Yes, There is a God

  • 20 August 2013

We just drove from Michigan to California in the last week. I feel so blessed to be able to enjoy God’s marvelous masterpiece which we call Earth. As we rode through Colorado, Utah and Nevada, I listened to my brother explain the various theories for how these mountains came to be. My main thought: How can anyone believe there is no God? Everywhere I look, I see beauty that surpasses anything a human mind could think up. If we were any closer to the sun, we would get burned up. If we were further away, it would be too cold for life to exist. Yes, God created everything perfectly.

Yet many claim He doesn’t exist. I often wonder if they really believe that or if they just feel a need to convince themselves (and/or others) of that myth for some reason. I have a friend who has claimed to be an atheist yet can quote the Bible better than I can at times.

Only a fool says there is no God. Our very lives point to the fact that, indeed, there is a God. He is the creator and ruler of this universe. He is the One who gives life and takes it away. He is the One who loved us so much that He sent His Son to die a cruel death so that one day, we will not only know that He exists but we will see that He exists. Those who deny His existence now will have to acknowledge it then. What a sad day that will be for those people.

Believing in God may be an act of faith but it is much easier for me to believe that He exists than to believe that He doesn’t. I’ve no doubt I will see Him one day and, when I do, I pray that He will be able to look at me with eyes of love and call me His good and faithful servant. May I radiate with His peace, love and joy so that no one will be able to truly think that there is no God.

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