My God Shall Supply Your NEEDS

When I was a child, I would quote Philippians 4:19 as my favorite verse:

But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus.

This continued into my thirties when 1 Corinthians 4:8-10 began to hold more meaning. Lately, though, I find myself going back to Philippians. I don’t think anyone dreamed that our country would be shut down for months to the point that many are without jobs, but I believe that God will take care of His children during this time. Do not succumb to the habit of fretting but, instead, let your requests be made known to God with thanksgiving, and the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Hey, that’s another quote from Philippians 4 (verses 6 and 7). I think the “thanksgiving” part is key. If our attitudes are accusatory and full of complaint, He may let us feel a lot more want until we realize how good He has been to us.

I know I say this a lot but since we often need reminders … wants are not necessarily needs. This is important because many times we think God is failing us when, in reality, we do not need the things we think we need. This is a hard lesson for a lot of people and, honestly, there are things that I have grown accustomed to and would hate to be without (especially in the technology department), but if I had to downscale, my needs would still be met.

If you are at a place where you are struggling to make ends meet, praise God for the things you do have. Ask Him to give you wisdom to know what you need to do to get through this difficult time. And thank Him for meeting your needs–both past, present, and future. I would love to pray for you if you are going through a financial crisis. Simply email and explain your situation, and I will help you present your need before the Throne of your Father. He is able!

How Zealous Are You?

A while back when I was reading the book of Joshua, I began to think about how he finished the work that Moses started as he was commissioned to do. I picture him full of the fire of the Spirit as he slew king after king and conquered each territory that he entered. When he decided, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15), he pressed on and never looked back. When Moses became frustrated and hit the rock instead of speaking to it, he was not allowed into the Promised Land, but God knew that Joshua could get the job done. It would have been easy for Joshua to strut around and think himself a big shot for being chosen as Moses’ replacement, but we never see pride rise up in him. I expect this is because one cannot be full of themselves and full of the Spirit. defines “zeal” as “great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.” Does this define your walk with the Lord? Are you running toward Him, doing everything He asks of you with great energy and enthusiasm? Or are you merely coasting, going through the motions, and getting by? For most people, it seems to be the latter. Many profess their love for God but they do not show God how much they love Him. James 2:26 tells us that “Faith without works is dead.” If you really love your Creator, everyone around you should know it.

I can relate to the psalmist when he cried, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation!” I have not lost my joy, but I would like a resurgence of enthusiasm that doesn’t wane.

As I close today’s post, I want to encourage you to keep pressing in to a closer walk with the Savior. Don’t just declare your love for Him but exhibit it as you walk by the way, as you rise up, as you lie down, as you talk to your neighbor. Let your words be gracious (Colossians 4:6), your conduct pure (1 Peter 3:2), and your countenance a reflection of Jesus. Amen.

CD Report: Faithful Still (Down East Boys)

In a world where even Southern Gospel music has veered a bit from its roots, I still enjoy traditional southern gospel male quartets. The Down East Boys are one such group. They incorporate a mixture of slow and fast songs with good quartet harmony. Of special mention are I Hear and A Story that Began at the Cross. I started this report right after Easter, and those two songs were perfect for the season.

Other songs included are: Amazing Amounts of Amazing Grace; What Love; John Saw and Wrote about It; Those Hands; Fall Like Jericho; Church of the Living God; God Will, Yes He Will; Bottom of the Basket; and Sweet Journey.

Attention Book Readers!

Hey Everyone, I have been working on a blog post that is just not coming together but I hope to finish it in the next day or two. Meanwhile, I wanted to let you know that I am hosting a party for my online bookstore this month. If you like to read and you are on Facebook, take a minute to “like” Sony Elise Christian Books. Then watch my videos and read my posts for a chance to win a book at the end of the month. Thank you so much!

A Conference Worth Watching

  • April 24, 2020 at 7:25 pm in

Many years ago, we became aware of Pure Life Ministries, a ministry that is dedicated to calling people to holiness. In 2000, they started an annual conference which we attended for several years. I have not been able to attend in quite a while so I am thrilled that they are live streaming this year’s conference. I just watched the first session, and I am excited to see how God speaks to my heart this weekend. They will be streaming the first session again tonight at 9:00 EST and tomorrow morning at 8:00 EST.  Plus there will be several other speakers. I encourage you to make time to catch some of these sessions. You will find the schedule at the bottom of here. Below is the trailer which will give you more information. May we be bold followers of God in the midst of a crooked and perverse world.

Larry Hinson Is in Heaven

  • April 23, 2020 at 11:30 am in

I received the sad news last evening that Larry Hinson of the Original Hinsons passed away unexpectedly. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to meet him and his wife, Jana, a few years ago. He will be truly missed. My prayers are with the family. This is the first song I thought of when thinking about Larry. He sings the second verse. I hope you enjoy.


Lessons from Jeremiah 26

Now it came to pass, when Jeremiah had made an end of speaking all that the LORD had commanded him to speak unto all the people that the priest and the prophets and all the people took him, saying, You shall surely die. … Then spoke the priests and the prophets unto the princes and to all the people, saying This man is worthy to die; for he has prophesied against this city, as you have heard with your ears. ~ Jeremiah 26:8, 11

Jeremiah was the son of a priest. When he was young, probably a teenager, God called Jeremiah to speak for Him. Being a prophet was the most thankless job at that time. Not only did prophets not get paid, they didn’t even get thanked for their obedience. At best, they were mocked. At worst, they were murdered. And yet, when God called, you could not very easily say, “No thanks. Find someone else.” Jonah tried that and ended up in the belly of a stinky fish.

