Happiness vs. Holiness
A while back, I was thinking about how much worldly thinking the Church has adapted. We no longer go to Scripture to learn right from wrong. Now we take a poll to see what others think. If our friends (real or virtual) will support us, we feel fine about doing what we want to do.
Marriage is one area that people take way too lightly. Malachi 2:16 tells us that God hates divorce and yet, if at least one spouse isn’t happy, it’s commonly accepted to divorce and find someone who will make you happy. Although God does not want you to be miserable, your happiness is not His primary concern. He desires you to be holy. Holiness can only come from walking in the Spirit and obeying His Word, even when it is difficult to do so.
Like most single women, I would love to marry one day. However, in my case, obedience comes in rejoicing in the state I find myself in, seeking to know how to best serve my Savior. I am aware that I have more time to spend with God, and more time for myself, than married people do so I pray to not take that for granted.
Holiness itself is often despised and made fun of by believers who view it as legalism, when the reality is that they love their life and their “freedom.” They don’t want to give up their movies or their music so if someone else doesn’t indulge in those things, they scoff at them. First Corinthians 10 talks about people who have liberty to do things that others do not. We are to walk in grace with those people.
Second Corinthians 10:12 tells us that comparing ourselves with others is unwise. The Word of God is our standard. It is in the pages of God’s Word that we realize that we truly are sinners in need of a Savior. He is the One who gives us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). We need to cry out in repentance, “God, help me to love the things that You love and hate what You despise. Get my focus off of myself and my happiness on to You and Your holiness!” In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
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