Learning to Trust

  • 8 April 2011

I’m on the road which is why my posts have been really intermittent but I continue to draw near to God and strive to learn what He desires to teach me. Right now, one of the big lessons is still learning to trust … to be still … to understand that my will needs to conform to His and, when it doesn’t, I need to trust Him, knowing He knows what’s best and has a plan.

I must admit I don’t always turn to Him instantly. It’s easy to pout and complain when things don’t go my way but I’m learning.

I started this post yesterday, and today we ended up in a mechanic’s shop with our car. Definitely not one of those things I planned but, again, God proved Himself faithful.

As Henry and Hazel sang, “I don’t need to understand; I just need to hold His hand.” That’s what I’m striving to do this year. I long to do it faithfully so that I can more fully experience the peace that passes understanding. My Father is so good and I desire to be faithful to trust Him in return.

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