What Are Your Top 10 Southern Gospel Recordings?

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have 10 CDs, which ones would they be? I actually was faced with that a couple months ago. Well, I wasn’t stranded on an island but we were going to be away for several weeks and I needed to limit the CDs to what would fit in my travel case. I ended up taking about 30 (I’m not good at downscaling) but if I were to limit it to 10 CDs I never get tired of, it would be as follows: (These are not in any order; I’m just listing them as they come to mind.)

Brian Free and Assurance: “Worth It”
Brian Free and Assurance: “It’s So God”
Kingdom Heirs: “True to the Call”
Perrys: “Look No Further”
The Freemans: “The Very Best of … and More”
The Freemans: “Highway”
Brothers Forever: “Sheltered”
Karen Peck and New River: “Triumph”
The Roy Knight Singers: “Greener Pastures”
The Primitive Quartet: “35th Anniversary”

Now that I’ve listed those, I think of others that I’d just have to find a way to smuggle as well but I guess I’ll have to leave them behind for now. I’d love to hear which CDs have been the most meaningful to you.

On second thought, I may just have to get stranded twice. 🙂 On the next round, I’d take:

The Primitive Quartet: “I’m Looking Through New Eyes”
The Rambos: “Collection: Volume 1”
The Rambos: “Collection: Volume 2”
The Ruppes: “Something Old, Something New”
The Hinsons: “Live and On Stage”
The Hinsons: “On the Road”
Brian Free and Assurance: “Live at New York City”
The Freemans Concert Series Volumes 1, 2, 3

Okay. Now it’s your turn. Think about it because this is all you’ll have to listen to for a month.

Thinking About the Weather

At first glance, this may seem like one of those posts where I am groping to come up with something to say but the weather has been of particular interest to me this winter. In a state where the snow can start falling in October and can continue until April or May, this has been a very mild winter for us. Yet I find it interesting that there have been quite a few concert cancellations in some of the southern states recently. Ice  and 6+ inches of snow have made traveling difficult and unsafe and have, therefore, cut into the revenue of many gospel groups. I find myself wondering if this was a fluke year or if people will start heading north for the winter to avoid the extreme cold and snow. I think sometimes God changes even weather patterns to confound the wise–a perfect way for Him to prove that He is God and we are not. We may make our plans but our Father orders our steps … and the weather.

CD: “Singing His Praises” (Calvarymen Quartet)

This past September, I picked up a copy of the latest CD from the Calvarymen Quartet. I’d never heard of them before and it’s rare that a CD will hit me the first time I hear it but I have really enjoyed this one. The title is so fitting as it really is full of songs of praise to God.

The project starts with “I’m On My Way,” an uptempo traditional southern gospel song. Most people will know “Total Praise.” As I listen, I’m quickly swept into the presence of the Lord desiring to truly give Him total praise. “What Does the Word Say” has more of a jazzy tune while “The Blood On My Hands” is a mid-tempo song with the first verse sung by bass singer Darrell Young. 

There are two “quartet songs” on this project: “Beautiful Shining Happy Golden Shore” (I love the bass singing on this one) and “Heaven’s Joy Awaits” which is an old Vep Ellis song. They even did a verse using the shape notes. I know several groups who do that in concert but I’ve rarely heard it on a CD.

I love the message of “He’ll Leave No Stone Unturned.” It’s the longest song on the project but conveys how God won’t stop reaching out to save that lost person.

Other songs on the project are “I’ve Never Had Water Like This,” “In His Arms,” “Going Home”, and an acapella rendition of “Gentle Shepherd.”

If you’re looking for a worshipful CD sung by a quartet, you will love this one.

Be Still

“Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth” (Psalm 46:10).

Why do we have such a hard time being still? Even on Sunday, a day in which most of us could take time for rest and extra focus on God, we are often running around with no time to think or to draw near to God to hear what He would speak to us. Yet how much less stress and anxiety would we feel if we would take time to be still, to consciously focus on God and worship Him from the depths of our being?

The world needs to see that we are different and, in reading the above verse this morning, I get the feeling that if we would be still, be calm in the midst of storms, be at peace regardless of our situation, God will be exalted like never before among those who don’t know Him. They will actually see something in us that they desire. We will finally have something to offer them instead of just sympathy–and it all starts with being still … being quiet … listening … trusting God in everything. It’s harder to do if we are constantly on the run. Why not make time this week to be still and hear what God would speak to you? Then let’s testify to those around us that we serve a faithful God!

Personal Note from Sony

Today marks a week since my first post went up on this blog. What an exciting evening that was! I knew that no one would know about it for a few days but I was in awe of how quickly God brought everything together and I was (and am) excited to see what His plans were and are. I’m still in awe actually and I want to thank each of you who have been so encouraging and who take the time to come check my posts on a regular basis. I feel so blessed that God is able to use me in this way.

