The Calm Before the Storm
I’m sure most everyone has experienced this, not just in weather patterns but in life as well. The times when things are going well, God is pouring out blessing after blessing, and then you are hit by an unexpected tragedy or maybe a mood swing which has you feeling negative when there is no reason you should feel that way. That is probably the most obvious sign of a spiritual attack. I find that it’s often the times when God is moving mountains and blessing my life that the enemy will come in and I begin to feel oppressed or on edge and I wonder why. Sometimes it is God preparing me for something that is going to happen but sometimes it is simply the enemy’s tactic to get my mind off of what God’s doing and onto everything else going on in the world. That is not where I want to be but it can be a constant fight to keep from going there. Yet fight we must.
“Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.” (1 Corinithians 9:24).
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7).
Can we say with Paul that we have truly fought a good fight? The Christian life is a fight and we can’t stop fighting for a moment. When you begin to feel negativity setting in or when you find yourself agitated for no reason, that is a good time to stop what you’re doing, go into your prayer closet, and ask God for His help in defeating the enemy. He wants to detract from what God’s doing in your life but he can only accomplish that if you give him permission to do so. This is a good time to implement the slogan that was popular years ago and JUST SAY NO! If you do that, you will have not only calm before the storm but calm through the storm as well.
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