Personal Note from Sony

  • 30 January 2010

Today marks a week since my first post went up on this blog. What an exciting evening that was! I knew that no one would know about it for a few days but I was in awe of how quickly God brought everything together and I was (and am) excited to see what His plans were and are. I’m still in awe actually and I want to thank each of you who have been so encouraging and who take the time to come check my posts on a regular basis. I feel so blessed that God is able to use me in this way.

I am still praying about total direction for the blog but I thought I’d take a minute to get some feedback. Another thing God has laid on my heart lately is to start a personal blog–one in which I post more writings similar to what I’m writing for SouthernGospelBlog. What I’m wondering is if you would be blessed to have that as part of Southern Gospel World or, when you visit this site, are you wanting primarily southern gospel-related info? I know Daniel’s asked this before on his site but I’d like to get your feedback for over here. The advantages I could see are:

1) For those who would read my writings, you’d only have one site to check instead of two.
2) I think I could direct some to this site who would read my writings and who would then become familiar with Southern Gospel music.
3) Although I still may not post every day, I would post more often.

Those are some of my thoughts but I’d love to hear yours. I hope you all are having a blessed weekend!


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  1. Diana - January 30, 2010 at 2:52 PM

    Sony, I know how long it takes to maintain a blog, so I say that whatever is easiest for you is the way to go!!

  2. Amy Rogers - February 1, 2010 at 5:08 PM

    Hey Sony!

    Just before seeing this post, I was thinking along that line. I wouldn’t even see any objection to your posting the devotionals that Daniel uses on here as well – of course, assuming no one else saw a problem with it.

    There are a lot of blogs keeping up with SG news. There are blogs analyzing (more often critically than positively) events in SG. I think you have something extra to offer in your devotionals and other personal material. If you split those up, only the most devoted readers would really keep track of the two. But you would more or less double the attraction to this blog, in my opinion, by having both.

    There aren’t too many people out there who have devotional material influenced by their knowledge of SG. I don’t “get” allusions to CCM music or whatever else people are listening to, and I enjoy it when you quote the words of a song that I’m actually familiar with! There is plenty of good, worshipful material in SG, and I enjoy reading your reflections on it. Of course, I know all your devotional writings aren’t influenced by SG. I’m just thinking that this might be a niche you could make a little more your own!

    All the best,

    • Sony Elise - February 3, 2010 at 12:07 AM

      Thank you for your thoughts, Amy. That’s exactly what I was thinking. As you mentioned, not all my inspiration comes from SG music but hopefully people would hang in with me even when it doesn’t. I’d also love it if people read my blog who don’t currently listen to SG but who would become more familiar with it through here. I’m still praying but your comment echoed my thoughts well and, so far, no one has objected. 🙂

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