I am still praying about total direction for the blog but I thought I’d take a minute to get some feedback. Another thing God has laid on my heart lately is to start a personal blog–one in which I post more writings similar to what I’m writing for SouthernGospelBlog. What I’m wondering is if you would be blessed to have that as part of Southern Gospel World or, when you visit this site, are you wanting primarily southern gospel-related info? I know Daniel’s asked this before on his site but I’d like to get your feedback for over here. The advantages I could see are:

1) For those who would read my writings, you’d only have one site to check instead of two.
2) I think I could direct some to this site who would read my writings and who would then become familiar with Southern Gospel music.
3) Although I still may not post every day, I would post more often.

Those are some of my thoughts but I’d love to hear yours. I hope you all are having a blessed weekend!


I was listening to the Cathedrals earlier today and thinking about the influence George & Glen had over so many–not just in the Christian community but in the secular one as well.  Even people in the country music field respected them and I suspect it wasn’t just due to their charming personalities. They had to have seen a greater depth and strength that you can’t help but admire.

I think of Howard and Vestal Goodman who also had a lot of friends outside of gospel music. How many lives have been impacted due to their prayers and their faith?

As I think of those who have gone before and the impact they’ve had on my life and the lives of others, I wonder what kind of influence I’m having. When I die, will there be those who will meet me in Heaven because of the life I lived and the words I shared? Did they see God’s love in me that made them desire that love too?

Every one of us influences those around us in some way but we have to choose whether we leave a positive legacy or a negative one. I doubt any of us want to be a negative influence but we need to examine our hearts and lives to make sure we are reflecting Jesus in everything we do. It’s been said that we may be the only Jesus some people ever see. Let’s make sure we’re representing Him well.

The Freemans are Back in the Studio

  • January 26, 2010 at 11:15 pm in

It’s been three years since the Freemans released “Eyes on the Prize” but I’m happy to report that they are back in the studio working on a brand new project. I’ve heard a couple of the songs from it and, if what I’ve heard is any indication of the rest of the project, it’s going to be good. If God brings them to your mind, I’m sure they would appreciate your prayers during this time.

CD: “Worth It” (Brian Free & Assurance)

I first heard Brian Free back in the mid-1980s when he sang with the Gold City Quartet. I thought he was good back then but, in my opinion, he keeps getting better. I’ve had several “favorite” Brian Free & Assurance CDs but this one is no exception. It’s very strong musically, vocally and, more importantly, lyrically.

“There is a Kingdom Coming” starts the project as an acapella number. Then they sing “Go Tell the World,” an uptempo number with a great message. “Die Another Day” is an excellent song on dying to self daily. That’s something God has been speaking to me lately so I’ve appreciated the reminder.

I love “You Must Have Met Him” which was one of two songs written by Ronny Hinson. “Preaching to the Choir” is my least favorite song on this project but it talks about how even Christians still need to hear the Gospel to be able to grow in their faith.

Jeremy Lile does a wonderful job singing “Worth It.” I often struggle with understanding how God could love me as much as He does but I’m so glad that He thought I was worth everything He went through to purchase my soul. In a world of uncertainty, “Nothing Takes You by Surprise” is a timely song.

Other songs of encouragement include: “Not One,” “I Am Redeemed,” “A New Thing,” and “When the Mountains Will Not Move.”

Concert: Down Home & Called Out

A couple weeks ago, I came across the website of a group called Called Out Quartet. Upon glancing at their schedule, I noticed they were going to be within an hour of me so this past Thursday, I went to see them.

What I didn’t know until I arrived was that there was also a bluegrass group on the program by the name of Down Home. I had seen the group on TV years ago but hadn’t heard of them for a while.

Down Home started the program singing “Morning Light,” “River of Jordan,” “The Spinning Wheel,” “Greener Pastures,” “No Road Back,” “Softly and Tenderly,” and “Going on With Jesus.” They put a beautiful intro on “Softly and Tenderly” as well as a harmonica break in the middle–very nicely done.

Called Out was up next and sang “Way Down in My Soul,” “Wait Upon the Lord,” “Happy Rhythm,” “Thank God I’m Free,” “God Wrote My Name,” and “I’ve Got So Much to Thank Him For.” Then Jess Birdwell and Von Gaines sang the theme song from “All in the Family.” I never watched the program but when I got home, I found the original theme on YouTube so I could compare it. I was amazed at how well Jess did in imitating Ethel Bunker. They ended this segment with “In Just a Little While” and “I Told Everybody.”

After that was a 15-minute break. Then Down Home was back for another 1/2 hour. This set included “He Will SetYour Fields on Fire,” “He’s Holding Me,” “River of Life,” “Good to Me,” “Lead Me to Calvary,” “Grandma’s Prayers,” and “Mountain Railroad.” Doug Marlink played harmonica on this last song and he was outstanding.

Called Out started their final set with the old Happy Goodman song, “Living in Canaan Now,” “Somebody Loves Me,” and “He Chose This Valley for Me,” which was my favorite song of the evening. Called Out has 60-second music clips on their website and, if you’re going through a valley right now, I recommend listening to this song. After that, they went into “What a Day That Will Be.”  At this point, Darrell Collier slowed everything down and invited audience participation, encouraging even those who can’t carry a tune to sing anyway. They ended with “Glory Glory Glory Somebody Touched Me,” and “I’m Getting Ready.” It was a blessed evening.
