Growing Up

I view the Christian life as being similar to the physical life. When we first come to know the Lord, we are babies trying to find our way in this world. We’re dependent on our Father teaching us how to walk and how to respond to situations. As we learn to walk, we may fall at times but we quickly get back up and keep walking.

As we grow and mature, we are continually learning but we should know the basics. We should know by now how to walk; we just sometimes need to know which path to take on this road of life.

It’s frustrating to me how Christians who should be adults in their Christian life still act like they’re learning to walk. If they fall, they make excuses and it’s just like raising an overgrown two-year-old who never progresses past that stage. I’m including myself in those I get frustrated at. Life is too short to keep making the same “mistakes.” When we become adults, we should be among those who are bringing others into the Kingdom and are helping to mentor them. We are technically “children” of God but I’d like to see a lot more adult children who are beginning to work alongside their Father instead of taking so much of His time to keep bailing them out. We are capable of so much more than we’re willing to give. Take time to discern what God’s plan for your life is and then begin to fulfill that plan.

CD Review: The Answer (The Collingsworth Family)

  • August 20, 2010 at 10:57 pm in

Although it may sound amazing to some, The Answer is the first Collingsworth Family CD I’ve heard except for one I borrowed a couple years ago so I don’t know how it compares to their other projects but I found their style a bit different than I expected.

It started with a jazzy song, “I Shall Not Be Moved” followed by “Fear Not Tomorrow” which, to me, has a ’50s sound. Beautiful harmony, reminiscent of maybe the Andrews Sisters of that time period. Then it breaks into a worshipful chorus of “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow.”

“I Could Never Praise Him Enough,” “I Want a Principle Within,” and “Oh the Thought That Jesus Loves Me” are more in line with the worshipful songs I’ve heard from the Collingsworth Family. “When the Roll is Called up Yonder” and “Great is Thy Faithfulness” are instrumental numbers.

Uptempo numbers include “I Know,” “Count Your Blessings Again” (which also has a jazz feel), “Bottom of the Barrel” The project ends so fittingly with “I Want Jesus More Than Anything.”

Anyone who loves the harmony and instrumentation of the Collingsworth Family will not be disappointed with this CD.


I think the hardest thing about writing a blog is figuring out what to title each post. Sometimes I have a definite message but sometimes I’m just sharing what God’s doing in my life and it’s harder to know what to title that without doing something boring like “Thoughts 1,” “Thoughts 2,” etc. 🙂

I can’t believe it’s been seven months since God launched Southern Gospel World for me. At the time I wondered if anyone would read what I wrote but I’m so thankful for each of you who come back to see what I’ve written. It’s a blessing to share my ups and downs but I pray you are able to see beyond this fallible human to a God who is still at work pouring out grace and mercy and redeeming lives. He is so worthy of all the praise we have to give and more.

I’ve been reminded the past couple weeks of the importance of focusing on Christ and on others instead of on self. I don’t know why the tendency is to turn inward when things begin to go wrong. Our first reaction should be to look up, to ask God what we can do better and, if we’re doing everything we’re supposed to be, we should be able to stand. I’ve had a hard time doing that lately but, if I’m going to win this race, that is exactly what I have to do.

I fall into self-pity very easily lately but God is bringing me out and reminding me that He loves me. His plans for me are greater than mine are for myself. He knows what I need. He loves me more than I can imagine. I just have to trust Him. I’m sure I sound like a broken record as you all are probably tired of hearing me say some of these things over and over but I guess I feel like if I need the reminder, maybe someone else does too. He is full of compassion and mercy but He also disciplines those He loves. I don’t always appreciate the discipline (okay; I never do), but if I receive it as coming from a loving Father, I become grateful because it’s the correction that causes me to get back on the narrow path that I’m supposed to be on before the grass started to look greener over to the side.

Thank You, Father, for not giving up on me but for continually reminding me how much You love and care for me. I love You too more than words can say!

Until Then

“But until then, my heart will go on singing. Until then, with joy I’ll carry on. Until the day my eyes behold that city, until the day God calls me Home!” ~ Stuart Hamblen

This week, I’ve been singing “Until Then” a lot. I sometimes find myself longing for Heaven but then I’m reminded there’s a lot of work left to do here on earth. We will have an eternity to vacation and get away from problems and stresses. At times, that’s definitely the appeal Heaven has for me but, if I truly long to please my Father, I can’t keep pining for what I don’t have. I must faithfully serve Him here until He is ready for me there. He can’t say “Well done” if my job is not done well.

So I’ll work until the work is done. I’ll sing until He calls me Home. I’ll reach out beckoning others to come and one day, I’ll hear Him say “Well done!” Oh, how I long for that day but, until then, I will enjoy the life He’s given me right here. Life may have its stresses and trials but they won’t worry me for I truly am sheltered in the arms of God!

Be the Body

I was thinking yesterday how much I long for the Body of Christ. There are many who claim to be a part of His Body but I don’t see many living like Christ instructed. I don’t see much servanthood or love flowing to others. I don’t see Believers preferring others above themselves. I don’t often see people taking the time to encourage others either. Maybe a quick “I’ll be praying for you” but not a willingness to give much of their time.

