Time is Swiftly Passing

  • 1 June 2010

As we begin a new month, I’m looking at my calendar and all the things on it. At a glance, I know this month is going to fly as quickly as May did but, with that realization comes a greater desire to make sure every moment counts. I have a lot to accomplish in a little bit of time but, with God’s help, I know I can be faithful in each responsibility He gives me.

I also realize that, in the hecticity of life, it’s easy for me to focus on the tasks at hand and forget the importance of the people I’m “serving.” This is something I’m asking God to help me with too. If we do not have time for the people God puts in our lives, we are not effectively serving Him. He has called us to “do” but He has also called us to “be.” There has got to be a way to accomplish a lot in a day’s time and yet still make time for a friend. I’ve not mastered that yet but I try to be mindful of that and know that, if God wants me to change gears from what I had planned, He will help me to be more efficient when I get back to the task at hand.

With the year almost half over, I would encourage you to consciously make sure every moment of your life is counting for something. I’m working on the same thing.

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