April 2011 Archives

Learning to Trust

  • Posted on April 8, 2011 at 12:37 am

I’m on the road which is why my posts have been really intermittent but I continue to draw near to God and strive to learn what He desires to teach me. Right now, one of the big lessons is still learning to trust … to be still … to understand that my will needs to conform to His and, when it doesn’t, I need to trust Him, knowing He knows what’s best and has a plan.

I must admit I don’t always turn to Him instantly. It’s easy to pout and complain when things don’t go my way but I’m learning.

I started this post yesterday, and today we ended up in a mechanic’s shop with our car. Definitely not one of those things I planned but, again, God proved Himself faithful.

As Henry and Hazel sang, “I don’t need to understand; I just need to hold His hand.” That’s what I’m striving to do this year. I long to do it faithfully so that I can more fully experience the peace that passes understanding. My Father is so good and I desire to be faithful to trust Him in return.

Acknowledging God’s Blessings

  • Posted on April 1, 2011 at 9:23 am

The other day I realized I’ve been so busy that I’ve neglected to think about the many ways God is blessing. It bothers me when I get that busy. How can we praise Him if we don’t see what He’s doing? I quickly turned my heart to count my blessings and to feel His presence. I’ve had a hectic few months but God has led, opened doors, given grace. He’s just been so good to me.

I’m presently in Texas where the sun is shining and the weather is warmer. How nice to be able to wear sandals and to feel a bit on the warm side. I love spring and look forward to it being in full bloom by the time I get back home.

If you haven’t taken time lately to thank God specifically for the various ways He’s blessed you, do so today. We can’t praise Him enough. If He never does another thing for me, He’s already been better to me than I deserve. However, He continues to pour out His love and let me know that I’m His child. How blessed I am! Thank You, Father, for your unfailing love. May I never cease to give You the praise that You deserve.
