if I was going to be able to hear again and heal completely.
This experience brought home the reality that it is the same way with life. The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked. The longer we live, the more sin accumulates until we meet Jesus and He begins to chip away the sins that ensnare us. Even after walking with him for over 20 years, there are still things in my life that need to go. Humanly, I don’t want to go through the pain I may need to go through so He can chisel them out of my heart, but I realize it is necessary in order to have more room for Him. He cannot dwell where sin is present and so surrender I must. If I do so, I will feel more of His love and peace, and I will in turn love Him more than ever before.
God, make that truly my desire, that I love You, not only on the mountain when the sun is shining bright, but also in the valleys when it’s dark and I can’t see You. Keep me looking straight ahead and not on what is going on around me for, with You holding my hand, nothing can touch me and, one day, You will lead me to my eternal Home where nothing will ever harm me again. Thank You, Father. Amen!
Singing News Fan Awards 2014
Most of you have probably heard who the winners were of this year’s fan awards. For those who may have missed a category, I am going to post them below, along with the names of the people who presented the awards.
Presenter: Jason Crabb
Musician: Kim Collingsworth
Young Artist: Amber Thompson (Sonya Isaacs accepted)
Presenters: Karen Peck Gooch and Susan Peck Jackson
Soloist: Ivan Parker
Song of the Year Nominee: Kingdom Heirs–“Just Beyond the Sunset”
Presenters: Austin and Ethan Whisnant
New Soloist: Joseph Habedank
New Traditional Quartet: Canton Junction
Song of the Year Nominee: Triumphant–“Because He Loved Me”
Hall of Fame Inductee: Faye Speer (Arthur Rice accepted)
Presenters: Kelly Bowling and Aaron Crabb
Male Artist: Ronnie Booth
Band: Kingdom Heirs
Presenters: Connie Fortner and Sheryl Farris
Lead Singer: Ronnie Booth
Tenor: Michael Booth
Song of the Year Nominee: Brian Free and Assurance–“Calvary’s Cry”
Presenters: Morgan and Madison Easter
Songwriter: Dianne Wilkinson
Song of the Year Nominee: The McKameys–“A Hill Worth Dying On”
Hall of Fame Inductee: Eddie Crook
Presenters: Hannah and Parker Webb
New Trio: Hyssongs
Bass Singer: Eric Bennett
Song of the Year Nominee: Legacy Five–“Living in the Palace”
Presenters: Michael and Ronnie Booth
New Mixed Group: Mylon Hayes Family
Soprano: Kim Hopper
Song of the Year Nominee: Old Paths–“Long Live the King”
Presenters: Chris Taylor and Suzanne Hise
Mixed Group: Collingsworth Family
Trio: Booth Brothers
Song of the Year Nominee: The Whisnants–“He Can Move That Stone”
Hall of Fame Inductee: Claude Hopper
Presenters: Ben Isaacs, Becky Bowman, and Sonya Yeary
Alto: Libbi Stuffle
Female Singer: Kim Hopper
Song of the Year Nominee: Greater Vision–“Preacher, Tell Me Like it Is”
Presenter: Philip Collingsworth and Brooklyn Blair
Songwriter: Rodney Griffin
Male Quartet: Triumphant
Song of the Year Nominee: Karen Peck and New River–“Revival”
Hall of Fame Inductee: Paul Heil
Presenters: Dean and Michael Hopper
Album: Greater Vision–“For All He’s Done”
Song of the Year Nominee: Booth Brothers–“I See Grace”
Song of the Year Winner: Greater Vision–“Preacher, Tell Me Like it Is”
Presenter: Squire Parsons
Artist: Booth Brothers