True Friendship

In these days of uncertainty, it seems like people are more in need of true friendship than ever, yet true friends seem harder to find these days. I think we have become more self-sufficient and self-protective that we don’t see a need for others to the degree that pioneers did long ago. Yet, God didn’t call us to be islands; He created us to have fellowship one with another and to bear each other’s burdens.

I think selfishness may be the #1 reason we don’t see more genuine friendships of the David/Jonathan variety. Those relationships take time and effort. They cost us something that we’re often not ready to give up. We may have to really listen to someone’s concerns or open our home and heart to them for more than just a few minutes. We may need to learn to quit gossiping so that we can be a true friend.  We may need to invest money or emotional energy into their lives and we just don’t have time for that. After all, we have our own schedules to contend with.

Friends, our Lord Jesus laid down His life for us. Can’t we make some time for our Brothers and Sisters and others around us who are hurting or struggling and needs to know that someone cares?! Things may not always go as well for you as it is as present, and you may be the one longing for a true friend to talk to, who will encourage you to draw near to the Lord and will help you through a difficult time. That kind of friend is like fresh water in the desert. I see too many people struggling alone but that’s not what God intended. It’s true that Jesus is all that we need but it’s also true that you may be the only Jesus some people ever see. Are you willing to invest in others’ lives? You don’t know what a difference it may make in someone’s life.

The Tongue

“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver” (Proverbs 25:11).

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit” (Proverbs 18:21)

Have you ever stopped to think about the power you have just because you have a tongue? James 3:8-10 says, “But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.” With this in mind, we should be very careful what we use our tongue for.

I’ve heard tongues used to build people up and tear people down, to encourage someone and to ruin another’s reputation. Tongues are a tool but, left unchecked, they can be used for negative. Let’s weigh our words carefully, trying to be that apple of gold in someone’s picture of silver. We have been given power but let’s make sure we’re using it for the purpose we were given it–to glorify God and build each other up.

CD Review: I’ll Take Your Place (The Spencers)

I think one of the biggest surprises lately has been how much I have enjoyed The Spencers’ CD, I’ll Take Your Place. I love Barbara’s voice and really enjoyed the Spencers with JB, Barbara, Wade & Kevin but, as I listen to them now, I find that the Spencer sound I remember and loved is still very much there. I don’t know how they did it but they have a full sound, causing me to forget that it is only JB and Barbara now.

Barbara wrote the title track as well as “Setting My House in Order,” “My Soul Has Wings” and “Home Free.” She also added a verse to the hymn, “Were You There?”

JB leads on “Bigger Than Any Mountain” and he sings Michael Comb’s song, “Drinking From My Saucer.” The first time I heard him sing that was in concert a month ago and it really didn’t hit me but, as I listen to it on the CD, it’s becoming one of my favorites on this project.

Barbara leads “Heaven Will Be Worth the Journey,” an uptempo bluegrass number. They also sing “I Never Shall Forget the Day” and “The Old Country Church,” which the Oak Ridge Boys sang years ago.

This is a CD which every Spencer fan will greatly enjoy.

A Tribute to Priscilla McGruder

On Thursday, April 29, Priscilla McGruder made her grand entrance into Heaven. As I prayed for the family in the days leading up to her Homegoing, I’ve been thinking a lot about the impact she’s made on people’s lives. I never had the blessing of meeting her in person but, as I watch videos of her dancing and singing, even after being diagnosed with cancer, the presence of God comes through and I am reminded of His power and of the miracle she’s been. When the doctors gave her a short time to live years ago, God overrode their prognosis and gave us a few more years with her. I praise Him for that.

As I look at Priscilla, I see a lady who enjoyed her life on earth but who was ready to go Home whenever her Master called her. I’ve heard her described as classy, anointed, and full of the Spirit.

She is now one of the special who has made it Home, looking upon the Master that she faithfully served. Humanly, it seems like she could have done so much more had she lived longer but God doesn’t make mistakes. He has a plan we may not see but one which will better fulfill His purposes. I miss her but I wouldn’t wish her back for the world. “Jasper walls, gates of pearl, rejoicing around the Throne. We call it special. The special call it Home!”

Please continue to keep Carroll and the rest of the McGruder family in your prayers.

From Heaven’s Point of View

Since I’ve been praying for the McGruders I find myself singing, “From Heaven’s Point of View.” There’s a video of this song on YouTube which has a great intro by Carroll. If you’re discouraged in some way, I would encourage you to watch the video and let God lift your spirit. I don’t know how to embed videos but you can click on the link here. The view from the valley is limited but, once we’re able to soar like an eagle, the trials on earth won’t matter. It’s not the greatest quality but I hope you can catch the words. “What once looked like a mountain’s just a hill from Heaven’s point of view.” Watch and be blessed!

