Thankful for Sunshine

This time of year, I find myself noticing the sunshine a lot more. As the weather gets colder, it seems like the sun shines less and less. When it does, though, I spend more time admiring the beauty outdoors. This reality helps me to understand the truth that, if life were all roses, we wouldn’t fully appreciate them. It takes the gray days–the dark times–to create a greater gratitude for the presence of God and the joy He gives. I’m not at a place where I quickly thank God for trials that come but I’m learning to understand the words of Andrae Crouch: “If I’d never had a problem, I wouldn’t know that God could solve them. I wouldn’t know what faith in God could do.”

It’s Never Too Early To Give Thanks

Today is officially November 1 which indicates less than a month before the day set aside for Thanksgiving. It’s never too early to start giving thanks though. Just thinking about the holiday coming up has me counting my blessings, striving to focus on God’s goodness instead of the issues that have been worrying me.

Regardless of how the elections turn out tomorrow, no matter how my body feels, I have so much to be thankful for. God has been so good to me and I don’t want to be ungrateful or short sighted. He deserves our praise. His mercies are still new every morning, and His love never ending. I for one am so grateful to Him for choosing me to be His child and proving His love over and over again.

As we start a new month, I want to take this time to say, “Father God, I love You so much. Thank You for Your presence. Thank You for Your love. Thank You for Your mercy. You have been so good to me. Help me to give You the continual praise and thanks that You deserve. I can’t tell you enough how much I love You!”

CD Review: Beautifully Broken (Canaan’s Crossing)

Canaan’s Crossing has recently released another great CD.

The title track, “Beautifully Broken” is a beautiful song which talks about how being broken can be beautiful. It’s not something we like to think about but trials come for a reason and sometimes we need to be reminded that if we allow ourselves to be broken for Christ, we will become beautiful from the inside out.

“Amazing Love” is a song that’s been popular in praise & worship music. This is the first bluegrass group I’ve heard do the song but they arranged it to fit their style very nicely.

“Will it Make Any Difference” asks if you will have left a mark on this world when you’re gone. That’s something I think we need to ask ourselves often.

“Middle Man” reminds us that, no matter how you try, you can’t get to Heaven any other way but by Jesus.

Tina Miller sings “Dying to Live” which summarizes what all of us are doing. While on this earth, we’re approaching death only to live again–forever!

“He’s My Guide” is a mid-tempo song which is self-explanatory by the title.

“A Matter of Time” talks of Jesus’ return and the importance of letting people know His coming could be any time.

“Grace for Every Need” has a typical uptempo bluegrass sound and talks about the grace of God which truly is available for every need. Isn’t God good?!

Also on this CD is the uptempo “On Dry Ground” and the worshipful song, “Bare Hands.”

A True Friend

“You are a true friend pointing me to Him, lifting my downcast eyes, turning my wandering gaze to the skies. Proving your love again, you are a true friend.” ~ Twyla Paris

I was thinking this evening how the definition of a true friend is one who points you to Jesus, who doesn’t let you stay focused on this world or even on yourself but who encourages you to keep looking up. A true friend doesn’t think they have all the answers but they know Who does. A true friend is hard to find.

Maybe there are those who wouldn’t appreciate that kind of a friend. Part of true friendship also includes being honest with a person, sometimes saying things that person doesn’t like to hear. However, if the recipient receives the words in the humility and love with which they are given, that person has a chance to become even more like the person they were created to be.

Being a true friend is not always easy but the rewards are so worth it. As you and your friend both draw closer to the Lord, He will in turn draw you closer to each other and you will form a bond that can’t be broken. If you don’t have someone in your life who fits the criteria of a true friend, I would encourage you to pray that God will bring you a friend like that and that He in turn will mold you into that kind of a friend. If you have been blessed with a true friend, take the time to thank him or her for the blessing they have been in your life.

CD Review: Unity (Unity Quartet)

The Unity Quartet is a mixed group out of Pembroke, NC. Gus Gaches and David Staton produced their self-titled project, and it’s top notch. I tend to like faster songs and over half the songs on this recording fit that category.

Unity starts with two uptempo, uplifting numbers: “Livin’ in the Light of God” and “Step a Little Higher.” Following is the song Legacy Five sang, “Above All Circumstances.” Samantha Locklear sings the ballad, “You’re the Reason.” Kyla Rowland wrote, “The Blood of the Old Rugged Cross.”

