More Than You Can Bear?

  • 4 August 2022
If you have ever made the statement, “This is unbearable,” you may have been correct. There is a common misconception that God does not give His children more than they can bear, but this is not true. Many martyrs experienced horrendous things that were unbearable except for the immense grace they received from the Father. It was more than they could humanly bear, but it wasn’t more than He could.
Life is not easy, even for Christians. This is what makes the promise of Heaven that much sweeter. This world is not our final home, but it is where God has us at this point. Therefore, we need to learn how to cast our burdens onto Him. I confess that I am not good at this yet. I go through life as though everything depends on me until I reach the point of exhaustion and realize that I have been trying to deal with life in my own strength.
If you are experiencing heartache, I urge you to give your burden to Jesus. Lean on Him. It will not eliminate the pain, but it may make it more manageable.
Image by Ulrike Mai from Pixabay

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