Prayer Requested for Carroll and Priscilla McGruder

Most of you have probably heard by now that Priscilla McGruder of the McGruders has been placed under hospice care and there’s a good chance that God may take her Home soon. Let’s take some time to ask God to wrap His arms around Carroll and Priscilla and the family during this time. If you are on Facebook, there is a page here where you can leave a note of encouragement.  If Carroll and Priscilla have been a blessing to you, please take a few minutes to let them know.

Teach Me, Lord, to Wait

I was listening this evening to the Statesmen sing, “Teach Me, Lord” as the words just jumped out of my stereo.

Teach me, Lord, to wait down on my knees ’til in Your own good time, You answer my pleas. Teach me not to rely on what others do but to wait in prayer for an answer from You.   ~ Stuart Hamblen

One of the hardest things to do is to be patient and “wait on the Lord” but Scripture stresses over and over the importance of doing just that.

Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD” (Psalm 27:14).

Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass” (Psalm 37:7).

“Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon th e LORD our God, until that he have mercy upon us” (Psalm 123:2).

In our fast-paced society, we want everything now but sometimes the answer is “Wait.” It’s the waiting that produces patience and ultimately brings the most fulfillment and the greatest testimony to God’s goodness. If everything were instant and easy, we would find no use for God but now we wait patiently for Him and we know that He will never let us down.


As I talk to people across the country, it saddens me that there are many hurting people who are going through life alone. Most of them attend church but don’t really interact with people during the week. Some of them have grown children and grandchildren who never call or visit, so they suffer in silence and try to determine why they’re still living. It seems in our fast-paced society people are too busy to build relationships but I would say that those people are too busy period.

I’m not unsympathetic to those who have a hectic life. It’s important to work hard, put food on the table, pay bills, keep up with family stuff with the kids still at home but what about those who don’t have anybody? What about your mom or dad or son or daughter who isn’t living with you but would be thrilled to hear from you? I don’t think anything on earth is more important than nurturing relationships that will last an eternity. We need each other for encouragement and refilling when we’re down. We need to be reaching out to those who don’t know Him so that they can see Him in action and desire to know this Jesus we claim to serve.

One day, that lonely person could be you and you’ll have all the time in the world to think of all the people you should have reached out to while you had the chance. Especially in the age of email, it is not difficult to take a few minutes to let someone know you love them and you’re thinking of them. I’m not a phone person so it can be more challenging for me if a person doesn’t have email but it’s also not hard to pick up the phone or send a note in the mail. You don’t know how much a simple act of kindness can brighten someone’s day. Try it and see!

CD Review: God Is (Cavaliers Quartet)

The Cavaliers Quartet consists of Anthony O’Neal, Wayne O’Neal, Jason Reese, and Ben Mullins. This was my first introduction to them but they have good harmony. The songs on this CD are either worshipful or encouraging to those going through trials.

My favorite song on their latest CD is titled “I’ll Keep Trusting On.” It talks about learning the importance of trust while going through a trial. The line that jumps out to me is “You may not deliver me until You take me Home but if the answer never comes, I’ll keep trusting on.” Another song I like is “That’s What Love Looks Like.”

Songs that were familiar to me are: “Praise to the Lord the Almighty,” “Count On You,” and “You Are My King (Amazing Love).”

Other songs include: “God Is,” “It’s Alright,” “I’ll Be Long Gone,” “Jesus Knows Just What to Do,” and “Oh What a Difference.”

When Jesus Passed By

When Jesus passed by
When Jesus passed by
Gone were all the heartaches
The trouble and strife
Just reach out and touch Him
And He’ll hear your cry
And you’ll know something happened
When Jesus passed by
(Jeff Gibson)

Do you remember a time when you needed Jesus and He passed by right at the perfect moment? Maybe it was when you first fully understood that you were lost and needed a Savior. Maybe you needed a healing touch, the doctors had given up hope but then Jesus passed by. Or maybe you were about to end up on the street, unable to pay your bills when a letter arrived with some money. Just what you needed. Thank You, Jesus, for passing by.

I suspect there are some of you who are still looking for that touch. Maybe you desperately need to receive from Him and are getting tired of waiting. Don’t give up. His heart is toward you and He still has a plan. His ways are not our ways but they are nothing but good. Stay on your knees and when you begin to feel Him pass by, cry out with Bartimaeus, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” No good thing will He withhold for those who love Him and seek Him with their whole heart!
