Lord, Teach Us to Pray (Part 1)
Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.”
So He said to them, “When you pray, say:
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name. ~Luke 11:1-2a
As we continue our series on prayer, I’d like us to look more closely at what we have now dubbed “The Lord’s Prayer.” I’m not sure why we have chosen that name for this portion as I would more readily think of John 17 in that manner, but for better or worse, you understand what I am referring to.
When people memorize this passage of Scripture, they do not typically include the verse before it and could easily lose sight of the fact that God has given us a model prayer. That does not mean that we should mindlessly quote this word for word and let that suffice, but I believe there is an order in prayer that could help our prayers to be more effective.
As Jesus began His prayer, He acknowledged that He was praying to His holy Father. I imagine that if we understood just how holy our Father is, we would shudder with fear as we approached His throne. Instead, it’s easy to pray flippantly, taking no thought for the way we live our lives, treating God as if He were a fairy godfather awaiting us to present our petitions so that he can grant our every wish. As you are praying this week, I encourage you to think about the One that you are praying to. Examine your heart and repent of anything that might hinder your fellowship with Him. It might be a good time to get in the habit of talking less and listening more.
Steve Weatherford Needs Your Prayers
Hey Everyone, for those who haven’t heard, Steve Weatherford has been fighting for his life this past week due to COVID-19. Steve was a long-time member of The Weatherfords before launching his solo career a few years ago. Would you please pray that God will heal Steve and encourage him during this very difficult battle? Pray for Steve’s wife Standalee and their son Skylar as well.
Pray Precisely
And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.“ Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.” (Matthew 6:7-8)
For a long time, I have tried to understand how this verse reconciles with the story of the unjust judge where the widow pled day and night for justice and finally received her answer. I have also heard people interpret Matthew 6:33 to mean “keep praying, seeking, or knocking.” So, what do the above verses mean?
I have come to the conclusion that Jesus is not telling us to refrain from praying about the same thing repeatedly. He wants us to pray fervently about important matters, and that may sometimes mean asking for something on a daily basis. I think he is rather addressing those who use pious words or who say the same phrases or prayers over and over. My mom used to tell us to “use precise words,” and I expect that is partly what Jesus is getting at here. Since the Lord knows what we need before we ask, the only reason to use a lot of big, lofty words is to be seen of men. (We covered that in the last post.)
As you pray this week, make sure that you are praying from the heart in accordance with the heart of God. That is when you will begin to see results.
Pray Discreetly
“And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. ~Matthew 6:5-6
I believe I mentioned in the past that my sisters laugh at me when I say, “We need to pray.” I guess that is my answer for everything as I am continually aware of this vast necessity and hold to the belief that the majority of people do not pray nearly enough. But I suspect that part of the problem is that people don’t really know how to pray. Even Jesus’ closest friends needed to be taught.
As I was reading through Matthew recently, I felt prompted to write a small series on prayer. I am in no way, shape, or form the “prayer expert,” so I am studying and learning along with you. With so much sickness, fear, and depression this year, not to mention an election coming up, our friends, our communities, our country, and we ourselves need God like some may not have experienced Him in a long time.
In the verses I quoted above, Jesus told the people not to pray to be seen of men. It would be easy to misunderstand what He is saying and think He doesn’t want anyone to know that we pray, but there is a difference in saying, “Don’t tell anyone that you talk to Me” versus “Don’t pray in order to be noticed by others.”
As I’ve attended prayer meetings through the years, it is usually easy to spot those who are praying in order to impress others. This person tends to wax overly eloquent, use big words that no one but God understands, and sometimes talks in a voice that he only uses when he prays. The purpose in praying with others is to join in agreement with other Brothers and Sisters for certain things that you all want to ask for (Matthew 18:19-20). True unified prayer should be humble as if you were making a petition before a powerful person who has the authority to give you whatever you ask for. If you found yourself in the Oval Office and were able to ask the President for anything in the world, I doubt you would stand there pompously, saying, “Oh, wonderful, majestic President, I beseech thee that you would grant this, my humble request.” Maybe you would but I expect that you would have a sense of awe as you graciously stated, “Mr. President, thank you for your willingness to see me. Would you be willing to _______________?”
I’m not saying we should be timid in prayer (Hebrews 4:16 tells us to come boldly to the throne of grace), but neither should we be arrogant or confusing with our many words. I will talk more about this in my next post.
My Journey to Friendship
Intermittently over the last few months, I have been asking questions on Facebook about relationships: How important are they? How do you maintain a good friendship? and other similar inquiries. So I found it interesting that our pastor’s wife chose The Friendships of Women by Dee Brestin for our book discussion in July.
