This is another trait that I do not excel in but I love watching it in action. It seems to me to be the epitome of Christianity. Jesus said that He came to serve, not to be served. I personally like to be served but that is not why God put me here on earth. It is not all about me.
I was talking with a lady yesterday who is always opening her home to others, organizing gatherings, etc. She mentioned that no one ever offers to help; they just comment on how this lady and her family do such a great job. This happens way too often in the Church. It’s easy to leave hard work to the pastor or church leaders because, after all, that’s their job or it’s what they are paid to do. Servanthood is not a gift, however; it is a calling for every Believer.
You may deal with insecurity as I do, thinking that there is no practical way you can serve others or maybe you feel like everyone else is better at doing things than you are. I guarantee you, though, that if you ask God to show you ways that you can be more of a servant, He will show you and teach you how to do so effectively. Don’t underestimate the blessing that you can be if you will lay aside your inhibitions and allow God to use you. Most people are not going to criticize genuine works of love, even if not done perfectly. And as you begin to serve in small ways, you will begin to be more confident and see more ways that you can practically serve others.
If you are one who tends to sit back and let everyone else do all the work, begin to pray about a place of servanthood that you can fill. If you are one who is getting burnt out because you are always the one pouring out, don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s possible that others are willing to help; they just haven’t considered the fact that you need help or they may be afraid to admit that they don’t know what to do. Some just need a mentor to guide them.
I am not an expert on this topic and, as I mentioned, this is an area that I definitely need to grow in but I am trusting God to open my eyes to things I can do and to help me to grow in this area. I trust that you will pray about this too.
Self-control is a fruit of the spirit I don’t hear much about. In my Bible study the other night, I was reminded of how many areas are encompassed in this one character trait.
America has become a feel-good society. “If it feels good, do it” was the slogan of the hippies but many still have that mentality today. We have comfort food, promiscuous sex, rampant gossip, etc. (James 3 has a lot to say about the tongue and is worth taking the time to read.)
Whatever we do in word or deed, we are told to do all to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31). There are also things God has told us not to do which all centers around living for self. Once we become children of God, our lives become His. Everything we do, say, and think are to reflect Him. If we are constantly feeding our flesh, we are not going to reflect our Father but instead are the antithesis of Him.
If there is one fruit that a lot of us don’t possess, it is this one but I feel like it is key to all the others. If you can master self-control, I believe love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness, etc. will begin to exhibit itself. This is an area I am still working on. I pray for God’s help to surrender this area of my life to Him in every way that He shows me. I want and need God’s presence in my life. If anything is hindering that, it is not worth holding on to.
Tribute to Lari Goss
I am sad to hear about Lari Goss passing away. I had the opportunity to meet him a couple years ago when he asked if I could help him get to the artist circle at NQC. I’m not sure why he asked me. Maybe I looked like I worked there. When he came up to me, I didn’t know who he was. It wasn’t until we had walked a little ways that someone said his name. I waited as he stopped and talked to the person who stopped him. When he was finished, we resumed our walk and I told him it was a blessing to meet him. I was impressed with our brief encounter, as he struck me as a humble gentleman.
Lari was a great producer and arranger, bringing out the best in a number of southern gospel artists. There is no doubt that he will be missed.
Tribute to Andrae Crouch
Although not a Southern Gospel singer, I grew up listening to Andrae Crouch and still play his music quite frequently. Mr. Crouch was not perfect but I believe he had a heart for God and a desire to see others come to know the Savior. I was sad to learn of his passing but I believe that He is not sad to be gone from this world. “Count the years–count the years as months. Count the months–count the months as weeks. You may think you still have a lot of time but count the weeks–count the weeks as days. Any day now, we’ll be going Home.” Andrae Crouch is no longer counting those days.
I never had the chance to meet him to tell him what his music has meant to me but I’m grateful for all the years that he sang and gave God the glory. It was not about Andrae but about the God who saved him when he was nine years old. It really won’t be long and we will be leaving here too. Are you ready?
