Something To Think About

Lord, let my eyes see every need of every man
Make me stop and always lend a helping hand
Then when I’m laid beneath that little grassy mound
There’ll be more friends around than leaves upon the ground

The above quote is taken from a song the Primitive Quartet sings titled “Fallen Leaves.” The song talks about how many live their lives selfishly. They work to make money but don’t really invest in relationships until they end up dying alone. I’ve wondered at times what people will remember about me after I die. Will they be glad I’m gone, or will I have imparted something to others that will live on?

Perhaps it’s selfish to want to be remembered but if we are working for Christ, I believe we will leave that kind of legacy. We may not always be liked but people won’t be able to deny that they received more love from us than those they called their friends.

There was a reason people were drawn to Jesus. There was something different about Him and about Peter and Paul and Christ’s other followers after they were filled with the Spirit. That’s why people still talk about them. “These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.” (Acts 17:6) What will people say about you after you’re gone? Will even your “enemies” miss you because of your testimony? That would be something to strive for.

CD Review: Simply…Faith! (The Southern Plainsmen)

As I was playing this CD this morning, I thought how fitting the first song was. “Good Morning Jesus!” is a great way to start your day–acknowledging God and proclaiming that every day with Him is a wonderful day.

I love the song “Come and Get Me,” written by Mosie Lister. The Perrys recorded it a couple years ago but the Southern Plainsmen did a good job as well on this traditional quartet style song.

A song I hadn’t heard before is “My Friends.” It talks about meeting friends in Heaven–very encouraging as most of us have friends or family we’re longing to see again. “The Devil and His Old Suitcase” is a different kind of song but points out that satan cannot linger where grace is present. “Walkin’ a Line” is a great quartet song which features the bass singer on the chorus. “Take His Hand” is a call to unbelievers to take God’s hand.

They also sing the Inspirations’ song “Touring That City,” Neil Enloe’s song “From a Star to Stripes,” Rodney Griffin’s song “Faces,” “Just a Little While” (another classic quartet song), and “I’m Getting Ready to Leave This World.”

This CD was actually recorded in 2008, commemorating the group’s 30th anniversary. I only found out about them last year and I’m sure a lot of you reading this have never heard of them either but I’m thankful there are groups like this who continue to serve God even if most people never know their name.

Praising God in Spite of a Couple Hurt Fingers

Wouldn’t you know the day after I put up my last post, I would bruise my fingers? 🙂 I find that often, when I write something, I’m tested on that very thing but I can still honestly say God was good to me. First of all, as hard as I hit them, I could have easily broke them but God didn’t let that happen.

Another blessing is that, although painful at times, I’m still able to type, write and do all the other things that I spend so much of every day doing. God is so good! I think there are times when God allows things, whether small or great, to get our attention. Maybe He’s trying to get me to slow down a bit or maybe I need yet another lesson in counting my blessings. It’s easy to take things like fingers for granted when you’re used to them working.

I don’t know but I do know that God’s hand was on me and I praise Him for that. I praise Him for how quickly He’s healing me, and I’m asking Him to help me be more careful in the future. This is not the first time I’ve done this but apparently I haven’t learned yet.

As those who have read my writings for a while have heard me say so many times: we always have so much to praise Him for. I hope you’re praising Him for all the good things He’s doing in your life.

All Things Work Together For Good

I know so many who need prayer right now. Whether a car accident, cancer, other health concerns, financial difficulties, or family issues, the burdens are great and the need is a miracle. I’m so glad I know the One who is able to perform each miracle needed. Nothing is too hard for Him, and I think He loves showing how strong and capable He is.

I think the number one reason satan puts things on us is to discourage and weaken us but the number one reason God allows these things is to accomplish the exact opposite. The challenges we go through should encourage us that God is at work. We may not like the work He’s doing; we may not want to make the changes He is asking; but we can be assured it’s for our good. Nothing happens to the Believer but for a reason. “All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Take heart, dear Brothers and Sisters, you are not alone. God is right there listening to your every petition and He knows exactly what you need. Trust Him, give your burden to Him, and you will make it through this trial!

Never Alone

“I will never walk alone. He holds my hand. He will guide each step I take and if I fall, I know He’ll understand. ‘Til the day He tells me why He loves me so, I can feel His hand in mine. That’s all I need to know” ~ Mosie Lister.

As I was praying about a post this evening, the words to His Hand in Mine came to mind. There is nothing that calms my soul like the realization that Jesus walks beside me holding my hand. I sometimes think I can see His eyes of love looking at me. When I’m afraid, He whispers peace; when I feel alone, He reminds me He’s here; when I’m confused, I’m convinced He’s wondering what to do with this poor child but He never leaves me.

It seems like a lot of people worry about being left alone. Whether it’s being deserted or facing the death of a close friend or family member, loneliness can come out of nowhere and leave a person wondering what their life is worth but you know what? There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother and He has promised to never leave you nor forsake you. You can walk away from Him but He will not walk away from you. When you are ready to return, He will be waiting to continue to be there through every storm of life you go through.