I look forward to getting to Heaven and seeing my loved ones who are already gone but, more than that, I treasure time with my Brothers and Sisters now. When we get to Heaven, we won’t need as much encouragement and uplifting as we need down here. Sure, it will be wonderful to worship together there but what a blessing to worship together down here, to pray together, to hug each other, or just to be there for each other. It’s easy for me to get busy too but I hope I’m never too busy to meet a genuine need or to be there to encourage someone who is having a hard time. You never know how important this may be for someone. Take the time to encourage someone today.

May My Desires Become His

“Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4)

I’ve been thinking today how many of my desires God has granted me. I’ve often made the statement that God not only meets my needs but also grants so many of my desires. I don’t know why he loves me so much but I feel so special when He gives me something just because He knows it will bless me.

“Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” (Matthew 7:9-11) I rest in that assurance. My Father has proven time and again that, although He may not always give me what I ask Him, He doesn’t withhold any good thing from me. (Psalm 84:11) He knows what’s best for me and I know that is exactly what I will receive.

In light of that, I hope I’m never found complaining about my “lot” in life. God is not obligated to give me what I want but, as my will becomes His will, I know that is exactly what I will receive. Isn’t God good!

Rick Fair Singing Bass for Southern Sound Quartet

I was pleased this week to hear about Rick Fair joining Southern Sound Quartet. My first introduction to him was when he was with the Palmetto State Quartet. I had not paid attention to them since the Harold Gilley/Brion Carter days but, when I heard Rick, I began to take notice. There was one song they sang at the time that, at times, I couldn’t tell if it were Rick or Aaron McCune (the bass singer at the time) so it doesn’t surprise me that Southern Sound hired him as a bass. I’ve no doubt he will be a fine one.

CD Review: Just Stand (Legacy Five)

This review is overdue but I like to listen to a project a while before posting a review. Sometimes my response to a CD changes with listening to it, favorite songs change, etc. but it’ll be no surprise to Legacy Five fans that they have once again put out a top notch recording.

It’s hard to pick a favorite on this CD but several that could be a favorite depending on the day are “Great is Thy Faithfulness,” “Just Stand,” “Faithful to the Cross,” “My Soul is Firmly Anchored,” and “‘Til We Meet Again.”

“Above All Circumstances” features Scott Howard, who continues to be among my top two favorite baritone singers.

Tim Parton sings “One Thing God Can’t Do” which is “stop loving you.” I hadn’t heard him sing before but he has a sweet, gentle voice. That’s probably not what men prefer to be told but I can’t think of a better way to describe it. It matches his personality I’d say.

“Just Stand” is an uptempo number which features Glenn Dustin. This past weekend, I found myself singing this song and it was a tremendous encouragement.

Other songs include “When They Found Nothing,” “Thankful for the Change” and “Statement of Faith” which, along with Legacy Five, features The Booth Brothers, The Hoppers, and Greater Vision.

One thing that struck me in listening to this project is I’m convinced Scott Fowler is at his best. I’ve listened to Scott since he joined the Cathedrals but I don’t think he’s ever sung as well as he is now. All in all, a top notch recording with great songs, great harmony, and great arrangements.

Keep Me On the Wheel

“Lord, I’m Your child, and You are my Father. I am the clay and You are the Potter so keep me on the wheel” (from Gold City’s Are You Ready? recording).

I hate to admit it but lately, my attitude has been more along the lines of “Keep me OFF the wheel!” If I think about it, though, that’s not really my desire. Humanly, yes, but Scripture tells us that it’s in going through the fire that we come forth as gold. My understanding is that gold is the purest metal and I want to appear pure and righteous in God’s sight. If it’s testing that produces that depth of purity, I want to embrace it, to surrender to the potter, knowing that He knows how much pressure I can take and He will lighten up on the molding when it begins to be too much. I may not like the process but I trust that I will love the result!

To my fellow clay vessels, when life begins to get too hot, stay moldable. Stay close to the Potter. The worse thing you could do is harden before the molding is completed. The Potter knows what He’s doing and, when He’s finished, we will be a beautiful vessel, better able to be used for His purposes. What could be more fulfilling than that? Lord, keep me on the wheel and give me the grace to stay there until You are finished with me.

Going Through Trials

I’ve been on the road a couple weeks and my internet’s been intermittent but I’ve also been at a loss as to know what to write. The purpose of this blog is to bring encouragement and hope to others but, when I’m going through a trial, it can make it harder to do that. However, God’s Word is still true, His love is still sure, and His peace can still reign in the midst of the storm.

Everything that happens to a child of God is for a purpose. We can choose to allow it to make us bitter or we can choose to draw closer to a God who loves us and who desires to walk with us through the valley if we will but let Him. I’m not feeling very strong right now but I know from experience that I will become stronger in my faith and in my walk with the Lord if I allow the fire to produce the gold it desires.

I’ve heard it said that you should be more nervous if everything’s going your way. It’s when things are going wrong that you know the enemy is working overtime which means you are probably impacting the Kingdom more than you realize. Therefore, I press on, desiring this trial to end but trusting God that He has a plan and that, when I come through this, things will be better than before. May He be glorified and praised through my life each day. May I never bring shame to Him in any way. That is my prayer, and I pray that for you as well.
