Thank God for the Promise of Spring

  • 10 March 2013

This has been a very busy few months for me. Not that that’s not typical. It just amazes me how busy life can be sometimes. As the weather begins to warm a bit, I am so looking forward to spring. I’ve learned to handle winter as a part of life but I still love going barefoot, feeling the breeze through the open windows, hearing the birds chirping. These may seem like little things but they are the daily blessings of spring.

Here in the north, it is possible we’ll get more snow yet but I’m grateful for every warm day. (I hear it’s supposed to get in the 40s this coming week!) As the temperature gradually gets warmer, the ground begins to dry up, and the sun makes its appearance more often, I begin to see once again the blessings I may have lost sight of when everything looked gray. Even though I didn’t always see them, if I thought about it, I knew they would appear again.

That’s how it is in life. Life is full of seasons. Some we like better than others but all are necessary. In the northern states, the cold and snow is necessary to kill the bugs and give the ground the moisture it needs to produce good crops for the farmers. If we had no rain or cold in our personal lives, our growth would be hindered and it’s possible we’d never get rid of the negative parts of our character that needs to go in order for us to be more like Jesus.

To everything, there is a time and a season for every purpose under heaven. Regardless of the season you’re at in life, thank God for it. You may not understand it but it is there for a reason. God doesn’t make mistakes. Spring is right around the corner. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

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