Other songs include, “Bare Hands,” “Say the Word,” “(I Already Like It and) I’m Not Even There,” “Walls,” and “Hosanna.”

CD Review: Evidence (The Freemans)

After much anticipation, The Freemans have finally released their new CD, Evidence, and it was well worth the wait. Great songs, good harmony, and a bit of a country flair is what I think of when I think of the Freemans and this CD has it all.

Produced by Darrell Freeman, the CD begins with their powerful current radio single written by Dianne Wilkinson, “The Father and the Son.” Joe Freeman does a great job on “The God That Changes Everything,” a song Ronnie Hinson wrote. Dianne Wilkinson also wrote “I Can Make It From Here.” Misty Freeman Callaway sings, “He Goes One Step Farther.”

This is the first CD Caylon has sung a full song on but he sings, “He Keeps Sending Me Angels.” I think his style is similar to Joe’s and I look forward to hearing him sing more in the future. Darrell sings a song Charles Johnson and the Revivers made popular years ago: “I Can’t Even Walk.” What truth there is to that song!

I love the way Chris Freeman sings “Is Not This the Land of Beulah.” As I listen, I can visualize it so clearly. She has such a gift. The final song is “I Call Him My Everything,” an uptempo song also sung by Chris.

Stylistically, I’d say this is comparable to their last recording yet their style and sound always stays new and fresh. If you enjoy the Freemans, you will not be disappointed by Evidence.

My Faith Still Holds

“I found reality in simple trust.” What a line God gave to Bill and Gloria Gaither. For some, it must seem stupid to cling to a God they can’t see or feel. But for those of us who truly know God, we can see Him through eyes of faith. As we grow in Him, our faith grows and, as our faith grows, so does our peace and joy. When we experience that peace and joy, that is when we begin to walk in victory.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Or what about Romans 8:24: “For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees?”

To some, having faith may be up there with believing in the Easter Bunny but the truth is we have something real. My faith will continue to hold to the Christ of Calvary. Without Him, I would perish but He has promised me eternal life with Him one day and that is hope worth holding on to!

His Strength is Perfect

On the day some friends celebrated their daughter’s birthday, another friend was experiencing the 10-month anniversary of her husband’s death. I’ve received calls of births and deaths on the same day and I’ve realized that only God knows the plans He has for each family but, in both cases, His plans are good and not evil. He is truly a loving Father who desires to give good gifts for His children but sometimes we have to cling to His promises by faith instead of by sight.

Second Corinthians 12:9 states: “And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’” I think God would say the same to us. It seems that some prefer to live in misery instead of relying on God’s grace but I know God’s grace is available to all who will reach out and receive it. Turn to Him and you will find the fulfillment you desire. No matter what you are facing in life, God is there. He will prove Himself strong no matter how weak you may be. What a faithful God we serve!

Perfect Peace

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” (Isaiah 26:3)

I was listening to Andrae Crouch sing his song, “Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace” and it hit me again: the reason there is so much fear and worry and stress is because our mind is not stayed on Christ. When we see Him, we don’t see the uncertainty of life; we don’t feel the loneliness. How can we not have peace if we are looking at the Prince of peace?

You know, we long for Heaven, where there will be no more war, no more death, no more strife, and I’m with you there. I can’t wait to see Jesus in a place where everything is perfect. However, we have been placed on this earth for a reason, and it’s not merely to long for Heaven. We are here to make a difference and we have to start by being different. We should not be bothered by everything going on around us. Our eyes should be fixed higher so that we can challenge others to look higher. As we do that, we will experience that perfect peace that passes all understanding.

CD Review: Oasis (The Crist Family)

I don’t have previous Crist Family CDs to compare this one too but their latest release is diverse musically. From the melodic, swingy tune “He’s So Amazing” to the “poppish” “I Love Lovin’ Jesus” to to the funky-sounding “Anyway” to “Rhythm of Grace” which has an African male choir singing the intro and some of the background vocals, this recording has something for everybody.

Breanna Crist sings the beautiful song, “My Oasis.” Tami Crist Starkel sings Steven Curtis Chapman’s song, “His Strength is Perfect.” Jim Brady wrote “There is a Fountain” which features Tami. Other songs include “Deeper,” “Voice of the Father,” “I Love You Son,” and “Until He Comes” which is another beautiful song with a great message. This was my first introduction to the Crist Family but I look forward to hearing more of their music in the future.
