Don’t Forget the Cross

  • 13 April 2020

The weeks leading up to Easter, and Easter weekend itself, are a reflective time for me as they are for many people. However, while we were eager to get to the Resurrection and the reminder of the life that we can now have in Jesus, I pray that we do not forget the suffering that Jesus went through so that we can have this life. Now that Easter has passed, I imagine that most people go back to life as usual. At least as usual as it can get these days. But I urge you not to do that. Keep going back to the Cross and the price Jesus paid for your freedom. It is harder to live a life of sin when the Cross is ever before us.

As you go through this week, begin each day by reflecting on anything God showed you this past month. And if you didn’t think about much, then start today. Is there unconfessed sin in your life? Confess it. Unforgiveness? Ask God to help you to forgive as you have been forgiven. Anything that is not fitting for a Christian? Repent. Jesus did not die so that we could continue in our selfishness and arrogance. He died to make us new! But we must allow Him to do so.

Maybe you have been going through the motions of going to church but there is no life in you and you are not sure you’re really saved. Ask God to save you once and for all and start serving Him. You may have to go through the motions of prayer and Bible study in the beginning but, if you truly want to get closer to the Lord, you will begin to love that time spent alone with Him until you can’t get enough of it.

Each day is a new beginning. His mercies are new every morning. Let’s not go back to our old routines. Let’s move forward in new life with Him. Start today!

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