Don’t Neglect the Widows

  • 30 May 2014

Lately, I’ve been thinking about all the people I know whose husband or wife have gone to Heaven ahead of them. I can only imagine the heartache, as the person who has been their best friend for 30-60 years is no longer around to share their joys and sorrows.

James 1:27 tells us, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” There is such a need for those who feel alone to still feel loved. They need to know we care. I keep a very hectic schedule and, often, taking the time to call someone seems like a mountain, but I’m praying for God to show me how and when to fit that in. I’m also trying to be more faithful with emails. It doesn’t take long to send a quick note of encouragement to someone I know who is struggling.

Remembering the widows in your midst may take you outside of your comfort zone, it will force you to think of others, but in the end, you will be glad you were obedient because you will know that you truly made someone’s day. Sometimes that is all it takes to brighten my day as well.


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  1. Maxine Hopp - May 30, 2014 at 8:32 PM

    As a widow of almost 22 years, I would wish that this scripture would be as true for every widow as it has been for me….

    Isaiah 54:5..For thy Maker is thine husband:…….. He has certainly been that for me, and more…..

    also our Boaz….Ruth 4:14,15 Praise be to GOD, who has not left me without a kinsman-redeemer. May He become famous throughout the world? He will renew my life, and sustain me in my old age. ………….and He certainly has been that for me.

    I’ve thought so often about the scripture saying….Genesis 2:18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone:…. Somehow women most usually manage to go on better with living alone after their husband dies, but men, not so easily usually. I think the first two scriptures have much to do with that.

    • Sony Elise - May 30, 2014 at 8:58 PM

      Very good insight, Maxine. I too have noticed that women often don’t remarry while men do. My paternal grandfather died in 1974. My grandma died just a few years ago. She never remarried. The widows I know miss their husbands dearly but will probably not remarry (at least they show no signs of wanting to). I know two widowers who began seeking a wife shortly after their wife died. One remarried, and one is engaged to be soon. Obviously, there are exceptions to the rule but maybe more grace is given to women somehow. As someone who is not married, I am grateful for God who truly supplies all our needs if we look to Him to do so.

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