Are You Ready?

  • 12 April 2017

Death is one subject a lot of people don’t want to think about. I think about it a lot. How will God take me? A car accident? Plane crash? Cancer? Heart attack? Will I live to be old, or will I go in the next few years? Only God knows the answer to these questions but what I do know is that my day will come, and I pray to be ready.

Last week, another legend of southern gospel music went on to his heavenly Home.  I was not a huge fan of Ben Speer’s voice but I had to smile at his exuberance on stage. I still see him on one of the early Gaither Homecoming videos in his Hawaiian shirt, grabbing the microphone periodically to encore a song or say something. I’m sure his family is reminiscing about the things they loved about him or the quirks he may have had.

There are times when one wants to give up but, for a Christian, that is not an option. We have all been chosen to run this race called life. Many are reaching the finish line before me but I will reach it one day too if I keep running. If I will look straight ahead and not turn to the right or left, I know my Savior will pick me up when I grow weary, and He will carry me down that narrow path.

The older I get, the more I realize how important it is to have a close relationship with my Father. There is so much that wants to distract me but I desire to hear His voice. I long to walk in His ways. I don’t want to be the one who says on Judgment Day, “Lord, didn’t I do all these things in Your name?” only to hear Him say, “Depart from Me. I never knew you!”

Whether my time is near or far, I want to be ready. I pray that you are ready as well. Don’t think you have forever. The fact is, you don’t know.

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  1. Jeff Foster - April 12, 2017 at 9:33 AM

    Very well stated! I, too, pray that I am ready, whether I live another 50 years or another 50 seconds. I want to be ready whenever God calls me home!

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