This book took me down memory lane in a way that no other has, as I began to reflect on a childhood with very few friends to a life full of people who care about me. Maybe you will identify with the first half of my life. Maybe you’re there now. I’d like to help you to step outside of your fears and insecurities and find the person or people who will encourage you to be all that you can be for your Father.
When I was a child, I don’t remember a lot of other children in our church. If they were there, I decided early on that I preferred the company of women in their late teens and 20s. Fortunately for me, there were several young ladies who were willing to let me hang around instead of treating me like a burden. I would sit with them and talk with them any chance I got, and never thought about the fact that they might not want to be pestered by a 6-year-old girl. We also had neighbor boys that we played whiffle ball with, and I still treasure those memories. Those were days when life seemed perfect. I just knew that everyone liked me. After all, how could anyone not like a cute blond-haired, blue-eyed little girl?
Although I was homeschooled for most of my growing up years, I did attend public school Kindergarten as well as 4th and 7th grade private school. My brother was popular in school, but I was not. He tells people that I was teacher’s pet, and he was teacher’s nightmare. This is not far from the truth. I was shy and could not figure out how to fit in with the other girls so I either stayed to myself or close to the teacher. When I was nine years old, we attended a conservative Christian school where the students wore uniforms, and the teachers still disciplined unruly behavior. I spent most of every recess walking back and forth along the gym wall running my fingers on the heater until my brother had pity on me and asked the boys if they minded if I played basketball with them. They were always gracious, and I did learn to hit a basket (which I can no longer do unfortunately). One day, my brother told me that I just needed to jump into whatever game the girls were playing. I cautiously approached some girls who were jumping rope and asked, “Can I play?” “No. You can’t play with us” had me running to the bathroom crying and, unfortunately, I hadn’t stopped before the teacher walked in. She asked what happened so I told her, and that probably sealed my fate with the girls the rest of the year. I believe it was then that I discovered there are other girls that are not popular and could use a friend, so I began to seek out those who were also sitting on the sidelines and not surrounded by many friends.
One thing I learned in fourth grade that I don’t think I had encountered before is how two-faced girls could be. One girl, in particular, would act like she liked me, and even tell me so, until the popular girls came around. Then she was quick to distance and make it clear that she did not want me hanging around. I determined at that point that I did not want to be like that.
When I was a teenager, we attended a couple of churches that had girls around my age. At one church, the only friend I had was the pastor’s daughter who, by the way, is the only friend from my childhood that I’ve stayed in touch with, and we continue to be good friends today. At another church, there were a couple of teenage girls who were nice to me, but I didn’t see them much outside of church, and it was obvious that my life was different from theirs. They came from in-tact homes for one thing, and they didn’t have little sisters to take to the restroom. (In time, my sisters became some of my closest friends but, back then, I did not always embrace these responsibilities.)
When I was 17, we moved to Texas and joined a church that had a lot of girls my age. I did make some friends there but lost touch with most of them after we moved away. Then began a long road of adjusting to friendlessness. During that time, I began to answer phones for my mom’s publishing company. At first, it was a job, but, eventually, it became a calling. People would tell me that they could hear me smile when I said “Hello,” and that just hearing my voice brightened their day. I realized then that no matter how my day was going, God had given me a way to bless others. I also found that I was really able to connect with people and, in some cases, I began to feel a friendship with some of our repeat customers even though we had never met. I was wary at times, wondering why people would want to be friends with me, but I thanked God for those opportunities.
When I was in my 20s, we ended up leaving a church that we had been attending for a couple of years, and rumors were spreading about my family. For the first time in a long time, I had gone out of my way to befriend some of the women and now they were gone. No one wrote or called to see how I was doing or what really happened to cause us to leave, and I was hurt. Sure, I could have reached out too, but I was young and, at the time, I felt like they were too willing to listen to gossip than to check on me and find out the facts. This propelled me back into thinking that it is best to stay guarded and not open myself up to others.
What a journey it has been to take me from that frame of mind to the present. As the years progressed, I began traveling more, running book tables at churches and conferences and, in time, I found people who seemed to enjoy getting to know me for me, not just because they thought I was “somebody.” This took some getting used to, but God is so good, and He has blessed me with many friends across the country. Plus, thanks to being home this year, I have begun to once again actively seek local friendships as well, and God is blessing in that department too.
