A Cheerful Countenance

I had a pleasant experience at Walmart today. I ended up at a register with a very helpful and cheerful cashier–one who seemed to appreciate her job and truly enjoy people. She talked about how children laugh at her when she talks to herself but how she enjoys children. She bagged our frozen and refrigerated items in the thermal bags we bought. One of the items rang up twice but she quickly caught it, deleted the charge and commented on how machines can be greedy at times. As we were leaving, she wished us a wonderful day. I don’t know if our cashier is a Christian but one couldn’t help but notice her joy, and it made me hope I get in her line more often.

Proverbs 15:13 talks about a merry heart making a cheerful countenance. We often think of being merry in times of celebration but we should be merry all the time. Others should walk away feeling encouraged because of their encounter with us. As you go about your day, are those around you glad they met you or are they eager to get away from you? I, for one, want a cheerful countenance so that others will notice which in turn may open doors to talk about my Lord who is the Reason for my joy.

God’s Got a Plan

I woke up this morning with Brian Free and Assurance’s song “God’s Got a Plan” going through my head. Throughout the day, I found myself continuing to sing the words, “When you can’t see how to work things out, trust the One who can.” I especially needed that reminder today and I praise God for giving it. When God seems a million miles away, He is still quick to draw near His children when they call out to Him. I don’t fully see the scope of God’s plan for me and, at times, I think, “This can’t be it” but I do know His plan is good. It will be what will produce the best fruit in me. It will be the way He can best use me. No matter what you’re going through, don’t give up. God truly has a plan.

Keep Praying

Yesterday, a friend told me she was praying for me right after I got back from my recent trip, knowing that there would probably be a recovery time. As I thought about it, it occurred to me how mightily her prayer was answered. Typically when I return from a trip, it can take days to recover and I often use caffeine to keep me going for a couple days. This time, I was able to get through my days without a nap and without caffeine. I may have slept in a little bit a couple days but it wasn’t bad. Praise God for friends who take the time to pray for me.

This afternoon, I received a call from a friend who I’ve been praying for for 6 weeks or so. She fell off a chair 7 or 8 weeks ago and has been in tremendous pain with her back. She called to tell me that, although she’s still got a long road ahead of her, she’s beginning to feel better. I’m continuing to pray for her but I praise God for answered prayer!

Many treat prayer as if it’s a formality but the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man or woman truly does avail much. Let’s not approach God as if He’s our last resort but “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16). His hand is not too short, nor His ear hard of hearing but He desires us to bring our petitions.

To all you intercessors, I want to encourage you to continue to intercede. Maybe others will never know their load was lifted due to your intercession but I bet they are praising God anyway. If you are not in the habit of interceding for others, I encourage you to ask God to bring people to mind who need your prayers. You don’t need to be a “spiritual giant” or a person of great faith. Just begin to make your requests known before God. Then stand back and see His salvation.

How Wonderful the Love of God

“How marvelous! How wonderful! And my song shall always be how marvelous! How wonderful is my Savior’s love for me.”

Do you ever feel that way? I never cease to be amazed at the depths of my Savior’s love for me. His presence is amazing. His forgiveness is unreal. His compassion like no other’s. Yet He is also just. He requires holiness and obedience. This too is a reflection of His love, as a life of sin and selfish pleasure only leads to unfulfillment and death. Yes, God loves us more than we can imagine. How can we not then live for Him?

I’m convinced that if we would keep our eyes on the cross, we could not sin. Our hearts would become sensitive and our consciences tender that we would strive to do what is pleasing in God’s sight. That seems impossible as we go about our daily lives, faced with temptations at every turn but, with God’s help, it’s not impossible. As you go through each day, evaluate your tasks, your attitude, your thoughts. Do they please God? Are the things you’re doing those you would do if God Himself were standing beside you? The fact is that He is beside you. Nothing escapes His view.

Take time today to thank God for His love. Ask Him to show you how to return that love. He is so worthy.

CD Review: Living in Grace (Cavaliers Quartet)

The latest CD from the Cavaliers starts with a song I’d not heard for a few years. Bass singer Wayne  O’Neal sings lead on “Do It By the Book.”

“Living in Grace” is a mid-tempo song written by Rodney Griffin.

I really like “Dying to Live Again,” a powerful reminder that death is not forever. Christians really are dying to live again.

“It Takes Faith” reminds us that it takes both a little hard work and a lot of faith to please God.

“I Know My Redeemer Lives” is a story in song about Job. No matter what the devil throws at you, remind him that your Redeemer lives.

“Nothing but the Blood” is an uptempo song about the blood of Christ.

The tempo slows down for “Grace Had Mercy On Me” which was written by baritone singer, Anthony O’Neal.

