Run After God With All Your Heart

Among the magazines we publish, we publish one called Brush Arbor Quarterly which focuses on revival, prayer, worship and other Christian living topics. It’s amazing to me that, when people ask me what it’s about and I tell them, their response is often to say, “Oh” and walk on, the impression I get being that that’s not what they’re interested in.

I read about past revivals and how hungry people were for the Word of God, how greatly they desired to see their sin so they could repent. Unfortunately, America today is as far from that as possible. Conviction doesn’t feel good and so they stay as far away from it as they can. If someone tries to challenge them on something, that’s one person they’ll begin to avoid. Why have we become so hard-hearted?

Jesus said, “When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8) I think I’m beginning to see what He saw. Where are the bold warriors who are ready and willing to stand up for what they believe? Do people know what they believe any more? Are we “tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine” (Ephesians 4:14) or are we well-studied when it comes to Scripture so that we can discern the difference between lies and the truth?

Years ago, a song came out titled “Run After God With All Your Heart.” That is my challenge to each of us today. If we truly believe that life is short, we know that we cannot keep living life the way we have been. If we are not running toward God, we are running away from Him. There is no middle ground when it comes to Christianity. Christ said that he would spit out lukewarm Believers. (Revelation 3:16) I believe that means He has no use for them and I don’t know about you but I want God to use me as much as He can in the time that He gives me on this earth. I am not here just to take up space but to truly serve Him with my whole heart and to encourage others to do the same. I want to see others become full of the Spirit of God and, yes, I’d like to see revival come to our nation. There are way too many “revivals” which do not produce revival of the heart. Christianity is not an experience but a lifestyle.

Brothers and Sisters, are you moving toward God or away from God? Do you still feel His peace, joy and love or are you beginning to feel a void and an emptiness? Do you love God because everything is going well for you or have you been able to honestly say with Job, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him”? (Job 13:15)

It’s easy to use the excuse, “Well, nobody’s perfect” but believe me we can do a lot better than we are. If everyone around you can’t tell that you’re different, I would venture to say you’re probably not and, if we are ever going to see revival, we are going to need people who are willing to be different–people who would rather pray than watch TV–people who see each person God brings into their lives as someone who needs the Lord. It doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing. What matters is that our eyes are on God and what He’s doing and what He desires us to do. Let’s not just sing “Stand up for Jesus”; let’s actually do it.

What Does Your Secret Place Look Like?

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23-24)

I’ve come to the conclusion that the only way we can truly know that we are living lives pleasing to God is to allow Him to show us our hearts. I think it’s easy for us as humans to not want to go that deep. We want to feel like we’re on top of things but deep down, there is sometimes a void that we see from time to time but mostly we keep ignoring.

It reminds me of the Booth Brothers’ song, “Secret Place.” Is there a place in your heart that you don’t even want God to see? If so, that’s something that needs to be dealt with. If you truly want to be pure, you need to totally dejunk and declutter the secret place of your heart. Get rid of everything you’re trying to hide and then you will truly be free indeed!

Seek First the Kingdom

“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).

This is one of those verses I have personally experienced. It’s interesting to me that the greatest blessings I’ve received have been the ones I wasn’t expecting … the things that I may not have even known would be a blessing to me but God knew and He graciously gave me those things.

I can’t tell you what a joy it is to serve the Lord and walk in His ways. It’s a constant fight as there are times the flesh wants to rise up and tell me what it wants but, when I remember how much God has to offer, it’s not worth it to seek anyone or anything but Him. With Him, I have everything. As the song says, “Nothing I desire compares with You.”

Let the Old Man Die

As I listened to this song from the Dove Brothers this evening, I wondered how many people can honestly pray that prayer. It seems like many will make statements which indicate they don’t like various things they do but rarely do I meet someone who seems willing to make the changes needed to become what God desires them to be. However, that should indeed be our goal. If you are in Christ, you are a new person. Old things pass away; all things become new. If you continue to be the person you were when we were born, you have not truly been transformed.