The older I get, the more I realize that relationships are important. They are the only things we will take to Heaven with us. It sounds nice to say, “If I don’t see you here, I’ll see you up there,” but the reality is that we won’t need each other in Heaven the way we do here. On earth, we benefit from the encouragement that our Brothers and Sisters have to give, and God has enabled us to give back to others. It was hard to overcome the insecurity of thinking that people wouldn’t like me, but I used to remind myself that, if I am reaching out to others in the name of the Lord, it’s not my fault if they don’t respond or if they take it the wrong way. I often quoted the King James rendering of Proverbs 18:24, “He that has friends must show himself friendly,” and I strove to do just that.
A few years ago when I was going through a “down” time, someone told me that I am the most loved person she knows. When I thought about it, I knew that she was right. I really am loved! Not just by God but also by people all over the country! When a child is growing, you’re not noticing every heightened inch but, at some point, you wake up and realize, You are getting tall! So it is with spiritual growth. I don’t know how or when I went from suspecting everyone to opening up and choosing to be real, but I do know that God produced that change, and He has blessed me abundantly with people that I know love and care for me. This is not to say that one shouldn’t use wisdom in relationships. There are people that I sense would bite me if they had the chance, and with them I am guarded. But I also have friends that I trust, and this is important.
I am now into my 40s, and it’s still not uncommon for insecurity to try to rear its ugly head, but with God’s help, I plan to keep reaching out, to remember that He is able to complete the work He’s begun in me, and in all of those that He brings into my life.
Although the focus of this post has been about myself, I don’t want it to just be an information piece. Instead, I hope someone will benefit from reading about my journey. Never forget that some of the most confident-looking people are really shy, insecure children at heart. Maturity won’t stay there, however, but will instead blossom into a child of God who shines His light to those around them. My prayer is that, if you have withdrawn into a cocoon, afraid of being hurt, you will ask God to show you how to reach out and to whom. It’s not easy. There are still a lot of self-protective people who will hurt others. But there are also genuine followers of Christ who desire to be a blessing. I pray that you will find those people and, when you do, do not let them go.
If you care to share, I would love to hear about your dearest friend: what you like about him or her and how God brought you together. Do not include your spouse in your story unless you were good friends before you began dating.
Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash
Your Story Is Not Over
Rodney Griffin often shares how songwriters get inspiration for the songs they write, and I expect that a lot of blog writers get material for their posts the same way. At least I do. The idea for this post came to me a couple weeks ago while listening to a pastor. He probably didn’t say anything that I’m about to share, but he was talking about our life story, and something he shared sent my brain spiraling down this path.
I’ve heard it said that conflict is vital to a good story. I used to wonder if this is true but try reading a book or watching a movie where nothing happens, and you will most likely get bored pretty quickly. It hit me the other week that, just as conflict is vital in fiction, so it is in real life.
I wonder if there is anyone on earth who heeds Paul’s admonition to “Count it all joy … when you fall into various trials” (James 1:2). I know I don’t. But there are times that I can look back and realize that the trials I’ve been through are in part what has made me who I am today.
Although I never realized how much conflict adds to stories, I have known that I do not like sad endings. If I am going to spend time reading or watching a movie, I want it to have a happy resolution. Well, if you are a Christian, you don’t have to sit in suspense wondering how your story is going to end. You are guaranteed a happily ever after.
The next time you are going through a difficult time, remind yourself that, although not pleasant, it is not the end of your story. Unlike novels where you can think of things that you would change if you were the author, you have the pen that determines how the saga of your life turns out. You may not be able to control every circumstance, but you can monitor yourself. You can be that person of shining character that everyone looks up to and wants to be like. And it very well may be that conflict that produces the patience and longsuffering that brings you to that place.
So be of good cheer, Brothers and Sisters. Your story is not over. There must be conflict to produce your happy ending, but that happiness will come if you do not give up.
Photo by Reuben Juarez on Unsplash
There Is Rest for the Weary
The road’s been long
I’m a little bit weary
Boy, can I relate to how Dottie Rambo must have felt when she penned these words. The last six months alone have been long and weary, and there have been a couple of times lately that I felt like I had hit my emotional limit. But God still calls out:
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
What a comfort it is to know that I can cast my care upon Him while resting assured that He cares for me (1 Peter 5:7).
Often when I write, I feel like my blog isn’t earth-shattering. I don’t write much that you probably haven’t heard hundreds of times, but there’s a reason God told people over and over “Don’t forget …” He knows that we are prone to do so. So if you find yourself yawning and thinking, Ho hum. Tell me something I don’t know, then you may need to graduate to my brother’s blog. I like to think that our mission is the same: to challenge people to think and to encourage them to live the life that God created them to live. But we are different so if you are bored with me, definitely check him out.