What struck me as I was reading the above verses is that this time, it was not the people who wanted to stone Jeremiah; it was his friends and family! They did not like what he had to say and, for that reason alone, they wanted to put him to death. Being the brave lot that they were, however, they weren’t going to take it upon themselves to do so unless they had the multitude’s approval. Interestingly, the people didn’t agree.

Then said the princes and all the people unto the priests and to the prophets; This man is not worthy to die: for he has spoken to us in the name of the LORD our God. (v. 16)

It amazes me that the princes and the common people recognized the word of God, but those who professed to be God’s servants did not. It seems to me that not much has changed in that department. Many times unbelievers know more how Christians should act than professing Christians do. I wonder if it was the descendants of these unbelieving priests that ordered Jesus to be crucified many years later. Somehow, they forgot why they were called, and they became haughty and self-righteous.

Discernment is as important today as it was back then. When God is speaking, we must hear and be quick to respond. But we should also know when a voice is not the Father’s.

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.  ~1 John 4:1

The priests of old did not test the spirits. They had preconceived notions of what was acceptable and did not want to hear anything that would stir them out of their comfortable position. True prophets brought forth messages that weren’t popular, and the priests wanted nothing to do with that.

Who do you relate to in this story? Do you have a heart to hear God’s voice no matter how difficult a message it may be? Or do you shy away from people who make you uncomfortable because their convictions are different than you, and you may become challenged to change? Jesus had some harsh words for the Pharisees. He called them hypocrites and snakes. Not only do I not want to be called those things, I don’t want to be those things!

Father, help Your people who are called by Your name to humble themselves and pray and seek Your face. Bring conviction where we need it and make us willing to repent so that we can be better used of You. Give us the boldness we need to proclaim Your words, and discernment to know when a word is not from You. Give us a greater burden for studying Your word and spending time with You so that we are better able to know what is true from Scripture. You are so good to us, Father, and we love You. May we be faithful to pray without ceasing and rejoice always. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Book Review: Enduring Trials God’s Way by Scott LaPierre

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials.” ~James 1:2

“In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” ~1 Thessalonians 5:18

These scriptures are in the Bible and yet, many times, I think we would like to convince ourselves that they don’t really mean what they say. In his book Enduring Trials God’s Way: A Biblical Recipe for Finding Joy in Suffering, Scott LaPierre uses a lot of scripture to tell us how to follow the biblical pattern for dealing with trials. Everyone has them, but what separates the Christian from the unbeliever is how we respond to them.

If you are going through a trial, I think this book will be an encouragement to you. If you know someone who is going through a difficult time, this may give you some insights as to how to encourage them.


Table of Contents:

1. Expect Trials
2. Did You Do Something Wrong?
3. Count Trials As Joy?!?!
4. Blessed by Persevering
5. Longing for Jesus During Trials
6. The End Intended by the Lord in Trials
7. The Trials We Endure are Supremely About Jesus

Thoughts of Gary McSpadden

  • April 15, 2020 at 2:45 pm in

So many thoughts are going through my mind right now after hearing that Gary McSpadden went to be with Jesus this morning after a short battle with cancer.

I first heard of Mr. McSpadden when he replaced Danny Gaither with the Bill Gaither Trio. I was not used to group changes back then, and it was a long time before I was willing to concede that Gary was really a good singer.

When I was a teenager, my brother and I were waiting for someone to pick us up from the National Religious Broadcaster’s convention. All of a sudden, we saw someone across from us who looked just like Gary McSpadden! We were not expecting to see him so we did what all good fans do: we froze and stared at him while we whispered to each other trying to decide if it was really him. He look back at us and smiled, probably amused at our obvious awe. We never did talk to him, and I have kicked myself ever since.

I enjoyed watching him on video during the early days of the Gaither Homecoming series. He never seemed to age, and he could still sing. This is the song that came to my mind as soon as I heard the news. I hope you enjoy.


Concert Withdrawal, Be Gone!

Does anybody else feel like it’s been way too long since they’ve attended a concert? I sure do, so I was thrilled to find Godsey Media’s HopeSings Concerts During Crisis. These are concerts that you can watch online. They are charging $20 per ticket, but your money is going to help artists who have been out of work for six weeks or so while the country has been locked down. Since I make much of my income traveling and doing events, I understand how difficult this time is and how much more so for groups that support several households through singing. This is not a time to think, “I can watch videos for free on YouTube.” This is a time to support your favorite groups so that they can continue to sing once the ban is lifted. Plus they would like to keep eating and paying bills before then.

I realize a lot of people are without work now, but if you still have money coming in and have some extra to share, I hope that you will check out the schedule and support one or more of the groups or artists who will be performing. For instance, tonight the Nelons will be giving a concert at 7:00. Then Saturday will feature Triumphant. On Sunday, Riley Harrison Clark, Gene McDonald, and their Surprise Quartet will be performing. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. One thing I like about this approach is that the artists aren’t just asking for money. They are willing to perform to an empty room while giving you a concert like you would expect to see in a concert hall.

Don’t forget to pray for these artists too. Many are feeling the strain of this time, so if you can’t support them financially, you can still lift them up to the Father and ask Him to give them strength and encourage their hearts. I’m so thankful to serve a God who has promised to meet all of our needs, many times using Brothers and Sisters in Christ to do just that. If you do watch some of these concerts, I’d love to know who you saw and how they ministered to you. God bless you all!