I think for some, they feel like they are powerless to change and are hoping God will miraculously remove sinful desires from their hearts and minds. However, when you have truly become Christ’s, you will consciously choose to serve Him and to put all unholy thoughts and deeds away from you. The more you do that, the more you will naturally become like Him and you will give into sinful desires less and less.

I think it would be a good exercise to pay attention to what you do during the day. How much of your day is spent for selfish pleasure and how much is serving God and others?

Concert Review: Primitive Quartet’s Hominy Valley Sing

If you get the Singing News magazine, I’m sure you’ve seen ads for the Primitive Quartet’s Hominy Valley Sing which they do twice a year in Candler, NC. I’ve heard of the event for years but never thought I’d have the opportunity to go. This year, God opened the door for me to be there the opening night and I’m so thankful that I was able to experience it.

As I walked toward the place where the singing was happening, the Good Shepherd Quartet was already singing and, since it took us a little bit to get situated, I didn’t make a list of the songs they sang. People seemed to enjoy them, though, and it was neat to hear a group that I was not previously familiar with.

Next up was the Smoky Mountain Reunion, the members of which are all previous members of the Inspirations: Archie Watkins, Marlin Shubert, Troy Burns, Jack Laws, and Eddie Deitz. With Les Butler joining them on piano, they sang a lot of old Inspirations favorites including “Touring That City,” “Rose Among the Thorns,” “The Wonder of Wonders,” “He’s My Best Friend” (featuring Jack), “He Will Remember Me,” “Roll On Jordan” (which they sang a capella), “Thank You Lord” (one of my favorite songs which Eddie sings), “Never Grow Old” (another a capella song featuring Jack), and “Worthy is the Lamb.”

Following them was the Primitive Quartet and I enjoyed seeing them sing some of their new songs along with some of their old standbys. They sang “Members Only,” “That’s What I Want to Be,” “He Didn’t Stay Dead,” “Grace is There,” “I Wonder What They’re Doing in Heaven,” “I’m Looking Through New Eyes,” “No Longer an Orphan,” “Dear Jesus, I Love You,” “Where the Roses Never Fade,” “Who Rolled the Stone Away,” and “There’s a Record Book” which, right now, is probably one of my favorite songs on their new recording. (We’ll see if that changes by the time I review the CD.) 🙂

The Hominy Valley Sing is an outdoor event and, as I listened to the group sing “There’s a Record Book,” I looked up into the beautiful blue sky and pictured the sky parting and Jesus up there with His record book, smiling as He finds my name listed. How I long for that day but I’m thankful for the opportunity to continue to serve Him until that day. “My name will not be lost, misplaced or overlooked. For it’s kept safely in God’s record book.” I needed the reminder that, even if no one on earth knows my name, God knows it. I’m His daughter and, although it’s hard to imagine the love He has for me, He’s proven it to me over and over again. How can I help but love Him in return?

Wednesday was Friends & Family night where various family members of the Primitive Quartet would join them on stage and sing a song. The set ended with Reagan Riddle’s daughter Tracey singing “I’d Rather Have Jesus.” I love it when people sing songs from their heart and Tracey did just that inviting audience participation at the end.

They then took a break before the Good Shepherd Quartet and the Smoky Mountain Reunion each did another set. Matt Dibler and Darren Osborne sang a couple songs with the Smoky Mountain Reunion which was a great surprise. I don’t remember what time it ended but it was such a blessing to be a part of an event which was full of the Lord. From the setting to the songs, everything reflected Him. Even if you’re not a bluegrass fan, I would encourage you to attend this event one day. Their next Hominy Valley Singing will take place on October 9-10 and October 16-17. More information can be found on their website. Click on “Special Events” and scroll down to find a list of the groups who will be there.