“What a Wonderful Change” is a song of testimony.

The CD ends with songs of worship: “You are the Only One” and “Not to Us O Lord.”

Revival in the Home

This past week, I’ve had the privilege of traveling with my brother as he gives his “Revival in the Home” seminar. It’s neat to see the families that come as they realize the need for raising children to love and serve God. A large percentage of youth who are raised in Christian homes lose their faith due, in large part, to the parents not effectively discipling their children. This seminar is a tool God’s using to show parents how to stop this trend. I believe we won’t see Revival in the world until we see Revival in the church but we won’t see Revival in the church until we see Revival in the home.

If you would like my brother, Israel Wayne, to give this seminar to your church, contact me at sony@wisgate.com. A description of the seminar may be found here. You may also be interested in his book, Full-Time Parenting: A Guide to Family-Based Discipleship.

Think on These Things

“Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (Phil. 4:8).

I think Philippians 4:8 is the perfect life verse. For things that many consider “gray” areas, some of them may become black or white when compared with this verse. Most of the movies produced by Hollywood does not fit this model. Much of the secular music being released would be eliminated when compared with this verse.

It’s easy to go through life and compare what we do with what the world does but we are to compare our actions with those of our Savior. When we look through His eyes, we see how wretched we are and how grievous our deeds are.

I’m starting to evaluate my life through this verse. In a lot of ways, I’ve become like so many–failing to compare my deeds with God’s Word. I’m at a place, however, where I’m becoming more aware of my need for God’s grace in my life. I long to hear His voice and it’s vital that nothing hinder my ability to do so.

I beg you today not to continue doing things that you know displease your Father. It’s better to lose friends and family than to be separated from the One who gave up so much so you would have relationship with Him. How many people do you know who would give up so much for you? Ask Him to show you the areas that displease Him and be willing to change those things. He will help you if you but ask.

Joy in the Center of God’s Will

If you know you’re doing what God’s called you to do, you understand the joy of being in the center of God’s will. I wonder how many, though, have this peace and assurance vs. how many feel a void as they strive to know why. My mom has made the comment that “The only safe place to be is in the center of God’s will.” I’ll add that it’s also the only joyful place to be.

It seems like in life, there are many people who have plans for your life. Whether it’s parents, grandparents, friends or relatives, everyone has opinions. Sometimes it can be hard to sift through the voices to hear the voice of God. As an adult, I still struggle with that but I’m learning to pay attention to signs that can sometimes be an indication. Am I at peace or stressed? Am I content or do I feel as though something’s missing?

Your calling may change but it’s important you know what your calling is. How can you fulfill that calling if you don’t know what you’re supposed to do? If you’re just getting through each day, I encourage you to get hold of God to know if you’re truly doing what He desires you to do. Life requires that we do what we can to pay our bills but there’s a place God desires you to do that as well. Take time to listen to His voice and follow Him. When you do that, you will find that peace that passes understanding and you will walk in that joy that knows no end.

Give God Glory

Lately, God has been reminding me of the importance of giving Him my best. Faithful is He who has called me, and He expects me to be faithful too. Colossians 3:23 tells us, “Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all to the glory of God.” This is why we were created: to bring glory to Him.

This weekend, I’m at a conference and I’m a little tired going into it. However, I pray I can be a blessing to each person God brings to the table. I pray I will be faithful to give God glory in everything I do and say.

Isaiah 6:3 says, “The whole earth is full of His glory.” Do you think about that as you look out at magnificent scenery? Everything points back to God, His existence, and His majesty.

As you go through your days, focus on God and His desire for you. How could your existence better bring glory to Him? Let’s continue to glorify Him together.


One of my favorite things is connecting with Brothers and Sisters who reflect Christ. I love people that I can learn from through conversation and observation. Last night, I stayed with one of those families. As I watched them serve my brother and me and as we enjoyed great fellowship, I thought about what a wonderful example they are. This is how all Christians are to be. Servanthood is not a special gift; it’s a sign of a follower of Christ but so many lack in this area.

I admit I fail in this myself. It’s easy to be self-focused and worried about failing or doing the wrong thing that I don’t always reach out as I should. That’s not a good excuse, however. I’ve never thought ill of someone trying to serve me even if everything wasn’t perfect so why do I hesitate at times?

This is an area I desire to grow in. I pray God will open my eyes to ways I can better serve Him and others and that I will be able to walk in boldness and serve in those areas. I thank God for families that set an example that I can follow. I pray for a love that is willing to go outside of myself to take risks in reaching out to others. I pray we all become better servants. After all, our Master taught us that the way to be great is to serve and I want to be a servant my Master can smile on.