Meanwhile, if you find yourself weary and discouraged as I have been lately, I want to encourage you to keep pressing on. Let’s finish this race hand in hand if we need to, but do not stop and, whatever you do, don’t look back. God has not brought you out of Egypt to die in the wilderness. Yes, Brothers and Sisters, there truly is a Promised Land that awaits us if we don’t give up.
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. ~Hebrews 12:1-2
Stand in the Gap
And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Therefore have I poured out my indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord GOD. ~Ezekiel 22:30-31
I wonder at times if there is anyone willing to stand in the gap for America. Am I willing to do what it takes, to humble myself and ask God for a revival that begins with me? If we ever needed the Lord before, we sure do need Him now.
I’m concerned about our country. Slowly but surely, our freedom is being taken away. And I’m not just referring to masks. Churches are being not just advised, but ordered to stop meeting. The government is talking of tracking us in order to know who we’ve been around in case we get COVID, but where will this end?
I know that I am not the only one who feels this way but, unfortunately, many are losing sight of who or what we are really fighting. Our enemies are not those who have a different view than we do. It’s not even the government that we are at war with. As God’s people, we need to repent for the lukewarm lives we’ve been living. We need to cry out for God’s mercy on our country … and on the world.
I used to hear a lot about praying mothers and grandmothers. Have others risen up to take their place, or has that become a bygone era as well? Brothers and Sisters, you are never too young or too old to become a prayer warrior. This nation needs you. Your friends and family need you. A lost and dying world needs you. Will you do it? Will you stand in the gap? Will you intercede as God leads before it’s too late?
I hope you will commit with me to watch less TV, to focus less on the news or pop culture or whatever else takes up your time, and to spend more time in prayer and Bible reading, longing to learn more about the God who sent His Son to save a wretch like me. I don’t believe that it’s too late, but I implore the Church to become once again a people of prayer and intercession.
CD Report: 20/20 (The Crabb Family)
The Crabb Family reunited after eight years of not being in the studio together. Although most of the siblings have successful music ministries individually, they still enjoy singing together and, in my opinion, they sound as good as ever. Maybe even a little better. The songs on this CD are new to me except for Mountaintop for Me which is an old Gerald Crabb song that the group has brought back. If you too are a long-time Crabb Family fan, you will want to add this to your collection.
Other songs included are: I See Revival; Stones; Walk on Water; My King Is Known By Love; The Altar Still Calls; Never Been; Keep Me; If God Is For Me; and Sister, Play That Tambourine.
Patience: A Disappearing Virtue
On Facebook the other day, someone pointed out that patience seems to be wearing thin more these days as people have been cooped up for months. Other than conferences being cancelled, life has not changed much for me but I know that not everyone is used to working from home, being with their family all day every day, etc.
Like I trust many of you are, I am praying that this stay-at-home order ends soon, but in the meantime, let’s let patience have her perfect work (James 1:4). While you are at home with your family, work to make positive memories that will bring good out of stress. When you are out and about, make sure that you are exhibiting the Spirit of Christ. It seems like everyone has strong opinions as to whether to wear a mask or not to wear a mask. Whatever you are feeling led to do, do it as unto the Lord but give grace to those who are not doing the same thing you are. Not everyone can wear a mask, many don’t see a need for it, but this does not mean that they do not care about you. Give them space … literally as well as figuratively. Although it is good to use wisdom, ultimately life and death are in God’s hands. Everyone in the world could wear a mask and, without God’s covering, you could still become ill. Begin to trust Him regardless of what everyone else does.
For those of you who have more time to be on social media these days, use it for God’s glory. If you want to bring a dissenting perspective, do it in grace and humility. Refrain from calling names or making those who oppose your view to feel stupid. They say that it’s easier for people to verbally attack people using a keyboard but that makes no sense to me. Writing should be a natural filter where you slow down and think about what you are saying and how you are saying it instead of refusing to rein yourself in.
If you have noticed yourself becoming more and more impatient, call or text a friend and ask for prayer. If you can find a quiet corner, take some time to read your Bible and pray. Read your favorite passages or go through the book of Philippians. Ask your family to forgive you for allowing yourself to become so frustrated and maybe they will pray with you, that God will give you the grace you need for the rest of this season.
The enemy would like to use this time to cause us to be discouraged and angry and divided but, with Christ, we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). If you are one of those blessed to be able to work during this time, thank God for that. If you are laid off, praise Him for continuing to meet your needs. If your family is getting on your nerves, rejoice that you have a family. The more you count your blessings, the less stressed you will be, and God will receive glory in the midst of the storm.