Keep Jesus First

As we enter a holiday weekend, I’m reminded how easy it is to take our minds off the Lord during holidays which aren’t specifically “Christian.” God desires 100% devotion and faithfulness, though, no matter what day it is. The good news is that, even in the midst of cookouts and fireworks, it is still possible to be mindful of Christ. It may take work but it can–and should–be done.

As you go about this weekend, be it shopping, getting together with friends and family, viewing fireworks, or anything else you may do to celebrate, don’t forget the One who truly gave us our freedom. He is the Reason we can celebrate even if everything we have today disappears. He never fails and He does all things well.

Shine for Jesus

This morning I woke up with Brian Free & Assurance’s song “Worth It” running through my mind. Being on the road, I found the song on YouTube and played it. God knew exactly what encouragement I needed today as I’ve found myself singing off and on today a great reminder that God knew I’d never be perfect but He saw hope in me enough to suffer and die for me. Without God, I’m not worth anything but, with Him I can accomplish so much.

This afternoon as I was waiting on a McDonald’s order, a man came over to ask what religion I was. I explained to him that I’m a Christian and that I strive to live according to the Word of God so that I will shine for Jesus. He said, “You do that.” No one could have given me a greater compliment than that. By his own testimony, he’s not a believer but he said he could tell a difference in me.

That’s what it’s about, Folks, and I know myself well enough to know that, apart from God, there is nothing good in me. The Holy Spirit draws people and I pray that that Spirit lives in me so that God can easily be seen. I can beat myself up all day long for my shortcomings but if I’m truly serving and shining for a God who was willing to give up His life for me, my focus won’t be on myself but on the others I am called to be an example to.

Christ as the Focus

I was listening to a conversation recently where a couple people were discussing Christian music, groups, and artists. As they talked, however, I began to feel that there was an overemphasis on the groups instead of on the God they are singing about. It seems like so many of our conversations are that way and I’m wondering: if our conversations are not centered around Christ, is He the center of our lives?

I like to have fun. I can discuss most topics and I don’t think you need to quote Scripture verses every other sentence but I do think that, if we are full of Christ, it should be evident regardless of what we’re talking about. Especially when we’re talking about Gospel groups and artists, let’s make sure we’re glorifying God and not the artists. I have a lot of respect for people in the industry but I’m aware they are human. God is the one who has given them the talent and the songs that bless and encourage us. He is the one who uses them to minister to us after the concerts. Don’t lose sight of that. Make sure Christ is your focus today!

Because He Lives

“Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.” I think most people have sung those words at some point in their lives yet many don’t live as if they truly believe that. We live in uncertain times but because He lives, fear truly should be gone.

There’s a saying that says, “If you’re happy, notify your face.” Do we remember to do that? I’m convinced that, everywhere we go, people should be able to look at us and know that Jesus lives! They may not understand what that means but there should be no denying that fact. I heard a pastor say recently, “If you’re not full of the joy of the Lord, you need to get saved!” I couldn’t say it any better.

Let’s make sure we are constantly exhibiting the love and joy of Jesus. Because He lives, death has no sting, the grave has no victory, and there is joy in serving Jesus. Let’s let the world know!

Troubled on Every Side … but not in Despair

My favorite Scripture verses are 2 Corinthians 4:8-10: “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.”

Today, I was reminded of those verses as that’s how I feel. The things in my life are nothing compared to what Paul went through but there are times when I feel like everything is coming against me yet I’m really not in despair. I know that God is doing a work and I’m really excited because satan wouldn’t be panicking to this degree if God weren’t about to do something great. I hope I’m a part of it. I want to see satan’s plans foiled. I want to see him retreat as quickly as he arrived.

At the same time, I’m human and I realize that if I don’t stay focused on God and His purposes, I could easily begin to feel defeated. It’s times like these when I’m thankful for those who pray for me and encourage me and I feel more of a need to intercede for my Brothers and Sisters who are going through difficult times as well. We need to stand together to fight the good fight. It’s through faith and unity we will win and I’m determined to come through a winner!