Looking Ahead
Now that a new year is upon me, my heart wells up with anticipation. Who all will I see this year? What new friends will I make? What will my life be like a year from now? I’m thankful that I don’t know everything that is going to happen in my future. Part of the excitement of life is the element of wonder.
For those who may not know, writing and editing are some of what I do but my primary job is working with my brother and his wife in a ministry called Family Renewal. I handle my brother’s bookings and have the privilege of doing the bulk of the traveling with him. I am so grateful that God allows me to do that. If you would like to keep up with what is going on with us, email your name and address to, and I’ll put you on our email list. I just started an e-newsletter for our company and won’t send more than one or two emails a month but it’s a great way to know what specials we are running on our website and where we are going to be ministering. I would love to meet you.
I pray that, as you begin 2015, you are looking forward to another year as I am. Life is uncertain. Every year holds joy and heartache but God is always faithful. He will not fail you if you keep looking to Him. Keep pressing on!
Looking Behind
As we count down the remaining hours of 2014, my mind is going in so many directions. Overall, this past year has been a really good one. It’s been a time of stretching a bit, moving out of my comfort zone, and yet knowing that God’s hand is on me, leading me in the way that I should go.
The biggest highlights of this year were starting my own editing business and doing more personal travel. I travel a lot for business but it was nice to have time to make a couple trips just to visit friends and family. I am amazed at how much God has blessed me but I am so thankful.
My editing has been going well. There have only been 3 or 4 weeks since I launched my website that I did not have a book to edit. For that, I truly praise God. I pray that I will continue to do a great job for the people who trust me to edit their manuscripts.
My health has struggled a bit this past year but it has been a reminder that, in my weakness, God is still strong. I only bailed out on two business trips which is not bad considering how much we were on the road this year. I am feeling better at present and am trusting God to continue to guide me and show me what to do to become completely well. He is able.
God continues to give me opportunities to encourage others too. This is very important to me. It’s amazing that I’m able to do so when I am not always encouraged myself but, in ministering to others, I am often ministered to. Interesting how that works that way.
It’s hard to remember everything that happened this year but, if I had to sum it up, everything that has happened has been a continual testimony to the faithfulness of God in spite of myself. I am so thankful that He does not give up on me. He has called me and He will be faithful to complete the work He has begun in me.
If you have time, I would love to hear your highlights of 2014 or anything God has shown you this past year. Then join me tomorrow as I look ahead to the new year.
Don’t Forget to Be a Blessing
I realized the other night that I have been so focused on getting ready for Christmas and finishing up as much work as possible by year’s end that I haven’t really thought about those who will not have a happy Christmas this year. Usually I am more in tune with that fact but, for some reason, I hadn’t thought about it recently until God brought it to my mind through an email from a friend and a message that I listened to online. God, fill me with Your compassion.
I do not want this to be a depressing post. We have every reason in the world to celebrate and, as Christians, we should rejoice and praise God for His many blessings. Yet, as you do your last minute shopping and prepare to spend a joyful time with your family, take time to pray for those you know who don’t have much. Pray for those you don’t know if you feel led to do so. If you have been blessed financially, share some of your resources with others.
I remember years ago when we were very poor. A couple different years, God laid it upon people’s hearts to give us gifts. What a blessing that was! Not just because we received gifts but because people thought of us and were willing to bless us although they didn’t have to do so.
There are numerous ways to be a blessing to others. Maybe a phone call or a text to let a friend know you are thinking of them. Maybe you know someone who doesn’t have family. Invite them over for dinner or dessert.
Last but not least, keep remembering in prayer those who are being persecuted and killed for their faith in other countries. I hope I never have to go through what they are going through and yet my heart breaks for them. It may not be a cheerful thing to think about at this time of year but they don’t get a break just because it is Christmas.
CD Review: Song of Noel (Donna King)
I’ve heard the name Donna King for years but this is the first I have really heard her, and I must say I am impressed. This CD has a nice mix of new songs and old carols. She sings each song with feeling that matches the lyrics. I grew up listening to Barbara Streisand’s Christmas record, and this reminds me of that somewhat.
The CD begins with a hyped, soulful arrangement of Joy to the World.
