Clarifying Some Things

  • 20 June 2018

After my last post, I was accused of being judgmental toward those who suffer depression, and I apparently gave the impression that I view it as a spiritual problem. Lest anyone else walked away from my blog believing that, I decided it’s time to clarify some things. I’m sure I have done so before but it’s been a while.

First of all, with this particular issue, I do not believe that depression is necessarily a spiritual problem. It definitely can be, but it can also be physical or circumstantial. A while back, I went through a couple years of depression that I thought I would never break out of. I would have had a much harder time getting through that if I didn’t have a friend who checked on me daily and was available any time I needed to talk. That meant the world to me, and I hope to be there for my friends as well. Even with that, though, it was God who eventually brought me to the other side and helped me to once again see the light of day.

I also want to point out that there is a difference between discouragement and depression. One can be discouraged while still believing by faith that God is in control and will work everything out even though we can’t see it. Being a Christian does not negate us from hardship, and I hope I never imply that I believe it does.

The purpose of my last post, and the purpose of this blog, is to encourage the Church while challenging them to Biblical, Godly living and thinking. Maybe it sounds trite when you are going through the deepest trial of your life and I post about praying without ceasing or rejoicing in everything, but that is what we are commanded to do. No, it isn’t easy, but you cannot experience the joy of the Lord if you don’t obey His Word.

I am not claiming to live the perfect, Spirit-led life–much of what I write, I am writing to myself as much as to you–but I am praying as I study to know how He desires me to walk. Then I ask for strength to do so. Obedience is not always easy, but it is vital to a closer walk with Him, and I, for one, want that! I want to receive the oil of joy in exchange for my mourning, peace where there has been turmoil, faith that replaces fears. And I want my Brothers and Sisters to experience these things as well.

So forgive me if I come across as judgmental. That is not my intent. But I am burdened for a lot of what I see in the Church, and I will not stop sharing what God’s Word says in the hope that someone will find freedom and joy and a closer walk with God that will forever change their lives.

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  1. Jeff Foster - June 21, 2018 at 4:47 PM

    I have noticed that some people throw around the word “judgmental” quite freely, and often inappropriately. Whenever someone points out that something is a sin, the first thing you hear is, “You’re being judgmental,” or “The bible says not to judge.” Yes, the bible says not to judge but it does not say that you cannot call a sin what it is. The truth is, we are all sinners. Sometimes people just like to throw out the word “judge” or “judgmental” to try to guilt-trip you because they don’t like what you said.

    Sony, I do not believe your post came across as judgmental. My view is that you were simply trying to explain how people can use the truth of the Bible to deal with those issues. Keep on speaking, and writing, the truth!

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