I don’t know why so many reject that deep friendship but I’m so thankful that He found me. He truly is my greatest friend.

The Brevity of Life

Last night, I found out that a 21-year-old man that some of my siblings know was in a serious car accident. The last report I saw was that he’s in ICU fighting for his life. As I keep checking for an update and fervently praying that God will spare his life and allow him to fully recover, I am reminded of how quickly my life could be gone. I know in theory that I may not see tomorrow but, in reality, I expect to wake up and resume life as normal. As tragic as it is to see a young person so full of life and energy suddenly on the brink of death, it seems like it sometimes takes things like this to wake people up and make them examine their own life.

Are you making sure that each moment counts? Are you letting those around you know how much you love them? Are you walking with God as closely as you can? You never know when this moment may be your last. Don’t waste it.

God is Wonder-Full

“When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained, What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him?” (Psalm 8:3-4)

Do you ever feel this way? In the scheme of things, each of us is a speck of dust; yet the Almighty God sees every step that we take, He hears every word that we say, and He continually meets every need that comes our way.  I often “stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene and wonder how He could love me–a sinner, condemned, unclean.” My heart fills with wonder each time I think of Him. His awesomeness surpasses anything I have ever known. I don’t know how people get through life without Him but, in reality, they don’t do a very good job of it.

That’s where we come in. We know how amazing God is and how much wonder fills our heart when He moves on our behalf. Are we being faithful to praise Him wherever we are and let the world know what kind of a God it is that we serve? Don Francisco’s song, “Got to Tell Somebody” comes back to mind. Let’s not give the rocks reason to cry out. Let’s give God the praise and glory He deserves.

Spiritual Eyes

“So he answered, ‘Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.'” (2 Kings 6:16)

While going through life, it would be helpful if we would learn to see things through spiritual eyes. If we could see the angels who protect us, the Spirit who comforts us, the spiritual battles which take place on our behalf, I believe we would never go into depression or despair because we would be aware of how many spiritual beings are fighting on our behalf, having received their orders from Almighty God.

It may seem like a small thing but, to me, it’s amazing. How can God see every one of His children and know every battle we’re facing and how to give the victory that each of us needs? How He must grieve when we give into the enemy of our souls to doubt God’s goodness, to doubt that He’s there in the midst of our grief and pain. There is no friend who is there for us like Jesus is. He is truly the friend who “sticks closer than a brother” yet, so often, we refuse His comfort and His love. Our loneliness is self-inflicted which must make Him even more sad.

There have been times in my life when I’ve tried to reach out to someone who has refused the comfort and friendship I desired to give them. I know how that makes me feel but how much sadder it must make God who loves so much more than I can grasp.

When bad things happen, it’s not God’s fault. He sometimes allows things to happen to produce character in us but there are also things that happen due to poor choices on our part. I know people who take credit for every good thing in their life but then blame God for everything that happens in life which they don’t like. Life is a mixture of ups and downs but, if it were all ups, we would see no need for Him. I think that is why we must go through those valleys at times. The more we need to depend on Him, the more it becomes habit to do so. Years ago, the Hoppers sang a song which said, “If I had no mountains, Lord, I might forget to pray and if there were no trials, well, I might even stray.” How true!

Don’t blame God for the hard things in life but learn to pray for strength to climb. He will grant it and you’ll come through a greater victor than you ever dreamed possible!

CD Review: Sing It Again (Perfect Heart)

In 1990, a new group took the world by storm. Their first single “Somebody Touched the Lord” hit #1 on the Singing News Chart. After a few years’ sabbatical, Perfect Heart is back and now consists of Jimmy Dunn, Wesley Anders, Tommy Smith, with original member Mike Presnell still singing bass.

Their Sing It Again recording was produced by Johnathan Presnell and Arthur Rice and features “Land of the Living,” “In the Sweet Forever,” “Forever Changed,” “Long Black Train,” “Midnight Cry,” “I Know I’m Going There,” “Stand Upon the Rock,” “I Stand Redeemed,” “The Ground Is Level,” and “Glory Road.”

If you prefer recordings with original material, you may not like this CD; however, if you liked Perfect Heart before, you should really give the new group a try.

He Will Return

Do you ever stop to look up in the sky and wonder what the LORD’s return will be like? When the sky is blue and the clouds are many, songs like “What a Beautiful Day for the Lord to Come Again” and “This May Be the Cloud He’s Coming Back On” come to mind. I don’t know what His return will look like–if we’ll see it or if it will happen so fast that next thing we know we’ll be in Heaven–but I suspect the speed of it won’t matter.

Scripture says we’ll be changed in “the twinkling of an eye” (1 Corinthians 15:52) but I wonder when that change will happen. Will it be the moment Jesus appears or the moment we’re in Heaven? Will we be watching for His return or will it take us by surprise as we work on mundane things?

“Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your LORD is coming” (Matthew 24:42).