The tempo slows way down for Little Altar Boy, a song about someone who is gone astray and is asking for prayer.
“So that earth could go to Heaven, Heaven Came to Earth.” A great way to say it.
Give Me This Night is a song from Mary’s perspective as she looked at her newborn child who would way too quickly become a man.
Donna put some jazz into My Favorite Things.
Zane and Donna wrote the title Song of Noel.
Everyone knows the classic Silent Night.
Christmas Instead talks about the things that crowd our minds and stress us out, causing some to lose sight of the real meaning of Christmas.
Donna’s vocal talents really show on Ave Maria and O Holy Night. The only thing that kept this from getting five stars was feeling like she went a bit overboard on showing off her vocals on this last song but, overall, this is a good CD and one I will probably listen to for many Christmases to come.
CD Review: Roots: Old & New (Cross Pointe)
Almost a year and a half ago, I was contacted by Bill Pitts of Cross Pointe, asking if I would be willing to listen to their latest CD and give my honest opinion. As you can see, it has taken me a long time to get around to writing the review; however, this does not mean that I did not like the CD. I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it upon my first listen whereas it usually takes me a while to make an assessment. Maybe it’s due to the fact that this recording was produced by John Darin Rowsey but I still have flashbacks of New Journey when I listen to some of the songs on here.
Walk on the Water has a standard Southern Gospel feel but is my least favorite song on the CD. A basic message and too typical.
Changed is a descriptive experience of a person who was baptized and completely changed from the life they had lived. A mid-tempo song with great harmony and a great message. It is also well written.
All My Tears reminds me of a song the Forester Sisters would sing. It has a folksy feel to it.
Kenna West and John Darin Rowsey wrote the toe-tapping Time After Time.
Only Jesus is a beautiful song also written by Mr. Rowsey and Sue C. Smith.
I’m Still Standing was written by group member Bill Pitts. It talks about standing firm in spite of what life throws your way. With Jesus, you can stand!
I like their arrangement of Wayfaring Stranger. It starts out slow with just piano. Then picks up the tempo slightly but still keeps a pace which makes it easy to follow the story.
Two Coats is an old song but it’s been a long time since I’ve heard anyone sing it. They sing the first verse and chorus very slow then increase the tempo to a toe-tapping one. Great arrangement.
I love the arrangement and harmony on It Changes Everything. “It changes everything to know You love me. And it makes me smile to think about Your grace. And then when I remember how You walked this road before me, that changes everything.” Amen!
Their version of I Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now is a bit progressive but they did a good job.
Speak to Me is a song of prayer that God would speak and give me ears to hear.
Power in the Name of Jesus is one song specifically that reminds me of New Journey. Another song with great harmony and a great message. There really is power in the Name of Jesus regardless of what you’re facing.
What Will I Be Like?
I know a lot of people who are older, and I have begun making note of the character traits I would like to acquire and those I would like to discard before they become a part of my life. It seems many older people become bitter and unhappy in their later years while others are sweet and giving in spite of their pain. This latter group is the group I want to belong to but I realize they did not get this way overnight. I believe those who are a joy to be around in their golden years began to live a joyous life in their youth. Those who are bitter may have allowed roots to grow when they were younger, however, they were careful to keep it inside. As they got older and their mind began to go, what was in their heart came to the surface to where now they cannot let go of it.
That is a sober thought. It’s not enough to look good on the outside. What is in my heart? Is it full of love and kindness, or is it bitter and angry, holding grudges that are going to die when I do? Will I be a joy to care for when I’m old or will everyone be drawing straws to see who has to take care of me? Although this is a ways off in the future, I need to choose now what kind of person I will be. I need to get God’s Word firmly planted in my heart that it is what flows out of me when I can remember nothing else.
For those who are already elderly, it is never too late to change. If you have become old and grouchy, don’t excuse it because of your age. Think about how it is affecting those around you and begin to be a blessing. It may shock your friends and family but they will recover.
For you young people, don’t think you have 40 years to develop better habits and treat people better. Begin now. It may seem like you have your whole life ahead of you but those years will go by faster than you think.